Forex Signals Blog, top forex traders earnings.

Top forex traders earnings

Another reputable figure in the trading world – carl icahn. Throughout the history of wall street, we have seen many investors and brokers but how many of them have gone on to become truly successful?

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Forex Signals Blog, top forex traders earnings.

Forex Signals Blog, top forex traders earnings.

Forex Signals Blog, top forex traders earnings.

Carl icahn is one of those few. He is famous for his wisdom and intelligence when it comes to investing and is often compared to warren buffet. Carl icahn was born in new york to a family of teachers. He was close to his uncle – M. Elliot schnall, who eventually helped him buy a seat on the new york stock exchange by loaning him $400,000. The rest is history. With his holding company, the icahn enterprises, carl invested in a lot of both international and U.S. Companies, including apple, netflix, time warner, revlon, viacom, motorola and others. His smart investments are what made him one of the richest men in the world with a net worth of over $17 billion. His investing strategies have always been fascinating to traders and investors. Icahn became famous for not being afraid of taking risks and for his impeccable judgments when it comes to investment opportunities. Some people just know how to roll… written by natalia.Gombalova. Published on june 18th, 2020.

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5 richest traders in the world and their net worth

Written by natalia.Gombalova. Published on june 18th, 2020.

Wondering how the richest forex traders make it to the top? Who wouldn’t…

After all, the forex market is widely considered as the most thrilling financial market due to the fact that over $5 trillion is being traded every day.

Considering the volume and size of the forex market, no wonder it keeps attracting and welcoming new traders who are interested in mastering it and earning extra profits.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you are completely new to trading forex or already had a few seasons of trading behind your back – all traders share one key goal – to become successful in the forex market (and eventually get listed in this blog, of course).

Do you ever look at your trades and wonder – how far could this go?

Well, today I’ll show you the richest forex and stock traders in the world of all time so that you can boost that motivation to succeed in trading. Their stories are full of hard work, dedication, and patience. They are people with the power of influence, whose moves had an impact on the whole forex industry.

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll be using the peak net worth in USD to rank the richest stock traders.

Some of the richest (stock) traders in the world are: george soros – $8.3 billion carl icahn – $17 billion ray dalio – $18.5 billion paul tudor jones II – $5.1 billion ed seykota – $4.2 billion

George soros

George Soros trader

From beginners to well-established traders, we are sure that almost everyone knows the story of the man who broke the bank of england. You know, the man who took a $1 billion profit in a single day during the 1992 black wednesday UK currency crisis? He went down in history as the first person who earned that much money in a single day. $1 billion. With a B. In 1 day. He is a founding member of soros fund management, LLC – a firm that manages hedge funds. Since its opening, the company has managed to generate around $40 billion in earnings. Not just that but he also founded quantum fund and the central and eastern europe-focused open society foundations, making over $14 billion in grants. Since 1984, soros has guided his foundation towards supporting people and various organisations around the world, fighting for equality, freedom of speech and more. In 2017, soros himself donated $18 billion of his fortune to fund the foundation’s future projects. George soros’ net worth is worth $8.3 billion. Let’s face it, the man was hungry to make money and he sure did succeed.

Carl icahn

Carl Icahn

Another reputable figure in the trading world – carl icahn. Throughout the history of wall street, we have seen many investors and brokers but how many of them have gone on to become truly successful? Carl icahn is one of those few. He is famous for his wisdom and intelligence when it comes to investing and is often compared to warren buffet. Carl icahn was born in new york to a family of teachers. He was close to his uncle – M. Elliot schnall, who eventually helped him buy a seat on the new york stock exchange by loaning him $400,000. The rest is history. With his holding company, the icahn enterprises, carl invested in a lot of both international and U.S. Companies, including apple, netflix, time warner, revlon, viacom, motorola and others. His smart investments are what made him one of the richest men in the world with a net worth of over $17 billion. His investing strategies have always been fascinating to traders and investors. Icahn became famous for not being afraid of taking risks and for his impeccable judgments when it comes to investment opportunities. Some people just know how to roll…

Ray dalio

Ray Dalio

Ray dalio – or trading legend if you’d like – got involved with the markets from the age of 12 when he bought shares of northeast airlines for $300 and tripled his investment after the airline merged with another company. After graduating from harvard business school in 1975, he went on to launch the investment company, bridgewater, from his two-bedroom apartment in new york city. The company’s success skyrocketed in the ‘80s and by 2011 it would turn into the largest hedge fund in the entire world. Today, the hedge fund firm manages about $160 billion in assets. He also predicted the global financial crisis in 2007 and further explained his model in an essay titled “how the economic machine works: A template for understanding what is happening now”. His net worth is an astonishing $18.5 billion.

Paul tudor jones II

paul tudor jones

PTJ became famous after appearing in the PBS documentary ‘the trader’ in 1987 where he anticipated a market crash. He used stock index futures to triple his capital under management during the black monday crash in 1987 with large short positions. His fund had a 125.9% return in one day after fees with an approximate $100 million profit. PTJ’s hedge fund went on to perform well over the decades with steady returns and minimal drawdowns in the capital.

Paul tudor jones II is known for his macro trades, particularly his bets on interest rates and currencies. He made his fortune by founding and managing capital for his tudor investment corporation making paul tudor jones II the 131st richest person in the world with a net worth of approximately $5.1 billion.

Ed seykota

ed seykota

Ed seykota or as the forbes called him top trend following market wizard, is undoubtedly one of the most successful traders. He began his career in the 1970s when he was hired by a major brokerage firm. It was there that ed developed one of the first commercialised trading systems for managing money in the futures market. He’s known for his end-of-day computerised trading systems that relied heavily on trends. What makes ed especially unique is his continual self-examination and commitment to studying the psychological components of trading while also helping other traders achieve their potential. Everything he does is based on strict trading rules he’s outlined for himself. It’s how he manages to stay calm even when things aren’t going his way. It’s not every day you see someone lose $100m and not even bat an eyelid. But then again, the remaining $4.2 billion probably does make it better…

Wrapping up

You want to be a successful trader after reading about these trading giants, don’t you? Well, one thing that all these trading giants have in common is the fact that many of them have threaded the path of success and have pushed to learn all they can, as fast as they can. Most people who have made a lot from trading understand this aspect of the game. There is no substitute for hard work in the forex industry; at the same time, there is no room for doubt. You can get there & you can do as well as they did! We hope that our list triggered your desire to learn more about forex trading, stock trading or cryptocurrency trading and become a notable trader, just like everyone else on this list. Sign up to our trading room today and can start writing your own success story today! Who knows, maybe one day you will make it to this list!

