FBS vs InstaForex: Which One is Better for You, fbs vs instaforex.

Fbs vs instaforex

Looking for more references? Here are other comparisons related to FBS and instaforex: to support their clients, FBS enables trading with metatrader 4 (limited with 45 days of inactivity).

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FBS vs InstaForex: Which One is Better for You, fbs vs instaforex.

FBS vs InstaForex: Which One is Better for You, fbs vs instaforex.

FBS vs InstaForex: Which One is Better for You, fbs vs instaforex.

The offer is supported with mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders. In comparison, instaforex provides trading with metatrader 4, metatrader 5 with the support of mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders.

Fbs vs instaforex

Considering that spread is a trading cost, the lower the spread, the better it is for traders. However, spread information among brokers is not easy to get, as not every broker transparently publishes their spreads data.

However, traders can still choose their ideal brokers by the type of their spreads. The most two popular types of spread are fixed and variable. The pros and cons between the two spreads can vary for every trader. In this case, FBS provides their pricing with fixed while instaforex offers fixed.

FBS vs instaforex: who hosts the best trading platform?

The trading platform is essential as you can't execute a trade without it. Additionally, trading platforms provide price charts and an assortment of analytical tools to help traders with their strategies.

To support their clients, FBS enables trading with metatrader 4 (limited with 45 days of inactivity). The offer is supported with mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders. In comparison, instaforex provides trading with metatrader 4, metatrader 5 with the support of mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders.

Is FBS or instaforex better in providing the trading instruments?

It is widely known that forex brokers offer other trading instruments other than currency pairs. The offer gives interesting choices for traders to explore other markets that may be proven beneficial for them and to diversify their trading portfolios.

In this case, FBS supports trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, futures, while instaforex presents the ability of trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options, cryptocurrencies.

In conclusion, deciding the better broker eventually comes down to your consideration. If you are an active trader, it is better to choose a broker with a variable spread that is generally lower than the fixed one. For the trading platform, metatrader 4 is the standard choice for every trader. But if you want to have a different experience with a more advanced platform, choose the broker that provides alternative platforms. The same goes for trading instruments; if you want to try delving into different markets, seek for a broker with more options on trading instruments.

Looking for more references? Here are other comparisons related to FBS and instaforex:

To add more insights in your exploration, we have gathered the most popular broker comparisons in our site, chosen by our visitors:

Fbs vs instaforex

Considering that spread is a trading cost, the lower the spread, the better it is for traders. However, spread information among brokers is not easy to get, as not every broker transparently publishes their spreads data.

However, traders can still choose their ideal brokers by the type of their spreads. The most two popular types of spread are fixed and variable. The pros and cons between the two spreads can vary for every trader. In this case, instaforex provides their pricing with fixed while FBS offers fixed.

Instaforex vs FBS: who hosts the best trading platform?

The trading platform is essential as you can't execute a trade without it. Additionally, trading platforms provide price charts and an assortment of analytical tools to help traders with their strategies.

To support their clients, instaforex enables trading with metatrader 4, metatrader 5. The offer is supported with mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders. In comparison, FBS provides trading with metatrader 4 (limited with 45 days of inactivity) with the support of mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders.

Is instaforex or FBS better in providing the trading instruments?

It is widely known that forex brokers offer other trading instruments other than currency pairs. The offer gives interesting choices for traders to explore other markets that may be proven beneficial for them and to diversify their trading portfolios.

In this case, instaforex supports trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options, cryptocurrencies, while FBS presents the ability of trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, futures.

In conclusion, deciding the better broker eventually comes down to your consideration. If you are an active trader, it is better to choose a broker with a variable spread that is generally lower than the fixed one. For the trading platform, metatrader 4 is the standard choice for every trader. But if you want to have a different experience with a more advanced platform, choose the broker that provides alternative platforms. The same goes for trading instruments; if you want to try delving into different markets, seek for a broker with more options on trading instruments.

Looking for more references? Here are other comparisons related to instaforex and FBS:

To add more insights in your exploration, we have gathered the most popular broker comparisons in our site, chosen by our visitors:

Fbs vs instaforex

Considering that spread is a trading cost, the lower the spread, the better it is for traders. However, spread information among brokers is not easy to get, as not every broker transparently publishes their spreads data.

