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Trading 212 promo code promotion
By entering into the promotion you are agreeing to the below terms and conditions:
Terms and conditions
During this promo code promotion, trading 212 UK ltd (“trading 212”, “we”) is giving away promo codes (as defined below), which, pursuant to these terms and conditions will grant randomly selected shares to all users that have obtained a promotional code via any of our affiliates and have used it after opening and activating a new trading 212 invest or ISA account on the trading 212 platform, subject to the conditions below.
Qualifying requirements
1.1 to qualify for this promotion you must comply with all of the following conditions:
- Be a resident of one of the following countries:
united kingdom, switzerland, france, germany, the netherlands, italy, austria, croatia, republic of cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, greece, hungary, ireland, latvia, luxembourg, malta, norway, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, spain, belgium or sweden.
2.1 once you enter the promotional code you will see the promotion share (as defined in section 3.3 herein) you have been randomly allocated. You will have the option to accept or reject the promotion share. If you reject the allocated promotion share, you will not be entitled to a new promotion share. You will not have any further financial claims to trading 212, in relation to this promo code promotion.
2.2 by accepting the promotion share you agree to the current terms and conditions.
2.3 within 3 business days from meeting the conditions in section 1 above, you will be entitled to acquire the promotion share. The time for the allocation may only be extended subject to technical issues, or when the time period falls within the weekend - e.G. If the account is opened on friday at 10 am you will receive the promotion share on wednesday, the next week after 10 am when and if the markets are open.
2.4 after the promotion share has been allocated to you it will be subject to a settlement period of 3 days. You will only be entitled to sell the promotion share upon expiry of the aforementioned 3-days settlement period. Where the settlement period expires on a non-business day, the right of disposal shall be active as of the next business day. Trading 212 will not be liable for any price changes during this settlement period.
2.5 none of your investments or assets will be used within the whole process of the promo code promotion. The promotion share shall be distributed through trading 212’s own funds only.
2.6 the monetary value of the promotion share shall be subject to a 30 days withdrawal lock-up period, from the day of the receipt of the promotion share. The lock-up will not affect in any way any other assets you have - e.G. Your deposit or your profit (if any) arising from the promotion share etc. In case you have sold the promotion share with a loss (for less than it initially cost) only the funds acquired from the sale would be subject to the lock-up period. If you have received the monetary value, instead of a promotion share, those funds will be subject to the lock-up period.
3.1 this is a limited promotion and trading 212 reserves the right to modify or cancel the promotion at any time. We will notify you about any changes to the promotion and/or its conditions by updating the promotion’s official webpage and we recommend that you check the website regularly for any such updates.
3.2 as you received the promotional code (directly or indirectly) from a third party, that third party also reserves the right to modify or cancel the promotion at any time.
3.3 promotion shares will be randomly selected shares, traded on established markets. The promotion share shall have a price limitation of up to 100 GBP, 100 CHF and 100 EUR depending on your account currency and location. The promotion share may not be negotiated or exchanged for another. No personal circumstances will be taken under consideration and no shares will be acquired with an individual user in mind. We make no recommendation nor we will facilitate in any way further acquisition of the same share as the promotion share. In case we have any troubles (whether technical or not) with providing you with the promotion share we reserve the right, upon our sole discretion, to provide you with the monetary equivalent of the promotion share.
3.4 within a promo code promotion the promo code (respectively the promotion shares) may be limited to a specific amount. In such case the first-come-first-serve basis shall apply (e.G. If a specific promo code promotion is limited to 500 promo codes, then the first 500 clients who have met the qualifying requirement will receive the promotion share).
3.5 promo code means the alphanumeric code, which you may receive by any of our affiliates, which after successful registration and upon meeting all requirements as set out herein, including but not limited to the qualifying requirements, shall grant you the right to receive a promotion share.
3.6 you have to log into your trading 212 account at least once every three months after you have received/sold the promotion share (whichever occurs the latest).
3.7 trading 212 is the sole arbiter of the programme and reserves the right to alter, amend, extend or foreclose the programme any time without prior notice. We will notify you about any changes to the promotion and/or its conditions by updating the promotion’s official webpage and we recommend that you check the website regularly for any such updates.
3.8 trading 212 reserves the right to withhold any prizes for which a participating user is selected if trading 212 is of the opinion that the spirit of the programme is being abused. Trading 212 will resolve any disputes, whether or not covered by these conditions, in a fair and appropriate manner and the decision of trading 212 regarding any dispute will be final.
3.9 nothing in this terms, or in any other promotional material, will be viewed as a provision of investment advice, portfolio management or any other form of discretionary service. Trading 212 does not guarantee the performance of the promotion share.