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How much do forex traders make per month?

How much do Forex traders make per month?

How much do forex traders make per month? What is the monthly earnings potential of the average forex trader? If you’re reading this article, you’re probably fairly new to forex trading, so I don’t want to misguide you.

In fact, I’m going to tell you some hard truths that you probably don’t want to hear, but they are absolutely necessary to learn if you ever want to become a successful forex trader. Your initial reaction may be discouragement, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Please fight the urge to roll your eyes and move on to something more uplifting. Sometimes the truth hurts, but I will absolutely guarantee that if you don’t listen to what I’m about to tell you, you will NEVER be a successful, long-term forex trader.

So how much do forex traders really make per month?

This question is a little misleading for a couple of reasons:

  1. Most forex traders are not profitable

  2. No profitable trader in any market makes the same percentage of profit each month

These are the questions you NEED to ask:

Why are most forex traders unprofitable?

Despite what you may have heard about how easy it is to make money in the forex market, the truth is that most traders fail. It is also true that you will probably fail at trading, but you don’t have to. The real reason traders fail is probably not what you think.

This is why traders actually fail:

Greed Kills Profits in Trading


Most new forex traders have unrealistic profit expectations. They think it will be possible to make 25% – 50% or more month to month. They have dreams of turning their small account into a very large account in just a few years.

This is totally unrealistic. If it were possible we would all be doing it. Most successful traders make a much lower average monthly profit (3%-7% is common). If you’ve averaged 10% or better for more than a year, you’re a rockstar in the trading world.

Take this into consideration:

If you could sustain a 10% average monthly gain, you would more than triple your account every year.

By averaging 6%, you would more than double your account every year.

Starting with $5,000, and averaging only 3% per month, your account would grow to over $170,000 in 10 years.

Warren buffet became a billionaire trader averaging only 30% per YEAR!

I’m not saying it’s impossible to make 25% or more in a month. I’ve done it, and many others have done it. I’m saying its impossible to MAINTAIN such a high average monthly gain. In order to shoot for such a high goal, you will be pressured to take bad trades, overtrade, and overleverage (which brings me to my next point).

Overleveraging is a Rookie Mistake


Poor money management is one of the worst account killers for new traders. This goes back to greed, because traders typically overleverage while shooting for unrealistic profit targets.

You should be risking a small percentage of your account on each trade, and you should be risking the same amount on each trade. I recommend never risking more than 2% per trade. Many successful forex traders risk 1% or less per trade, and some very successful and experienced traders risk 3%.

Risking more than a small amount per trade is a death sentence for your trading account because all trading systems go through periods of drawdown. If you’re risking too much during one of these periods, you will, at least, wipe out much of your progress, if not completely wipe out your account.

Consider these two examples:

If you lost 10 consecutive trades, risking 2% per trade, your account would be down about 18%. You would need to earn about 22% of the remaining account just to get back to your starting balance.

If you lost 10 consecutive trades, risking 10% per trade, your account would be down by more than 65%. You would need to earn nearly triple the remaining account (187%) just to get back to your starting balance.

Not only does responsible money management help preserve your capital during losing streaks, it also helps to keep you trading your edge mechanically. That’s because losing 1% or 2% on a trade does not sting nearly as much as losing 5%, 10%, etc….

It’s easier to deal with the losses, psychologically speaking. You’re more likely to pull the trigger on the next trade, and let your edge work itself out over time. And that’s exactly what you need to do, if you know you have a profitable trading method working for you.

Insufficient Testing is a Common Mistake

Insufficient testing

I cannot stress this point enough. Testing is the backbone of a successful trading program. Most new traders are too impatient and undisciplined to thoroughly test new strategies. I think this, again, goes back to greed, because we all want to fire our bosses as soon as possible. You want to get that account snowballing quickly, but this is a costly, rookie mistake.

The problem is that, without sufficient testing of your trading system or any new trading setup, you’re not going to know how it will hold up during changing market conditions. You need to know if your trading system can stay profitable through increasing/decreasing volatility, growing/shrinking average daily range, impactful news events, etc….

I would not even consider a new trading strategy unless it had proven itself to be profitable after, at least, a couple hundred backtesting trades – either through my trading platform or using a backtesting software, such as forex tester 3.

Next, I would forward test (with a demo or micro account) the new strategy for, at least, a few months. The more time you spend doing this the better off you will be down the road because you will have absolute confidence in a system that has proven to be profitable over time.

Knowing exactly what your system is capable of, and proving to yourself that your trading system is profitable over months or (preferably) years worth of different market conditions will go a long way in helping you to mechanically trade the edge that your system gives you – even when you’re experiencing a losing streak.

Discipline is the Bridge between Goals and Accomplisment

Lack of discipline

I’ve mentioned discipline a few times already, and it’s an import factor in profitable trading. It’s another psychological aspect of trading that can either make you or break you. Most new traders lack discipline in every aspect of their trading, from testing to execution.

It takes discipline, as well as patience, to properly test a new trading strategy. Most traders don’t have the discipline to do any manual backtesting at all. They simply learn a new trading method, and demo trade it for a week or two, or worse, they go straight to live trading.

It takes discipline to keep trading when you’re losing. If you’ve done your due diligence, then you already know for sure that you’re trading a consistently profitable trading system. With discipline, you will be able to keep pulling the trigger on the next trade and let your edge play out over time.

Sometimes you just have a bad feeling about a trade, although it meets your criteria. It takes discipline to mechanically trade every setup that comes along, but it’s a must. As soon as you start trading subjectively, you’ve abandoned your edge and you’re gambling.

Note: there is limited room for some subjectivity in some aspects of trading when you become much more experienced, but you should strive to trade as mechanically as possible even then.

Lack of discipline can also lead you into catastrophic behaviors, such as overleveraging (which I mentioned above) and revenge trading. Revenge trading is when you re-enter the market because you’re trying to earn back money that you’ve just lost – not because your trading system has provided another quality entry trigger.

