Типи торгівельних рахунків, instaforex cent account.

Instaforex cent account

Торгівельні рахунки cent.Standard і cent.Eurica рахунки типів cent.Standard і cent.Eurica призначені для початківців трейдерів і орієнтовані на тих клієнтів, які тільки вчаться торгувати, і тому їм необхідний доступ до мінімально можливого обсягу угоди.

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Типи торгівельних рахунків, instaforex cent account.

Типи торгівельних рахунків, instaforex cent account.

Типи торгівельних рахунків, instaforex cent account.

Доступний на цих рахунках micro forex з об'ємом лота 0.0001 ринкового лота (вартість пункту 0.1 цента США), дозволяє вчитися майже без ризиків для депозиту. Також цей тип рахунків добре підійде тим, хто б хотів випробувати свої торгівельні стратегії з мінімальними ризиками, використовуючи перевагу угод від 0.0001 лота. Кожен тип рахунку, пропонований компанією instaforex, представляє собою універсальний інструмент трейдера для роботи на міжнародних фінансових ринках. Незалежно від обраного типу рахунку ви будете мати доступ до всіх торгівельних символів, доступних при роботі з компанією instaforex.

Типи торгівельних рахунків

Кожен тип рахунку, пропонований компанією instaforex, представляє собою універсальний інструмент трейдера для роботи на міжнародних фінансових ринках. Незалежно від обраного типу рахунку ви будете мати доступ до всіх торгівельних символів, доступних при роботі з компанією instaforex.

Для найбільш вдалої реалізації торгівельної стратегії кожного трейдера фахівцями дилерського відділу instaforex були розроблені два типи рахунків, які покликані задовольнити потреби трейдерів в залежності від їх індивідуальних уподобань у роботі. Відмінності в типах цих торгівельних рахунків полягають тільки в способі обліку спредів і комісій, який вибирає сам трейдер при відкритті рахунку.

Торгівельні рахунки insta.Standard

Для рахунків цього типу актуальні стандартні торгівельні умови без комісій для роботи на forex. Отримуючи доступ до всіх торгівельних інструментів, трейдер сплачує при здійсненні кожної операції фіксований спред.
Рахунки insta.Standard призначені для всіх категорій трейдерів і дозволяють здійснювати операції з класичним спредом без комісії. Головною перевагою такого типу рахунку є його універсальність, так як трейдер в будь-який момент може змінити своє торгівельне плече і працювати з тим розміром депозиту, який йому зручний. Можливості рахунку дозволяють торгувати як у форматі micro forex (операції із заставою від 1-10 USD), так і у форматах mini forex (застава від 100 USD) і standard forex (застава від 1000 USD).

Торгівельні рахунки insta.Eurica

Умови роботи на рахунках цього типу повністю виключають необхідність сплати спреду при відкритті угоди. Для переважної більшості валютних інструментів рахунків insta.Eurica діють нульові спреди, завдяки чому ціна BID завжди дорівнює ціні ASK. Слід звернути увагу, що запропонована ціна відрізняється від ціни BID (по якій будується графік у клієнтському терміналі) в більшу сторону на величину половини стандартного спреду по відповідному торгівельному інструменту, округлену до цілого значення, що пов'язано з технічними особливостями платформи metatrader 4.

Цей тип рахунків рекомендується використовувати початківцям трейдерам, так як при роботі з ним не є необхідним урахування спреду у разі використання відкладених ордерів: при повній відсутності спредів всі відкладені ордери спрацьовують точно в момент досягнення ціною їх значень. Перед установкою ордерів GTC і вході в ринок немає необхідності підраховувати вплив спреду на результат позиції, що дозволяє зробити використання технічного аналізу максимально ефективним.

Незважаючи на те, що рахунки insta.Eurica дозволяють трейдерам швидко освоїтися на ринку, використовуючи в роботі інтуїтивно більш зрозумілу систему обробки операцій, цей тип рахунків також може активно використовуватися і професійними трейдерами, оскільки за своїм торгівельними характеристиками нічим не поступається рахунками типу insta.Standard.