However, traders can still choose their ideal brokers by the type of their spreads. The most two popular types of spread are fixed and variable. The pros and cons between the two spreads can vary for every trader. In this case, FBS provides their pricing with fixed while instaforex offers fixed.

FBS vs instaforex: who hosts the best trading platform?

The trading platform is essential as you can't execute a trade without it. Additionally, trading platforms provide price charts and an assortment of analytical tools to help traders with their strategies.

To support their clients, FBS enables trading with metatrader 4 (limited with 45 days of inactivity). The offer is supported with mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders. In comparison, instaforex provides trading with metatrader 4, metatrader 5 with the support of mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders.

Is FBS or instaforex better in providing the trading instruments?

It is widely known that forex brokers offer other trading instruments other than currency pairs. The offer gives interesting choices for traders to explore other markets that may be proven beneficial for them and to diversify their trading portfolios.

In this case, FBS supports trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, futures, while instaforex presents the ability of trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options, cryptocurrencies.

In conclusion, deciding the better broker eventually comes down to your consideration. If you are an active trader, it is better to choose a broker with a variable spread that is generally lower than the fixed one. For the trading platform, metatrader 4 is the standard choice for every trader. But if you want to have a different experience with a more advanced platform, choose the broker that provides alternative platforms. The same goes for trading instruments; if you want to try delving into different markets, seek for a broker with more options on trading instruments.

Looking for more references? Here are other comparisons related to FBS and instaforex:

To add more insights in your exploration, we have gathered the most popular broker comparisons in our site, chosen by our visitors:

Fbs vs instaforex

Considering that spread is a trading cost, the lower the spread, the better it is for traders. However, spread information among brokers is not easy to get, as not every broker transparently publishes their spreads data.

However, traders can still choose their ideal brokers by the type of their spreads. The most two popular types of spread are fixed and variable. The pros and cons between the two spreads can vary for every trader. In this case, instaforex provides their pricing with fixed while FBS offers fixed.

Instaforex vs FBS: who hosts the best trading platform?

The trading platform is essential as you can't execute a trade without it. Additionally, trading platforms provide price charts and an assortment of analytical tools to help traders with their strategies.

To support their clients, instaforex enables trading with metatrader 4, metatrader 5. The offer is supported with mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders. In comparison, FBS provides trading with metatrader 4 (limited with 45 days of inactivity) with the support of mobile trading, one-click trading, trailing stop, pending orders.

Is instaforex or FBS better in providing the trading instruments?

It is widely known that forex brokers offer other trading instruments other than currency pairs. The offer gives interesting choices for traders to explore other markets that may be proven beneficial for them and to diversify their trading portfolios.

In this case, instaforex supports trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, binary options, cryptocurrencies, while FBS presents the ability of trading with forex, gold & silver, CFD, futures.

In conclusion, deciding the better broker eventually comes down to your consideration. If you are an active trader, it is better to choose a broker with a variable spread that is generally lower than the fixed one. For the trading platform, metatrader 4 is the standard choice for every trader. But if you want to have a different experience with a more advanced platform, choose the broker that provides alternative platforms. The same goes for trading instruments; if you want to try delving into different markets, seek for a broker with more options on trading instruments.

Looking for more references? Here are other comparisons related to instaforex and FBS:

To add more insights in your exploration, we have gathered the most popular broker comparisons in our site, chosen by our visitors:

Persaingan broker FBS vs INSTAFOREX

4.9/5 (21) sepertinya perseteruan antara broker forex FBS vs instaforex masih terus menghangat belakangan ini terkait masalah manajemen dan persaingan broker. Perseteruan kedua broker tersebut mencuat kembali ketika terjadi kasus ditutupnya liberty reserve (LR), saat itu instaforex memutuskan pencairan dana akun yag deposit lewat LR akan dilakukan bulan november (informasi dari salah satu IB instaforex disini). Sementara banyak klien instaforex yang kecewa atas keputusan instaforex tersebut, pihak FBS mencoba menarik para trader instaforex dengan memberikan promosi:

Perusahaan FBS memberikan promo terbaru “bawa deposito dari instaforex dan dapatkan bonus 50% ke akaun anda!”