Overtrading could be mentioned in the same breath. Successful, disciplined traders trade less, because they only take the best trade setups. They have the discipline to wait for the market and their trading system(s) to provide them with quality setups, rather than trying to force bad setups to meet some unrealistic profit target.

System Hopping Creates an Endless Cycle of Failure

System hopping

If you’re a new forex trader, it’s absolutely necessary to find a consistently profitable trading system to start testing. As of right now, there are three profitable trading systems reviewed on this website that I have personally traded and recommend. However, I mostly use day trading forex live now.

Note: read my full reviews of these trading systems to see which one will fit your trading style and schedule, as each of these systems are completely different.

If you’ve been trading for a year or two, the truth is that you’ve probably already traded a few profitable trading systems. You just were not confident enough in them, or disciplined enough to let their edge play out over time.

You probably didn’t test long enough, started trading your hard earned money, lost a bunch of it, blamed the trading system you were using, and moved on to the next system. This is a constant, destructive cycle that a large majority of unsuccessful traders are trapped in.

There is no “holy grail” in trading. The point is to find a system that makes sense to you, and test it to see if it actually works. Just as importantly, you need to test it to prove to yourself that it will be profitable in the long term.

You’re looking for something that will provide you a verified edge in the market. You need to have an unwavering belief in the trading system that you are using. Once you do, you simply have to continue to trade the edge that your system provides for you with discipline.

Many traders unwittingly give up on profitable trading systems because they don’t trade them long enough, or with enough discipline, to let the edge work out for them. Even the best traders in the world lose lots of trades, but they have the discipline to let their edge play out.

Realistic Forex Monthly Earnings Potential

What is a realistic average monthly profit expectation for a successful trader?

This question is more in line with the way you should be thinking, although its answer may be just as discouraging: it depends on the trader, their trading system, the market, etc….

Successful traders simply trade the edge that their trading system(s) give them, and take what they can get. They don’t set goals and they don’t force trades to meet those goals.

A really good year for a successful trader might look like this:

January +5%
february -2%
march +9%
april +12%
may +3%
june +9%
july +15%
august +20%
september +7%
october -4%
november +5%
december +5%

A trader with this record, if no money was withdrawn from the account along the way, would have earned over 120% – more than doubling their starting balance! Their average monthly profit percentage would be 7%.

Even as I’m writing this I can picture the amateur traders saying to themselves, “that’s not enough! I’ll never be able to do this for a living at that rate.” that is greed and impatience doing what they do to every inexperienced trader.

You could make more than what is depicted in the example above, but if you don’t change your attitude and expectations, you will most likely make much less. Instead of asking yourself, “how much can I make per month as a forex trader?” you should be asking yourself, “am I willing to do what it takes to become a successful forex trader?”

Are you still looking for a profitable trading system? I recently changed my main trading system after testing a new one for over a year. Come see why I switched to day trading forex live.

Forex Signals Blog, top forex traders earnings.

How to turn a loss into a win

Trust your Trading Plan

How to avoid analysis paralysis in trading

Forex Trading Psychology

Forex trading psychology: dealing with mistakes


Hi there,
I just want to thank you for taking your time to educate us newbie (& losing) traders.

I enjoyed your ebook “how to choose better support and resistance levels“.
I like your site, (not that its particularly important, but the font you use in your articles and site are very nice. I look forward to wading through your articles, and give your recommended trading systems a try out.

Thanks for the kind words, J! I’m glad you enjoyed the ebook. Let me know if you have any questions.

I’m new to forex trading & was thinking of start live trading with $500.
I will add $50 to my account every month.
Target monthly return 6 %

Thanks for commenting! Are you using a profitable trading system? If you’ve got a good trading system, targeting an average of 6% per month is certainly realistic – especially if you’re risking 2% per trade.

Since you’re just starting out, I wouldn’t recommend 2% per trade, though. You should risk the smallest amount that your broker will allow, and slowly build up your risk once you prove that you’re profitable.

Some people would tell you to demo trade first, which is actually not a bad idea. However, I find that you gain more realistic experience risking real money – even if it’s a small amount. It’s just different psychologically.

Your plan sounds good to me. Just make sure you’ve got a good trading system, and follow the rules faithfully. Good luck!

Hi thank you for your article

No problem. Thanks for reading.

Hi chris
thank you for the helpful article.
But I’m a little bit confused about the realistic monthly returnees, if I could average 6% monthly (from the comment above) and it’s certainly realistic, as you replied, isn’t this more than 50% annual average returnes? I thought this is impossible, specially doing it constantly!

Could you please clarify, thank you.

Thanks for reading. I never said making 50% annually is impossible. I know for a fact that it’s possible.

Hi chris hope you can help me on this one , have you aver seen traders who actually trade using a 1:1 risk reward ratio .. Of course witha hit rate above 50% .. And well in the en d they are actually profitable ?? Or succesful traders always use a higher risk to reward ratio?

Sure. That’s essentially what scalpers do. I know some scalpers are successful, although I haven’t personally met or spoken to any.

In my experience, it’s best to shoot for the highest reward to risk ratio that you can consistently achieve with your trading system. In DTFL, we target 2:1 reward to risk, although we sometimes close trades early for various reasons.

I’ve successfully traded other systems where the reward is targetted dynamically. If you can make a static 1:1 work for you, go for it. I haven’t been able to.

How is it going?Happy new year in advance.Wish you a prosperous and fruitful year ahead!Have you heard of compound interest where monthly return is being accumulated over time?Well,here is my anticipation for the new year 2018.

Starting with an account balance of $500,30% monthly return.That will be 500 x 1.3^12 = $11,649. Is it achievable?

Hope you will suggest good tips or advice.Stay healthy and happy trading! Cheers !

Sorry for the late response and thanks for the kind words. It’s been busy over here due to the holidays.

I’ve heard of compounding returns, of course. That’s the goal of most traders. However, shooting for 30% per month is unrealistic, IMO.

Most new traders would be lucky to make 30% per year and keep it. Sure you can make 30% in a month by taking too much risk. In fact, when I first started, I nearly doubled my account in a month on several occasions. I gave it all back, though.

If you can’t hold on to it, what’s the point? My advice is that you learn to trade first. Don’t focus on returns as much in the beginning. See what you can make risking 1% – 2% of your account per trade or less (start with a much lower percentage while practicing).