Торгівельні рахунки cent.Standard і cent.Eurica

Торгівельні рахунки cent.Standard і cent.Eurica рахунки типів cent.Standard і cent.Eurica призначені для початківців трейдерів і орієнтовані на тих клієнтів, які тільки вчаться торгувати, і тому їм необхідний доступ до мінімально можливого обсягу угоди. Доступний на цих рахунках micro forex з об'ємом лота 0.0001 ринкового лота (вартість пункту 0.1 цента США), дозволяє вчитися майже без ризиків для депозиту. Також цей тип рахунків добре підійде тим, хто б хотів випробувати свої торгівельні стратегії з мінімальними ризиками, використовуючи перевагу угод від 0.0001 лота.

Крім доступності мінімально допустимого обсягу угоди в 0.0001 ринкового лоту власники торгівельних рахунків cent.Standard і cent.Eurica мають ті ж торгівельні умови, що і insta.Standard та insta.Eurica. Єдиним обмеженням є максимально допустимий обсяг депозиту для рахунків центових груп cent.Standard і cent.Eurica, пов'язаний з їх орієнтованістю на початківців трейдерів. Для більш досвідчених трейдерів рекомендується відкриття рахунків типів insta.Standard і insta.Eurica, які не мають обмежень на розмір максимального депозиту при ліміті розміру максимальної угоди в 10 000 лотів.

Мінімальний обсяг угод

Для рахунків типу standard і eurica з балансом та/або коштами, що перевищують 100000.00 USD (сто тисяч американських доларів) або їх еквівалент в іншій валюті, стає можливим обмеження на розмір мінімальної угоди в обсязі 1 лот (

Instaforex cent account

InstaForex 1000-startup


InstaForex Trader Cabinet Login

InstaForex Partner Cabinet Login

Instaforex trader cabinet login is trader cabinet to manage personal information and parameters for your accounts; that is trader desktop where you can make and modify yours trades online; in the cabinet you can use quick choice for depositing and withdrawal processes in your trading account.

Secure area of instaforex login official website is the safety and security in instaforex financial world online system by making it simpler and more accessible to traders around the world. You can get secured area of instaforex by trader cabinet desktop using the «financial operations» item of top menu.

Instaforex partner cabinet login instaforex offers the best partnership conditions. Working with instaforex company you have an opportunity of providing high service level for your potential clients, and consiquently, gaining the maximum profit.

1. Secure area of instaforex official website

2. Icon of «trader cabinet»

InstaForex Trader Cabinet Login. Step 3

3. «trader cabinet» login

For more information please link below:

1. Account number (login)

2. Trader password

Trader password is one of secret words intend for login to trader cabinet and for login to trader account by different instaforex trader platforms. You can make forex trades online only by trader password.

Trader password must be complex matter and may consist of not less than 8 and not more 12 characters (roman alphabet and natural numbers).

3. Phone password

4. Investor password

PAMM system intend for asset management like PAMM investor or PAMM trader. Forexcopy system intend for asset management like forex trades copying.

5. Pin-code

6. Instaforex trading servers

Instaforex server is the address and IP-address of the trading account numbers. All available servers for the trading accounts opened with instaforex are listed below:

Server in USA-1 [server: instaforex-USA.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 10,000 to 700,000 and 15,000,000 - 17,999,999;

Server in USA-2 [server: instaforex-USA2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 8,000,000 to 9,000,000 and 80,000,000 - 82,999,999;

Server in singapore [server: instaforex-singapore.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 and 70,000,000 - 72,999,999;

Server in netherlands [server: instaforex-EUROPE.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 and 50,000,000 - 52,999,999;

Server in hong kong [server: instaforex-hongkong.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 and 10,000,000 - 12,999,999;

Server in great britain [server: instaforex-UK.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 and 20,000,000 - 22,999,999;

Server for cent accounts-1 [server: instaforex-cent.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the number from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 and 30,000,000 - 32,999,999;

Server for cent accounts-2 [server: instaforex-cent2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the numbers from 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 and 35,000,000 - 37,999,999.

In the process of registering a demo account, specify one of the following servers:

Server for contests [server: instaforex-contest.Com or IP-address:] can be used for demo accounts with the numbers from 65,000,000;

Server for other demo accounts [server: instaforex-1demo.Com or IP-address:] with the numbers from 60,000,000 to 65,000,000.

Google authenticator

Application google authenticator intend to create a temporary code for secured authorisation in trader cabinet. Every 30 seconds the application creates the six-digit passwords.