3.10 notwithstanding anything of the aforementioned and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event shall trading 212 be liable for any unavailability and/or inoperability of the site(s), the client account and/or any technical malfunction, computer error, corruption or loss of information, or other injury, damage or disruption of any kind relating to the promo code promotion. The promo code promotion shall remain at all times under the sole control and discretion of trading 212 who shall be the only party entitled to apply its terms and conditions and resolve any disputes that may arise as a result of its operation.
3.11 should a participant in the promotion believe that he/she has been unfairly restricted or otherwise unduly disallowed from obtaining one or more free shares, such participant shall present trading 212 with material evidence substantiating their claim, including but not limited to videos and screenshots. Trading 212 shall review such evidence and decide whether to satisfy the participant’s claim or not subject to trading 212’s own assessment of the merits of the claim. By accepting the terms and conditions of the present promo code promotion, you acknowledge and agree that trading 212 is the sole party entitled to apply and interpret the promo code promotion’s provisions and for that matter, any decision on the part of trading 212 relating to the operation of the promotion shall be final and irrevocable.
3.12 all market sell orders for promotion shares will be accepted and executed as an aggregated market order at the close of the relevant market by default. We are taking this approach in order to avoid multiple market sell orders for 1 share each as this can be considered as market abuse by the stock exchanges. Limit orders will not be aggregated and will be executed at the price specified by you.
Events of default
4.1. Any breach of and or non-compliance with any or all of the qualifying requirements under section 1 or any or all of the conditions listed in section 3 above shall constitute an event of default (“event of default”).
4.2. In the occurrence of an event of default, trading 212 shall cancel and invalidate all agreements and legal relations between you and trading 212 ensuing from the promotion and shall consider them to be null and void. The latter shall result in trading 212 closing your account(s) and clawing back the promotion share/s or its/their monetary value.
4.3. In the occurrence of an event of default you shall be subject to a penalty. The penalty for an event of default shall equal the monetary amount of the promotion share/s at the time of an event of default. You hereby understand, agree and provide your explicit prior consent that in the event of default trading 212 shall be entitled to sell the promotional share/s on your behalf and set-off the proceeds from such sale against your payment obligation for the penalty. Please note that the above penalty reflects the consequences of an event of default and will only affect the free share/s given by us. Trading 212 shall not impose any fees or charges for maintenance, inactivity or whatsoever. None of your personal investments shall be affected by such actions on our part.
4.4. We undertake to make all reasonable efforts to prevent you from defaulting on the terms of this promotion whereby we shall send you a prior notification relating to the incoming expiry of the 3-months period under section 3.6 above.
5.1 by accepting these terms and conditions, you hereby confirm to have read, understood, agreed and accepted the following promo code promotion terms and conditions and the relevant legal documents of trading 212. Furthermore, you understand, accept and agree that all the terms of the share dealing service terms of business or the additional terms for stocks and shares ISA and the relevant legal documents shall be applied mutatis mutandis. Please note that the value of the free share will reduce the annual ISA allowance and that clients who have already reached their maximum ISA allowance will not be able to receive a free share.
5.2 if for any reason (e.G. Conflict of interest) you are not allowed to own a specific share you are required to inform us prior to participating in the campaign.
5.3 the promotion is restricted to any employees and their relatives of trading 212 UK ltd. And / or trading 212 EOOD.
Prohibited use
Your use of our services shall be subject to the following mandatory requirements - you shall not: (a) circumvent (or try to circumvent) in any way the rules of these terms and conditions; (b) make any attempts to create multiple accounts, to invite individual users, who have created multiple accounts, in order for you to exploit this promotion; (c) do anything that may negatively affect trading 212’s brand, goodwill or reputation; (d) use the promo code promotion in: (i) any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation; or (ii) any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect; (iii) use the promo code promotion excessively or in any way that we consider to be unreasonable (at trading 212’s sole and absolute discretion). Notwithstanding anything of the aforementioned, in case of any reasonable doubt of any manipulation, abuse or exploit of the terms of this promotion or in case of any doubt of any manipulation, abuse or exploit of the market or where any of your actions may be in detriment to trading 212 interests, trading 212 shall be entitled to suspend any and all of your accounts with trading 212 (and its affiliates) upon its sole discretion, with immediate effect and without any prior notification.
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The stock hunter trading, LLC. “50% off promotions” include a new subscription to the stock hunter trading chat room for either $85 for the first month and then $175/month after that (full subscription), or for equitytrader you pay $60 for your first month and then $119/month after that. This promotion applies to new subscribers only and cannot be combined with any other promotion or affiliate referral. You can cancel at any time but there are no refunds after payment is submitted for the current month. For our terms and conditions, including our refund policy, go to https://stockhuntertrading.Com/terms-and-conditions/.
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