If you find that you can make consistent (I mean over months and years) returns, start adding money to your account whenever you can. You can even get other investors to help you fund a significant account as long as you can prove that you make consistent returns.

Just my 2 cents. That’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but I’m trying to help you skip those rookie mistakes.

Hi chris, thanks for this article
it really wake me up to prevent most rookie’s mistake, and I hope I can do those points you mentioned above over time.

I’ve also read couple time that to get 10% profit/per month on consistent basis would be considered great even for pro trader.
But I wonder about the calculation, hope you can make this clear for me :p

– let’s say I take 1 trade a day, so about 20 trades a month
– my risk to reward ratio for every trade is 1:2
– every trade I risk 1%, so for every winning trade I get 2% profit
– my average winning percentage is only 50%
– I’m not compounding my profit, so my 1% risk towards initial capital is always the same amount
– I win 50% (10 trades) and lose 50% (10 trades)
– for winning trades I get 10 x 2% = 20%
– for losing trades I suffer 10 x 1% = 10%
– at the end I got 20%-10% = 10% profit that month

So my question is why is it hard even for pro trader to get more than 10% a month? And months with 2 digit profit % is not sustainable for the long run, maybe only 1-3 months per year (my understanding from your article).

For my example, I think my risk ratio 1:2 is moderate, risking 1% every trade is average, 20 trades a month is moderate between daytrader and swing trader, and 50% winning percentage is quite low for pro trader (I think pro trader should be on 60% – 70% winning percentage) and it still produce in ideal calculation roughly 10% a month.
So even though I’ve read couple times about ‘even pro trader hardly to get 10% a month consistently’ I still don’t understand the thought process behind it.

Please pardon me if I have weird logic on my simple calculation because I’m a newbie and still do paper trading.
It would be great if you can share your two cents about it.

I’m glad you’re finding this site useful and thanks for your question.

A 50% strike-rate with a 2:1 reward-to-risk ratio is like the holy grail of trading. Most experienced traders who use a 2:1 reward-to-risk ratio (high reward-rate) trading system have a strike-rate closer to 40%, in my experience.

Your strike rate can generally go up if you use a lower reward-to-risk ratio (high strike-rate) trading system because it’s easier to be right for a shorter amount of time.

I’m not advocating a high strike-rate system, though. In fact, I use a high reward-rate system myself. There are definitely pros that achieve 60%-70% (I’ve even seen 80%) with high strike-rate systems, but the profit percentage probably wouldn’t blow your mind.

Another thing you have to keep in mind is that typically when traders are bragging about high strike-rates, they are including small wins and early exits (not all of those wins were a full 2:1 profit target hit).

Lastly, 20 good, qualified trades in a single month are more than most good trading systems will produce. You don’t want to force yourself to take a trade every day. You have to take the qualified trades as they come. Sometimes that’s 1 or 2 in a week. At times, you may take multiple trades in a day.

The key is to be consistent. You need to try to take every qualified trade that comes along according to your trading plan but not more. New traders usually trade way too much. Experienced traders stay out of the market until the moment is just right. That means fewer but better quality trades and more profit.

The truth is that when you consider trading with your own hard-earned cash, brokers, fees, and everything else that you have to deal with as a trader apart from your trading system (and that’s assuming you’ve actually got a profitable trading system), you’re lucky if you end up with a slight edge at all. But a slight edge is all it takes if you’re persistent.

I don’t want to discourage you. Maybe you’ll beat the odds. If you’re not successful right away, though, just remember what you learned here. Be happy with small, consistent gains and build from there. Good luck!

Woww thank you so much for your reply chris. I wasn’t expecting such a detail answer, I’ll keep in mind. Really appreciate it sir!

No, you didn’t discourage me at all, instead I think it’s better to know bitter truth about trading world ASAP before I walk further. And the deeper I’m into this world the more I realise that I know nothing haha.

My focus for now isn’t profit but to protect my capital from losing. So which one is better in your opinion
1. Paper trading until at least I can protect my capital
2. Or open micro account so I get the taste of real tension (if it go into zero, it’s OK for me as I’ll take it as tuition fee)

Thanks again chris, it’s so kind of you to spare your time answering newbies like me.
Wish you the best ^^

No problem, adam. Glad I can help. To answer your question, you need a good trading system and trading plan first and foremost. If you don’t have those, you’re just gambling.

Maybe you already have a great trading system and a solid trading plan that you can stick to. If so, you should definitely demo trade (or paper trade) it first for a couple of reasons. The main reason is that you need to build confidence in your trading system and trading plan so that you can keep pulling the trigger when the drawdowns come (and they will come). No system is impervious to it.

That being said, you should start trading a small, live account (using the smallest trade/lot size your broker allows) as soon as you can. No amount of practice can prepare most people for risking their real, hard-earned cash. That’s usually when the psychological mistakes start happening.

Once you’re consistently profitable trading small amounts of your real money, gradually increase your trading size to 1% or 2% at the most. Some people risk more per trade, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Risk too much and you’ll wipe your account out during your first drawdown.

Top 10 most successful forex traders in the world

In a big, big world of foreign exchange trading, there are bound to be those who do better than others. The people you could refer to as the royalty of forex trading. These are the individuals who made fortunes through their exemplary investment acumen and risk management. To any forex trader, they are the people to emulate, to learn from and to simply aspire to. The question is, who are these people and how did they get where they are? What are their stories and how did these stories affect who they would become?

To understand this, we need to look a bit closer at these people. So let us consider the top most successful forex traders in the world, where they come from and how they ended up being where they are. If we spend enough time looking at them, we might even figure out certain things they did, and the way they did them, that helped them get where they are. This might be especially important to you if you are want to learn how to become a successful forex trader yourself, after all, learning by example is one of the best ways to learn.

How likely are you to become one of them?

This question must have popped into your head at one point or another. Well, I’ll be honest with you- not very. Not unless you are very good at what you do and know when to take action. As with all things, the statistics of forex traders are as you would expect – very few extremely successful brokes and very few extremely unsuccessful ones. You must fall somewhere in the middle of those if you are here, maybe an average, or a slightly more successful one. We all know what the goal for each trader is – to be the best one. Which is why we are going to do a case study such as this today: we want to see what differentiates them. Maybe we can learn how to be a successful trader in forex from them.