Trader cabinet login

Please, use two-factor authentication. So, enter the six-digit code generated by google authenticator app to complete the action and you will see successful authentication

Instaforex - cent.Standard account

About the cent.Standard account of cfds, commodities, cryptocurrency, forex, indices, precious metals, stocks/shares (metatrader 4, metatrader 5/DD) offered by instaforex.

Type and conditions

Please rate this trading account

*3 stars are standard line.

General trading conditions

By opening an cent.Standard account with instaforex, you can trade cfds, commodities, cryptocurrency, forex, indices, precious metals, stocks/shares through metatrader 4, metatrader 5 trading platform.

Mainly instaforex cent.Standard account offers DD execution model, the maximum leverage is 1:1,000, spread is fixed from 3 pips.

Available base currencies

The account bsse currency is only available in EUR, USD.

Negative balance protection

Instaforex adopts NBP(negative balance protection), this means that you will not lose more than you deposit in your forex & cfds investment.

Margin call & stop out

In the cent.Standard account, margin call is 30% and stop out is set to 10%, so all your positions will be automatically closed when the margin level reaches down to 10%.

Allow trading strategies

Instaforex allows eas (expert adviser, automated trading), hedging, news time trading trading and does not allow scalping trading in a platform of cent.Standard account.

Before opening accounts with instaforex, find out more information and their promotions.

Click here to find out more company details.

Instaforex trading accounts comparison

Here are the details of all forex trading accounts of instaforex.

The international broker with huge community all over the world, offering superior trading conditions.


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Very good and reliable broker. I trade for many years with them. Their forexcopy system is the best.

Very good and technological broker. Love their PAMM and forexcopy system

Instaforex is scam! There are many troubles with traders and they are unsolved.


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  • Bonds

  • Cfds

  • Commodities

  • Copy trade

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  • Mirror trade

  • Social trade

  • Stocks


Community & support

Who is hercules.Finance?

Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

Top 5 best forex cent accounts for 2021

Top rated:


There are often many types of accounts available to try within the fx broker that you choose to deal with. Among these is the cent account.

Particularly if you are a forex trader trying to balance risk management with getting involved in forex trading, this may be the ideal solution for you.

With that in mind, we have collected more information and a selection of what we consider to be the best forex cent account options in the industry for you.

What is a cent account?

As you may be able to guess from the name, cent accounts facilitate trading in the smallest denomination of currency through micro lot trading. These trades can typically be opened with as little as 0.1 nano lots. One of the other keys to the cent account is the fact that your account balance shows as cents, for example, a $10 deposit would appear as 1000 US cents in your trading account.

This low volume trading availability makes cent accounts some of the cheapest and lowest-risk account options for those traders who may be new to the industry. They are also highly accessible due to the low or no minimum deposits that are often involved.

If you are searching beyond cent accounts and wish to open a standard account type with a very low minimum deposit, you should also make sure to check out our listing of the best brokers with nano lot size.

Top 5 cent accounts

Here we have compiled a listing of the best cent account forex broker options for you to choose from. These 5 are the top cent account forex brokers in the industry and a great starting point if you are opening a forex cent account.

1. FBS

The first forex broker featured is FBS. With this brokers cent account, trading can be started with a micro lot of 1,000 currency units and you can then trade with as little as 0.1 nano lots which is 10 currency units. The FBS minimum deposit is also great value at just $10 for europeans and $1 for non-europeans.

In the majority of cases, no FBS fee is attached to your deposit and the broker also makes a fully operational demo account available for a 90-day period to test the service. This period can be further extended through contact with the FBS support team.

At FBS, cent accounts are supported by the availability of both MT4 and MT5 trading platforms and a wide range of assets are available. This includes 28 currency pairs and 10 cfds for trading if you are in europe, and 35 currency pairs and 30 cfds if you are outside europe. The FBS floating spread starts from 1 pip.

Why should you choose FBS?

They have developed a global reputation as one of the most trusted forex brokers in the world.
There is a wide and diverse range of assets to choose for cent accounts, particularly outside europe.

Instaforex - cent.Eurica account

About the cent.Eurica account of cfds, commodities, cryptocurrency, forex, indices, precious metals, stocks/shares (metatrader 4, metatrader 5/DD) offered by instaforex.