Untuk mendapatkan bonus :
anda perlu kirim statement anda yg membuktikan anda telah WD dari instaforex dan deposit ke FBS
kirim ke email insta@fbs.Com dan beritahu nomor akun anda di FBS

Promosi ini jelas makin memperuncing persaingan antara broker instaforex dan FBS, apalagi pada saat itu sepertinya sergey maizus, salah satu pemegang saham FBS sekaligus instaforex, merasa kecewa dengan kinerja ildar sharipov (direktur instaforex).
Berikut terjemahan tulisan yang diklaim adalah tulisan dari sergey maizus mengenai keadaan yang terjadi di broker instaforex:

Teruntuk klien dan mitra FBS yang kami hormati!
Perusahaan kami sangat bertanggung jawab dengan keamanan dana nasabah. Itulah sebabnya kami, salah satu dari beberapa perusahaan yang telah membayarkan dana untuk semua klien yang menggunakan sistem pembayaran liberty reserve sebelumnya.

Kami memahami bahwa klien kami mungkin memiliki akaun di perusahaan broker lain. Oleh karena itu untuk para klien tercinta, kami ingin mengingatkan tentang situasi kritis di salah satu broker forex. Sehingga anda dapat menghindari segala kemungkinan hilangnya deposit anda.
Seperti yang anda telah ketahui, setelah penutupan sistem pembayaran liberty reserve, perusahaan instaforex berhenti membayar klien mereka yang telah mengisi akaun melalui LR. Perusahaan tersebut menjanjikan untuk melakukan pembayaran dalam jangka waktu enam bulan dengan hilangnya 50% dari deposit. Jelaslah sudah semua, uang dari klien hangus, dan keuntungan perusahaan tidak cukup untuk membayar kepada kliennya.

Namun yang paling mengerikan adalah bahwa di dalam internal perusahaan instaforex tersebut sendiri terjadi konflik antar pemegang saham. Hal ini mengarah pada fakta bahwa terjadinya konflik anti-penguasa dan telah terjadi penyelidikan dari pihak berwajib kepada semua manajer perusahaan yang berada di rusia, di mana kantor pusat perusahaan berada.

Salah satu pemegang saham, sergey maizus, menjelaskan bahwa aset utama perusahaan instaforex tidak terdaftar dengan benar sesuai dengan proporsi sahamnya dan telah dilakukan penyelidikan internal. Lalu dijelaskan juga bahwa dana klien atas kebijakannya sendiri diatur oleh ildar sharipov dan direksi perusahaan tidak memiliki akses nyata untuk mengontrol situasi tersebut. Selain bertindak direktur dan co-pemilik ildar sharipov di jalankan dan saat ini keberadaannya tidak diketahui.

Dengan demikian, untuk menyelesaikan konflik melalui negosiasi antara pemegang saham tidak tercapai sampai saat ini juga. Kantor perusahaan masih bekerja normal. Direktur perusahaan menyembunyikan dana klien. Sekarang dia dan manajer senior dihadapkan pada penyelidikan formal dengan tuntutan pidana yang sangat serius.
Dengan berbagai alasan yang berbeda, dengan kemungkinan yang sangat tinggi dapat dikatakan bahwa perusahaan instaforex bekerja dengan sistem “piramida” yang langsung menghabiskan semua dana dari klien, dan sama sekali tidak memperdulikan kepentingan klien.

Menurut analis, kemungkinan besar bahwa perusahaan instaforex mungkin akan ditutup dalam waktu dekat sebesar 76%. Dasar objektif utama mengapa hal ini mungkin terjadi adalah:

• penutupan sistem liberty reserve telah menyebabkan kehancuran yang signifikan untuk perusahaan instaforex dan juga reputasinya
• konflik pemegang saham, yang terjadi dengan skenario yang paling tidak menguntungkan. Dilihat oleh pernyataan dari pemegang saham sergei maizus dia telah siap untuk skenario yang paling negatif bahkan sampai penutupan perusahaan secara penuh
• tuntutan pidana pada manajer senior dari perusahaan instaforex. Penutupan semua sistem keuangan didahului dengan tuntutan pada para direksi. Ingatkah anda pada e-gold, e-bullion, liberty reserve, crown forex, broco, dan sebagainya.
• tidak diketahuinya lokasi dan direktur pemegang saham perusahaan, ildar sharipov dan terlihat jelas bahwa semua dana klien berada di tangannya.
• titik terlemah terletak pada kantor pusat perusahaan yang sedang dalam penyelidikan. Pekerjaan kantor bisa berhenti setiap saat.