If you do spend enough time practicing, learning and trying, you might get to a level that you can be proud of. It takes a lot of time though and a lot of self-control. You need to know how to manage your funds and risks, when to go into a risky situation and when to get out of it as fast as you can. This is what the top forex traders in the world know to do better than you. So if you are a beginner trader, it is a good thing to aspire to, but not something that will happen right away. Set realistic goals and work towards them, slowly. You will get there and then you can set new goals and work towards them too. Eventually, you too will have a chance at becoming a forex millionaire, though this can only happen if you adopt a successful forex trader lifestyle, which you can start by practicing your skills on forex trading websites, such as the one found through the button below.

The top forex traders in the world

Quick notice before we start: the list below is not arranged in any particular order, other than the author’s desire to speak about certain people before the rest. Do not hold it against us if your favorite legend does not stand before any other, it is simply a random assortment and in no way a ranking of favorites. So, without further ado, let us get into the list of the men who have made enough money to be considered the top most successful FX traders in the world.

George soros

George Soros famous forex traders

If you live in the modern world, you have heard the name george soros many times before. You must have heard some conspiracy theories regarding the man as well since, at least to some, he is the most suspicious man who has ever lived. It is not surprising for someone who is known as the man who broke the bank of england to be a little suspicious in the eyes of the unknowing. We will talk about how he came upon that name a little later. First, let us talk about who he is and where he came from and why he is one of the best forex traders to follow and keep your eye on.

George soros’s birth name was gyorgy schwartz. The name was changed sometimes in the 1930s by his father, as he didn’t want the nazi germans to single them out and hunt them down as they were doing during those dark times in nazi germany. The man was just a boy at the time, so the name stuck for the rest of his life. The family moved to switzerland sometime in 1946 and then to london in 1947. George would go to the london school of economics here, graduating in 1952 with a degree in philosophy. After this, he went on to work with the bank known as singer & friedlander. He would spend many years working for many different banks and financial establishments throughout those years. Many successful forex traders’ stories are similar to this one: from nothing to everything.

Then, in 1969 he founded his own fund management firm, the soros fund management, concentrating on managing hedge funds, which has up to date produced $40 billion in revenue since foundation. Then, in the 1970s, he found the quantum fund, through which he started trading on the foreign exchange market. For many years he kept selling, buying, learning, recording until the fateful day in 1992 when he broke the english bank. He realized, after many years of observation, that he could do something that would make him a whole lot of money. He took 10 billion british pound sterlings and short sold them. With this action he was able to make about one billion GBP sterling in a single day, making him the man who made the most money in one day, and also bringing him fame as the best forex trader in the world. So far.

Another consequence of his actions was that the GBP had to leave the european foreign exchange because the value of the sterling fell far below the agreed-upon value. Which is why he is called the man who broke the bank of england. He made the bank withdraw the currency from the market. That is a pretty big thing to do.

Andrew krieger
Andrew Krieger top forex trader

When growing up, he seemed like a regular kid. Loved his sweets, enjoyed his cereal and had fun playing outside until dusk. Then he grew up and went to the wharton school of business, which is part of the university of pennsylvania, which put him on the path to becoming one of the most famous and one of the best forex traders in the world. The journey there for krieger was as long as it was for the person we discussed previously, and yet it was no less wrought with issues.

After graduating from school he joined the salomon brothers and then moved to the bankers trust company in rapid succession. While working at the bankers trust company, his reputation as a good businessman with a strong financial acumen started growing fast. After a short period of time, the company gave krieger a boost from the standard $50 million trading capital limit to a staggering $700 million. This type of capital allowed him to do something that he would not have been able to achieve with his previous capital when october 19th eventually rolled around.

The world was in a panic, the financial markets were in trouble, so was the foreign exchange market. Looking closely at the market, krieger realizes that the new zealand dollar is overvalued. So he takes his capital, combines it with a 400:1 leverage and starts short selling the NZD. After a while of doing this, his earnings for the bankers trust come to about 300 million dollars, and he is done, leaning back against his chair and smiling quaintly at his earnings. Though, a year later, he leaves the firm because he believes that 3 million dollars are not an appropriate bonus for his earnings of 300 million for the company. Yet, his reputation as one of the best forex traders on the market persists.

Bruce kovner
Bruce Kovner biggest forex traders

Bruce kovner is a humble man, whose origin story is humble as well. He was born in new york, in brooklyn and didn’t do anything outstanding in terms of financial success until he was thirty-two. He took the $3000 he had on his credit card and bought some soybean futures. This brought him some nice winnings of $23000, even though he could have had $40 000 if he had known when to pull out. This is when he learned about appropriate risk management and how to manage your funds well. A lesson every one of the best forex traders had to learn at one point or another.

He would spend the next few years working commodities corporation until the foundation of his own company, caxton corporation and later caxton associates, which concentrated on foreign exchange and other asset diversifying operations. At its peak, the caxton corporation was making around $14 billion, which is what brought the man the fame of one of the best forex traders in the world.

Paul tudor jones
Paul Tudor Jones successful currency traders

There isn’t much more to say about paul tudor jones other than what has already been showcased in the film about him, aptly named the trader. This man’s beginnings were as humble as any other’s and yet he too was able to create a reputation of one the top forex traders in the world for himself. The way he did it was pretty simple – when the legendary black monday rolled around, he bet against a very large currency with a whole lot of capital. He short-sold the yen pretty hard and created a 15% return for his company, which earned him not only a whole lot of money but the reputation of a financier you want on your side.

Urs schwarzenbach

Urs Schwarzenbach top 10 forex traders in the world

A man who deserves to be much better known than many on this list. Urs schwarzenbach, despite being the least well-known trader, is also sitting extremely close to being the most successful forex trader, purely through his own ability and knowledge. His history is fascinating – he was born and raised in switzerland. He worked at the swiss bank corporation, as part of the foreign affairs division at first and then as part of the foreign exchange market division. Because of his success, he was sent to london not long after. His father gave his son some money as something to bring on his trip, despite not having much to himself. One hundred thousand swiss francs, at twenty-four years old, was used by urs to trade on the foreign exchange market and produce his first million. He would keep trading on the market privately, earning himself millions of dollars until he was able to start his own company.