Type and conditions

Please rate this trading account

*3 stars are standard line.

General trading conditions

By opening an cent.Eurica account with instaforex, you can trade cfds, commodities, cryptocurrency, forex, indices, precious metals, stocks/shares through metatrader 4, metatrader 5 trading platform.

Mainly instaforex cent.Eurica account offers DD execution model, the maximum leverage is 1:1,000, spread is fixed from 0.0 pips.

Available base currencies

The account bsse currency is only available in EUR, USD.

Negative balance protection

Instaforex adopts NBP(negative balance protection), this means that you will not lose more than you deposit in your forex & cfds investment.

Margin call & stop out

In the cent.Eurica account, margin call is 30% and stop out is set to 10%, so all your positions will be automatically closed when the margin level reaches down to 10%.

Allow trading strategies

Instaforex allows eas (expert adviser, automated trading), hedging, news time trading trading and does not allow scalping trading in a platform of cent.Eurica account.

Before opening accounts with instaforex, find out more information and their promotions.

Click here to find out more company details.

Instaforex trading accounts comparison

Here are the details of all forex trading accounts of instaforex.

The international broker with huge community all over the world, offering superior trading conditions.


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Very good and reliable broker. I trade for many years with them. Their forexcopy system is the best.

Very good and technological broker. Love their PAMM and forexcopy system

Instaforex is scam! There are many troubles with traders and they are unsolved.


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FBS 12th anniversary raffle until 2021/7/1

FBS celebrates the 12th anniversary with prizes totaling $1,200,000.

Land-FX wins the best trading platform award by world forex award

Land-FX MT4 and MT5 are awarded as the best trading platform.

MTN money payment is available for rwanda

Deposit your superforex account with MTN money.




  • Bonds

  • Cfds

  • Commodities

  • Copy trade

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Energies

  • Etfs

  • Forex

  • Indices

  • Metals

  • Mirror trade

  • Social trade

  • Stocks


Community & support

Who is hercules.Finance?

Hercules.Finance is a financial education website powered by a team of financial specialists and IT experts, mainly introduce solutions of forex, CFD and commodity investment, and a number of payment services. With more than 30 partnered companies all over the world, hercules.Finance offers trusted and timely information for investors and users of the services. By referring to hercules.Finance, you can find all latest news/information, financial technical/fundamental analysis, main/exclusive bonus promotions of partnered companies and a number of educational materials of finance. For the list of all partnered companies, please visit here. For more latest information of the website, please visit hercules.Finance.

Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

Instaforex cent account

InstaForex 1000-startup


InstaForex Trader Cabinet Login

InstaForex Partner Cabinet Login

Instaforex trader cabinet login is trader cabinet to manage personal information and parameters for your accounts; that is trader desktop where you can make and modify yours trades online; in the cabinet you can use quick choice for depositing and withdrawal processes in your trading account.

Secure area of instaforex login official website is the safety and security in instaforex financial world online system by making it simpler and more accessible to traders around the world. You can get secured area of instaforex by trader cabinet desktop using the «financial operations» item of top menu.

Instaforex partner cabinet login instaforex offers the best partnership conditions. Working with instaforex company you have an opportunity of providing high service level for your potential clients, and consiquently, gaining the maximum profit.

1. Secure area of instaforex official website

2. Icon of «trader cabinet»

InstaForex Trader Cabinet Login. Step 3

3. «trader cabinet» login

For more information please link below:

1. Account number (login)

2. Trader password

Trader password is one of secret words intend for login to trader cabinet and for login to trader account by different instaforex trader platforms. You can make forex trades online only by trader password.

Trader password must be complex matter and may consist of not less than 8 and not more 12 characters (roman alphabet and natural numbers).

3. Phone password

4. Investor password

PAMM system intend for asset management like PAMM investor or PAMM trader. Forexcopy system intend for asset management like forex trades copying.