Secara fakta yang ada, kerja perusahaan menjadi tidak stabil dan situasi selanjutnya dapat menjadi sangat buruk. Pemegang saham sergei maizus, seorang pria yang sangat kuat dan memiliki sumber daya administrasi yang sangat serius sedang berusaha mempercepat investigasi yang sedang berlangsung dan proses penangkapan.

Sehubungan dengan data yang ada pada kami serta berdasarkan analisis informasi yang berada dalam domain publik, kami mempublikasikan berita ini terutama untuk klien kami demi melindungi mereka dari kehilangan dana. Kami menyarankan anda untuk menarik dana anda dari perusahaan instaforex setidaknya sampai klarifikasi dan stabilisasi situasi sengketa antar pemegang saham.

* tulisan dari pemegang saham sergei maizus, serta pernyataannya kepada polisi, FSB dan kantor kejaksaan diposting di forum regulator pasar valas non-komersial rusia

Baca review masing-masing dari kedua broker tersebut: FBS vs INSTAFOREX

XM group vs instaforex

If you're choosing between XM group and instaforex, we've compared hundreds of data points side-by-side to make finding the right broker for you easier. We've also displayed one of our most popular brokers, avatrade, as another alternative to consider.

What would you like to compare?

The BROKERDNA ™ score tells you, overall, how reputable, suitable, and affordable a broker is compared to other brokers.

This score is algorithmically-generated based on 31 factors. Neither our team, nor the brokers featured on our site, are able to change this without changing their service offering. Learn more here.

The BROKERDNA ™ score tells you, overall, how reputable, suitable, and affordable a broker is compared to other brokers.

This score is algorithmically-generated based on 31 factors. Neither our team, nor the brokers featured on our site, are able to change this without changing their service offering. Learn more here.

The BROKERDNA ™ score tells you, overall, how reputable, suitable, and affordable a broker is compared to other brokers.

This score is algorithmically-generated based on 31 factors. Neither our team, nor the brokers featured on our site, are able to change this without changing their service offering. Learn more here.

The BROKERDNA ™ score tells you, overall, how reputable, suitable, and affordable a broker is compared to other brokers.

This score is algorithmically-generated based on 31 factors. Neither our team, nor the brokers featured on our site, are able to change this without changing their service offering. Learn more here.

XM group is regulated by the IFSC, cysec and ASIC. XM have provided forex, commodities, equity and indice trading services since 2009.

Instaforex are regulated by cysec. They were founded in 2007 and are used by over 7,000,000 traders.

Avatrade is regulated by the central bank of ireland, ASIC (australia), FSA (japan), FSB (south africa) and BVI. Avatrade have provided forex trading services since 2006.


78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.

50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.


See the platforms and features offered by each broker

Arabic, chinese, english, french, german, greek, hindi, hungarian, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean, malay, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, swedish, thai, and turkish

Arabic, chinese, english, portuguese, russian, spanish, and indonesian

English, italian, german, french, greek, hebrew, spanish, arabic, malay, russian, chinese, portuguese and dutch

78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.

50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.


From micro accounts to ECN accounts, compare the accounts offered by XM group and instaforex

78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.

50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.




78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.

50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.


78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.

50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.

50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.

All information collected from www.Xm.Com. Last updated on 01/01/2021.

All information collected from https://www.Instaforex.Com/. Last updated on 01/01/2021.

All information collected from http://www.Avatrade.Com/. Last updated on 01/01/2021.