Today the man trades with his own money. He says this gives him the ability to take risks that he would not be able to take with other peoples’ money. And he is known for taking larger risks than more conservative companies do. Though at the same time, he is known to be a careful trader, one that knows how to manage his risks. Which is why his capital is growing by the day. His success has brought him the reputation of being one of the top forex traders in the world, despite not being publically known. He prefers it this way.

Stanley druckenmiller
Stanley Druckenmiller best forex traders in the world

A man born to a rather regular, middle-class family, without any outstanding features or fortunes, who would eventually become one of the best FX traders in the world by playing on the market with the german mark. Some of you might not remember the time when the german mark was a thing, but it was a big thing before the euro. During the 1980s the currency was getting devalued daily, because of the political issues surrounding the berlin wall and its destruction. Taking a close look at the currency stanley saw that the currency was severely undervalued, so he opened a position of several million dollars, buying the currency at a higher price than what was on the market. Soros made him increase the position several times a little later. The result was a 60% return on the investment and the first billion dollars that the man would make for his employer. The kind of fame and fortune that we all would like in our lives.

Bill lipschutz
Bill Lipschutz famous currency traders

Not all traders started out going to business schools or economics schools. This farmingdale, new york boy went to a cornell university for the architectural and design fine arts degree. Though at the same time he was earning his MBA in finance from a johnson school of management from the same university. So maybe it’s not entirely true that he didn’t go to business school. The thing is, he spent many years going about investment on his own. At one point he turned $12 000 into $250 000 and lost it all on the market. The result was an important lesson – manage your risks.

Soon he joined the salomon brothers investment company, where he, in a short time, became part of the new foreign exchange department. In this position, he started earning the company three hundred million dollars a year, until the 1990s when he left the company. All of this has earned him the reputation of one of the best forex traders in the world. A reputation well earned, especially if you keep making three hundred million dollars for the company you work at, every year, for half a decade or so.

Michael marcus
Michael Marcus success forex trading

The man was once one of the largest foreign exchange market traders in the world, and we do not mean physically. At one point in the 1980s, this legendary trader held positions on the german mark in the amounts of three hundred million dollars. The dollar was strong then, so he had nothing to fear. He made loads of money in those years but then realized that his position as the top foreign exchange trader for the commodities corporation required him to be at work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This led to a divorce and many years of unhappiness for him. So he quit the foreign exchange market, also believing that the forex market today is not about trade but more about guessing the central banks’ positions on currencies. Still, despite not being in the industry anymore, he remains one of the best forex traders to have ever graced the market with their capital. Maybe he has a point, or maybe he made enough money to not want to work anymore. Either way, he is doing great.

Joe lewis
Joe Lewis forex traders

This british man had to abandon his studies at fifteen so he could help his family business. Working in catering for a while, he took over his father’s business and helped it grow until he was able to sell it for a nice bit of profit. Using the money he had earned, he moved to the bahamas and started trading from there, while paying very low taxes. He spent years growing his capital privately until he was able to match the george soros gamble against the GBP in the 1990s. How much money he made off of this gamble is not specifically known, but what is known is that they do not top the earnings he got on his short sale of the mexican peso. Either way, the man has made tons of money in the forex industry, simply through his persistence and understanding of the market, which is what made him into one of the most successful forex traders who operate today.

Michael steinhardt
Micheal Steinhardt best forex traders

Michael steinhardt is a bit of a legendary figure in the investment world, holding his record of a 24% continuous compound growth of 28 years unchallenged anywhere in the world’s markets. The man started out on the stock market, receiving his first investment capital in the shape of envelopes full of money to invest in the market. After growing his capital he started diversifying his portfolio, eventually starting to work in the foreign exchange markets, with the same success as with everything else. This is not only impressive but also what makes him one of the most successful traders in forex in the world.

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What do the best forex traders have in common?

A list of top 10 forex traders . How great. But of what use is it to us if we do not draw some conclusions and lessons from it? The answer is – none. Which is why we are going to do a quick summary of all the things that these men share in terms of their investment habits, business acumen and otherwise, and see what the most important quality for becoming one of the most successful forex traders in the world is.

Financial education

One of the things that a lot of these people have in common is their background in financial education. Whether it is them going to a business school or to a macroeconomics theoretical course, all of them have an education related to it. But, you might say, some of them don’t even have an official education. Truth be told, financial education can also be garnered on your own time, when you are not working or trading, by analyzing your own experiences, successes and failures. Which is what the best traders in the world all have in common – the discipline to learn about the field. So maybe, if you don’t have the money to go to school for it, you should spend some time educating yourself about the financial sector and especially about foreign exchange.

Risk management

A recurring pattern you might have noticed among all of the traders is the tendency to have one experience where they learned that risk management is important. Not only is it important, but it is also imperative to your success. Can you imagine how well bill lipschultz would have done if he had not lost the $250 000 he had initially made? Well, let me tell you, a lot better. Risk management, and understanding of it, is an important concept that all of the top traders in the world have to understand and consider at least at some point in their early careers. The sooner you start understanding the basic concepts of risk management, the sooner you will be able to trade like them.

A bit of luck

While most of these people knew what they were doing when dealing with one currency or another, most of them needed just a bit of luck to get started. Getting a bit of a cash infusion from your dad, a small boost from george soros or simply being hired by a certain company is all they needed to get to where they are now. So don’t forget to look for bits of luck on a daily basis – create opportunities for yourself to get lucky and you eventually will. Maybe that bit of luck is what separates you from becoming the best forex trader in the world?

Realistic forex income goals for trading

What are realistic and acceptable forex income goals?

Setting realistic trading revenue goals is a tough question to answer because there are so many factors. Each trader is different, and the reality is that most traders lose money. The reason is that trading is tough and it takes real effort and discipline to be successful.

It is impossible to find out what the best independent traders make. Only a few people share that information. Those who do, may or may not be telling the truth. We will start by looking at some independent forex trader salary public data available on the internet:

We will start by looking at some independent forex trader salary public data available on the internet:

Salary.Com says:
how much does a foreign exchange trader III make? The median annual foreign exchange trader III salary is $166,461, as of march 31, 2017. The range is usually between $130,000-$194,728. However, this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors. Our team of certified compensation professionals analyzed survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at companies of all sizes and industries to present this range of annual salaries for people with the job title foreign exchange trader III in the united states.

This professional forex trader income makes, not the retail traders who work from home.