5. Pin-code

6. Instaforex trading servers

Instaforex server is the address and IP-address of the trading account numbers. All available servers for the trading accounts opened with instaforex are listed below:

Server in USA-1 [server: instaforex-USA.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 10,000 to 700,000 and 15,000,000 - 17,999,999;

Server in USA-2 [server: instaforex-USA2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 8,000,000 to 9,000,000 and 80,000,000 - 82,999,999;

Server in singapore [server: instaforex-singapore.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 and 70,000,000 - 72,999,999;

Server in netherlands [server: instaforex-EUROPE.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 and 50,000,000 - 52,999,999;

Server in hong kong [server: instaforex-hongkong.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 and 10,000,000 - 12,999,999;

Server in great britain [server: instaforex-UK.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 and 20,000,000 - 22,999,999;

Server for cent accounts-1 [server: instaforex-cent.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the number from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 and 30,000,000 - 32,999,999;

Server for cent accounts-2 [server: instaforex-cent2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the numbers from 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 and 35,000,000 - 37,999,999.

In the process of registering a demo account, specify one of the following servers:

Server for contests [server: instaforex-contest.Com or IP-address:] can be used for demo accounts with the numbers from 65,000,000;

Server for other demo accounts [server: instaforex-1demo.Com or IP-address:] with the numbers from 60,000,000 to 65,000,000.

Google authenticator

Application google authenticator intend to create a temporary code for secured authorisation in trader cabinet. Every 30 seconds the application creates the six-digit passwords.

Trader cabinet login

Please, use two-factor authentication. So, enter the six-digit code generated by google authenticator app to complete the action and you will see successful authentication

Instaforex account

Instaforex account types explained by professional forex trading experts, all you need to know about instaforex accounts types, for more information about instaforex.Com broker you can also visit instaforex review by forexsq.Com forex trading website, the topforexbrokers.Com ratings forex brokers, or fxstay.Com currency trading investing company and get all information you need to know about the insta forex broker.

Instaforex account types

The instaforex accounts are divided up into different types.

Standard instaforex account

Instaforex standard accounts work for all categories of traders and permit a trade to be established with classical spread and with not any fees. The features of the account permit trading with the micro forex wherever the minimum deposit is $1-10; the mini forex by a minimum deposit of $100, and the standard forex wherever a minimum deposit of $1000 is essential. The foremost advantage of this kind of account is its universality, as it permits traders to select a deposit size that is convenient for them and give them the chance to change the trading leverage. For these accounts traders pay a spread.

Insta.Eurica accounts don’t have any spread. This type of account is recommended for beginners as orders are performed right when the price influences its value if the spread equals to zero. Moreover, the insta.Eurica accounts permit the inexpert trader to learn the market by using a modest system of trading.

This type of instaforex accounts can be also used by expert traders, because its trade features are the same as of insta.Standard type of account.

Cent instaforex account

The cent.Standard and cent.Eurica trading accounts were established for beginning traders for the reason that they necessitate minimal possible trade volume. This kind of account outfits those who want to test trading approaches with minimal risks using the trade benefit of 0.0001 lots.

Cent.Standard and cent.Eurica account owners have the similar trading terms as insta.Standard and insta.Eurica. The single difference is the amount of deposit vital.

An evaluation chart helps traders know the different instaforex accounts more visibly.

Cent trading accounts

Steps of a man, who decided to get acquainted with the exchange market and to realize the principles of work within it, often have a similar outline of future actions and motions. Having mastered the theoretical foundations and concepts of trading, he starts to think over the application of his knowledge in practice. For such cases, for traders who do not want to risk or do not have substantial funds, the forex cent accounts have been worked out. This kind of accounts assists on refining of the skills and craftsmanship, enables to get accustomed to the trading platform’s interface and gain confidence before trading operations on the larger amounts.

The cent account affords the opportunity to verify in practice the trading terms of a specific broker, and get involved in real events of trading activity on the forex market.

The forex cent account features

For this account type the following specifications are characteristic: minimum deposit of $1, the transaction’s amount starting from 0.1 micro lot, the calculations are made in cents, 1 cent is equivalent to 1 pip approximately. In comparison of the cent account with others, as an example, for a regular account opening the required sum must be no less than $100, minimum position size of 0.01 from a standard lot, and with one pip equal to $0,1.