A foreign exchange trader job is hard to find. But you can do it if you work at it, however, I think it is better if we work on trading for ourselves. Here is everything you need to know about brokers.

How much can you make trading the forex market?

There is no limit on how much you can make! You can make millions of dollars. Anything is possible which is why so many people try to learn how to trade.

WAIT! Forex income is challenging:

Before you get crazy here and start throwing loads of cash into a trading account. I need to tell you that, only a few people get rich trading retail forex. It is difficult, and you must be a master of trading and discipline to make a significant amount of money.

We could play the scenario’s all day long. This is the reason a lot of people get into forex trading in the first place. They see the possibilities of millions of dollars as what is possible. The next thing you know, they will have lost several thousand dollars trading. This is because they trade without knowing what they are doing and lack of discipline.

Realistic trading income calculations:

So let's calculate realistic numbers regarding profit potential.

The first thing you have to realize is that the use of leverage in trading is an excellent way to maximize gains. And risk can be managed fairly well if you have the discipline. That is the problem though is most people do not have the discipline.

But for the sake of this article, I am going to assume you have the trading discipline and have the ability to follow a forex trading income; risk management plan.

The great thing is you do not have to risk much to make a substantial profit. Let me give you an example.

You have an account of 10k, and you want to earn 2.5% per month with a goal of 30% account growth per year.

Now you decide that you are only going to risk 1% of that account per trade.

At 1% risk of 10k, that is $100 USD, and therefore you are only risking 1% at any given time, and you could potentially earn the 30% growth by never risking more than $100 at one time.

Now there are many more numbers that must be calculated such as what is your win rate, what is the risk to reward ratio. So the scenarios could go on and on forever.
You could, in fact, raise your risk to 2.5% or $250 and hit your goal with a single trade and meet our monthly goal by using a risk/reward ratio of 1:1.

Forex income compared to real estate income

Compare that with something real estate where someone might have to risk a great deal more to achieve the 2.5% gain. For example, you could spend 100k or more purchasing a house, and in trading, you can earn 2.5% with a much smaller investment by opening an account for as little as 1000. You can also read the information on gold investments.

You could potentially make 2.5% on one trade versus a lot more upfront money and time involved in real estate investment.

That’s the only trade you would have to make that month in order to gain what you would be averaging in real estate to be considered extremely profitable. The conclusion is simple: forex has such an incredible potential, that it can easily surpass real estate even with minimal risk measures in place.

I cannot think of many investments that yield anywhere near 100% ROI a year. Let's take a look and see how hard it would be to make this with minimal to moderate risk management. It comes out to 6% a month compounding. Now that, my friend, is more than doable in this market. If you are confident in your profitability as a trader and willing to risk, say 3% of your account on each trade, then with an RR of 1:2 you could easily achieve this percentage with one trade in a month.

Forex is an excellent investment IF you take it slow and focus on the long term. Also, read a million USD forex strategy.

What is the average forex trader salary?

I would like to compare forex vs average and above average careers.

Now, looking at the average income per capita (person) in the U.S. The average income per capita in 2015 was $58,714 via wikipedia.
Let us imagine that you would like to make at least $50,000 a year trading. After all, you're doing this for the money, so you want to make as much as possible.
Once again using minimal-moderate risk, we said you could accumulate 8% a month.

Assuming that you increase your lot sizes with your account each month, instead of weekly or daily for risk management purposes. You would need to have a $40,000 account to make $53,265.56 a year at 8% a month.

Now let's say you minimized your expenses and worked a job, so you were able to build your trading account. How long would it take you to make 1 million off of a $10,000 account at 10% ROI a month? In 4 years you would have $970,000. Divide that by 4, and you get $242,500. Which means that you made $242,500 annually. That is if you did not pull any out, instead let your account build at 10% ROI each month.

What if you wanted to wait until five years and then start pulling out all of your profits. In 5 years you would have $3,044,816. Now you can feel free to pull out all of the profits each month. That would mean you would make $304,481 a month! Just imagine that. If you build up your 10k account for five years, you will be making $3,653,779 a year after that if you pull out all of your earnings. So we see that it is much better to build up your account until you feel you NEED to take the money out. I mean, can you imagine making that kind of an income five years from now every month. I am not even talking about something that is unachievable. 10% a month is possible in forex by finding a great trading system, having proper discipline and finding a trading mentor. It's important to keep yourself in check, perfecting your craft each and every day by educating yourself.

In fact, 10% per month can be accomplished with only a few high-quality trades each month. Many traders get caught up in quantity instead of the quality of trades. We have a forex trading income calculator on this site to help you do your calculations.

I would challenge you to find another career in the world that will have you earning that kind of money in 5 years. I mean, honestly, those numbers are mind-blowing, remember though don’t get caught up in the figures. Trading isn't easy but can be done, if you follow a plan.

I say this simply to reinforce how profitable the forex market can be if you work hard, and have long-term goals in mind.

You really can make great income in forex

In conclusion, if we can maintain a realistic view of forex, then we have a greater chance of setting reasonable goals. This helps us maintain a profitable trading strategy that brings us a steady forex income over time. If you don't believe me take a look at the forex compounding calculator which will tell you all you need to know about how much forex income you can make.

"nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal. Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." -thomas jefferson

Please leave a comment below if you have any questions about realistic forex income!

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Top forex traders earnings

To date, alexander elder is mostly known as an american stock exchange trader and an author of several books. However, it’s rarely mentioned that his main field of activity is medicine, where he is quite successful as well: his clinic is functioning and has a good reputation in the US. Alexander was born in leningrad, .

What ideal broker looks like?

Ask this question to 10 professional traders, and you will get 10 different answers: some say, that high leverage level is mandatory for high profits, others say that you don’t need any leverage at all; some traders value market execution more than everything, others believe in the importance of instant execution; some people prefer floating spreads, while others choose higher, yet fixed rates of interest; in addition, personal preferences in terms of trading platforms may differ too.

That is why only 2 factors really matter in forex market: broker’s trustworthiness and your personal preferences. A broker can be evaluated by possession of a license and customer reviews. However, your peculiar preferences may prevent you from making your first deposit even after considering dozens of offers and hundreds of dealing centers.