Therefore for the unskilled bidders the opportunity to carry out the transactions via forex cent account brokers is very important. Equally with micro and mini accounts, this option is optimal for a trading «test of the pen» on the exchange market, as well as to study unfamiliar software and to test new trading strategies. Though it should be remembered that the trading via forex cent accounts for long periods is undesirable, it is recommended to increase the trading phases gradually. This is largely due to the fact, that the «immobile» trader, who carries out his operations at low risks, might lose «trading psychology» at the sudden conversion to operations with larger sums.

The broker’s choice for forex cent account opening

By studying both the forex market and the actions of its participants, it can be concluded that the vast majority of brokerage firms provide similar conditions of work and co-operation regarding the minimum deposit, starting from 1 to 10 dollars, as well as the special offers and bonuses proposals about extra charges, etc.

Exists the opinion, that a truly effective collaboration is possible only with those forex market brokers, who occupy the leading positions in financial services industry.

Not the least of the factors is the availability to open an account not only in dollar equivalent, but in the other, most convenient currency. And finally it is necessary to focus on such point as the number of accounts, that may be opened by trader. Up-to-date brokerage firms give an opportunity to work with a few cent accounts, each taken separately, applicable for a specific trading strategy.

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Instaforex cent account

InstaForex 1000-startup


InstaForex Trader Cabinet Login

InstaForex Partner Cabinet Login

Instaforex trader cabinet login is trader cabinet to manage personal information and parameters for your accounts; that is trader desktop where you can make and modify yours trades online; in the cabinet you can use quick choice for depositing and withdrawal processes in your trading account.

Secure area of instaforex login official website is the safety and security in instaforex financial world online system by making it simpler and more accessible to traders around the world. You can get secured area of instaforex by trader cabinet desktop using the «financial operations» item of top menu.

Instaforex partner cabinet login instaforex offers the best partnership conditions. Working with instaforex company you have an opportunity of providing high service level for your potential clients, and consiquently, gaining the maximum profit.

1. Secure area of instaforex official website

2. Icon of «trader cabinet»

InstaForex Trader Cabinet Login. Step 3

3. «trader cabinet» login

For more information please link below:

1. Account number (login)

2. Trader password

Trader password is one of secret words intend for login to trader cabinet and for login to trader account by different instaforex trader platforms. You can make forex trades online only by trader password.

Trader password must be complex matter and may consist of not less than 8 and not more 12 characters (roman alphabet and natural numbers).

3. Phone password

4. Investor password

PAMM system intend for asset management like PAMM investor or PAMM trader. Forexcopy system intend for asset management like forex trades copying.

5. Pin-code

6. Instaforex trading servers

Instaforex server is the address and IP-address of the trading account numbers. All available servers for the trading accounts opened with instaforex are listed below:

Server in USA-1 [server: instaforex-USA.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 10,000 to 700,000 and 15,000,000 - 17,999,999;

Server in USA-2 [server: instaforex-USA2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 8,000,000 to 9,000,000 and 80,000,000 - 82,999,999;

Server in singapore [server: instaforex-singapore.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 7,000,000 to 8,000,000 and 70,000,000 - 72,999,999;

Server in netherlands [server: instaforex-EUROPE.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers starting from 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 and 50,000,000 - 52,999,999;

Server in hong kong [server: instaforex-hongkong.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 and 10,000,000 - 12,999,999;

Server in great britain [server: instaforex-UK.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading account numbers from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 and 20,000,000 - 22,999,999;

Server for cent accounts-1 [server: instaforex-cent.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the number from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 and 30,000,000 - 32,999,999;

Server for cent accounts-2 [server: instaforex-cent2.Com or IP-address:] can be used for trading accounts with the numbers from 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 and 35,000,000 - 37,999,999.

In the process of registering a demo account, specify one of the following servers:

Server for contests [server: instaforex-contest.Com or IP-address:] can be used for demo accounts with the numbers from 65,000,000;

Server for other demo accounts [server: instaforex-1demo.Com or IP-address:] with the numbers from 60,000,000 to 65,000,000.

Google authenticator

Application google authenticator intend to create a temporary code for secured authorisation in trader cabinet. Every 30 seconds the application creates the six-digit passwords.

Trader cabinet login

Please, use two-factor authentication. So, enter the six-digit code generated by google authenticator app to complete the action and you will see successful authentication

so, let's see, what we have: типи торгівельних рахунків instaforex, інструмент трейдера для роботи на міжнародних фінансових ринках at instaforex cent account

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