Our ranking of forex dealers is designed for a quick and easy-to-use search: simply input the required parameters and you will get a list of dealing centers that match your preferences; if you are a beginning broker and you don’t really know what you are looking for, you can always ask our experts for help; the most important feature of a good broker is his trustworthiness. That’s why our rankings are based on detailed analysis of trading platforms, reviews and ratings by traders with different level of competence and expertise; our rankings are the easiest way to find the best broker for profitable trading!


Forex trading is not something to take lightly. If you truly want to be successful at forex trading, you must be prepared to invest the time and hard work to acquire the three factors for success – knowledge, experience, and emotional control. The staff at forextraders.Com is here to help you achieve these goals, especially from a knowledge perspective, but determining if a trading regimen is right for you will come from hours of practice trading with “virtual” cash and real time quotes on a free “demo” account.

Each of the forex brokers presented below can provide this demo account for your early development phase and continued practice thereafter. The list below will acquaint you with the issues involved in selecting a personal business partner in this arena, your first major decision in your quest to become a “professional forex trader”.

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5 richest traders in the world and their net worth

Written by natalia.Gombalova. Published on june 18th, 2020.

Wondering how the richest forex traders make it to the top? Who wouldn’t…

After all, the forex market is widely considered as the most thrilling financial market due to the fact that over $5 trillion is being traded every day.

Considering the volume and size of the forex market, no wonder it keeps attracting and welcoming new traders who are interested in mastering it and earning extra profits.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you are completely new to trading forex or already had a few seasons of trading behind your back – all traders share one key goal – to become successful in the forex market (and eventually get listed in this blog, of course).

Do you ever look at your trades and wonder – how far could this go?

Well, today I’ll show you the richest forex and stock traders in the world of all time so that you can boost that motivation to succeed in trading. Their stories are full of hard work, dedication, and patience. They are people with the power of influence, whose moves had an impact on the whole forex industry.

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll be using the peak net worth in USD to rank the richest stock traders.

Some of the richest (stock) traders in the world are: george soros – $8.3 billion carl icahn – $17 billion ray dalio – $18.5 billion paul tudor jones II – $5.1 billion ed seykota – $4.2 billion

George soros

George Soros trader

From beginners to well-established traders, we are sure that almost everyone knows the story of the man who broke the bank of england. You know, the man who took a $1 billion profit in a single day during the 1992 black wednesday UK currency crisis? He went down in history as the first person who earned that much money in a single day. $1 billion. With a B. In 1 day. He is a founding member of soros fund management, LLC – a firm that manages hedge funds. Since its opening, the company has managed to generate around $40 billion in earnings. Not just that but he also founded quantum fund and the central and eastern europe-focused open society foundations, making over $14 billion in grants. Since 1984, soros has guided his foundation towards supporting people and various organisations around the world, fighting for equality, freedom of speech and more. In 2017, soros himself donated $18 billion of his fortune to fund the foundation’s future projects. George soros’ net worth is worth $8.3 billion. Let’s face it, the man was hungry to make money and he sure did succeed.

Carl icahn

Carl Icahn

Another reputable figure in the trading world – carl icahn. Throughout the history of wall street, we have seen many investors and brokers but how many of them have gone on to become truly successful? Carl icahn is one of those few. He is famous for his wisdom and intelligence when it comes to investing and is often compared to warren buffet. Carl icahn was born in new york to a family of teachers. He was close to his uncle – M. Elliot schnall, who eventually helped him buy a seat on the new york stock exchange by loaning him $400,000. The rest is history. With his holding company, the icahn enterprises, carl invested in a lot of both international and U.S. Companies, including apple, netflix, time warner, revlon, viacom, motorola and others. His smart investments are what made him one of the richest men in the world with a net worth of over $17 billion. His investing strategies have always been fascinating to traders and investors. Icahn became famous for not being afraid of taking risks and for his impeccable judgments when it comes to investment opportunities. Some people just know how to roll…

Ray dalio

Ray Dalio

Ray dalio – or trading legend if you’d like – got involved with the markets from the age of 12 when he bought shares of northeast airlines for $300 and tripled his investment after the airline merged with another company. After graduating from harvard business school in 1975, he went on to launch the investment company, bridgewater, from his two-bedroom apartment in new york city. The company’s success skyrocketed in the ‘80s and by 2011 it would turn into the largest hedge fund in the entire world. Today, the hedge fund firm manages about $160 billion in assets. He also predicted the global financial crisis in 2007 and further explained his model in an essay titled “how the economic machine works: A template for understanding what is happening now”. His net worth is an astonishing $18.5 billion.

Paul tudor jones II

paul tudor jones

PTJ became famous after appearing in the PBS documentary ‘the trader’ in 1987 where he anticipated a market crash. He used stock index futures to triple his capital under management during the black monday crash in 1987 with large short positions. His fund had a 125.9% return in one day after fees with an approximate $100 million profit. PTJ’s hedge fund went on to perform well over the decades with steady returns and minimal drawdowns in the capital.

Paul tudor jones II is known for his macro trades, particularly his bets on interest rates and currencies. He made his fortune by founding and managing capital for his tudor investment corporation making paul tudor jones II the 131st richest person in the world with a net worth of approximately $5.1 billion.

Ed seykota

ed seykota

Ed seykota or as the forbes called him top trend following market wizard, is undoubtedly one of the most successful traders. He began his career in the 1970s when he was hired by a major brokerage firm. It was there that ed developed one of the first commercialised trading systems for managing money in the futures market. He’s known for his end-of-day computerised trading systems that relied heavily on trends. What makes ed especially unique is his continual self-examination and commitment to studying the psychological components of trading while also helping other traders achieve their potential. Everything he does is based on strict trading rules he’s outlined for himself. It’s how he manages to stay calm even when things aren’t going his way. It’s not every day you see someone lose $100m and not even bat an eyelid. But then again, the remaining $4.2 billion probably does make it better…

Wrapping up

You want to be a successful trader after reading about these trading giants, don’t you? Well, one thing that all these trading giants have in common is the fact that many of them have threaded the path of success and have pushed to learn all they can, as fast as they can. Most people who have made a lot from trading understand this aspect of the game. There is no substitute for hard work in the forex industry; at the same time, there is no room for doubt. You can get there & you can do as well as they did! We hope that our list triggered your desire to learn more about forex trading, stock trading or cryptocurrency trading and become a notable trader, just like everyone else on this list. Sign up to our trading room today and can start writing your own success story today! Who knows, maybe one day you will make it to this list!

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