Since starting in 2009, XM group has opened over 300,000 trading accounts, establishing itself as an industry leader with a focus on customer service it offers support in over 20 languages. With its size and resources, its users have access to a wide range of expert advice to hep everybody in the trading world.

XM has oppened accounts in over 190 countries and is regulated by multiple regulators including cysec, ASIC, and IFSC. With 99.35% of trades executed in under a second and strictly no requotes and no rejections policy you can trade confidently with XM.
For more information about trading with XM, we have put together an indepth XM review with all the pros and cons about this broker.

Instaforex are regulated by cysec. They were founded in 2007 and are used by over 7,000,000 traders.

Since 2006, avatrade have attracted over 20,000 traders to their platform. While their spreads are not the most competitive, they do offer traders a range of great features, such as guaranteed stop losses, the ability to hedge / scalp, and low margins.
For more information about trading with avatrade, we have put together an indepth avatrade review with the pros and cons about this broker.

Popular comparisons feat. XM group

Popular comparisons feat. Instaforex

Popular comparisons feat. Avatrade

XM group or instaforex?

Low spreads or offers fixed spreads?

If you’re a trader looking for a broker with low spreads on popular instruments like EUR/USD, XM group is likely a better option. However, if you want a broker that offers fixed spreads as a trading strategy, instaforex may be more suitable.

Which broker is more reliable?

You can determine a broker’s reliability & trustworthiness by looking at eight factors:

  • Who are they regulated by?

  • How long have they been around for?

  • Do they hold your money in a separate bank account?

  • Do they use reputable “tier-1” banks like barclays, goldman sachs or HSBC?

  • Have they been fined or penalised in the last five years?

  • The popularity of their service/website

  • Are they publicly listed?

  • Where are they located?

Based on these eight factors, we consider instaforex to be the more reliable broker. We’ve broken down why below:

Who are they regulated by?

XM group is regulated by IFSC, cysec, and ASIC, while instaforex is regulated by cysec.

Avatrade are regulated by central bank of ireland, ASIC, IIROC, FSA, FSB, UAE and BVI

How long have they been around for?

If a broker has been around for a long period of time, they’re likely to be more reliable (in comparison, most scam brokers only exist for several years before they disappear).

This also suggests that a broker has good risk management processes that have prevented them being caught out by major financial events, as was the case with alpari UK going bust when they were there was a policy reversal of capping the swiss franc against the euro.

XM group has been around for 12 years, while instaforex have been around for 14 years. Our third alternative broker, avatrade, have been around for 15 years.

Do they hold your money in a separate bank account?

You wouldn’t want your broker paying their staff out of the same bank account account that you’re depositing your trading funds into, would you?

Fortunately, all regulated brokers must use segregated bank accounts to hold client money. This is one of the reasons why we only feature regulated brokers here on brokernotes.

All three brokers above will hold your money in a separate bank account.

Do they use reputable “tier-1” banks like barclays, goldman sachs or HSBC?

Most tier-1 banks like barclays and HSBC have been around for over 100 years and manage trillions of dollars of assets, proving that they have stood the test of time.

XM group uses tier one banks as their banking partner.Instaforex does not use tier one banks as their banking partner.

Have they been fined or penalised in the last five years?

If a broker has been penalised by a regulator in the past five years, it may mean that they were caught doing something they shouldn’t be doing - which may be of concern to you as an end client.

While not always the case, the number of traders a broker has can be a good metric for understanding how reputable a brokers is.

According to their websites, XM group is more popular with over 700,000 traders, while instaforex is used by 7,000,000 traders. Avatrade, in comparison, is used by 200,000.

Are they publicly listed?

Companies that are publicly listed on a stock exchange tend to be considered more reputable as they will be required to disclose their financials, and aspects of their operations, to the public.

Both XM group and instaforex are privately owned companies.

Where are they located?

Most reputable brokers tend to be headquartered in a major capital city or a financial hub such as cyprus.

XM group are based in level 13, 333 george street sydney, NSW 2000, australia and no.5 cork street, belize city, belize, C.A., while instaforex are based in kaliningrad, russia .

Do they offer the features you need?

Assuming the brokers you’re choosing between are reputable, the next point to consider is whether they offer all of the features you require to trade.

This can be broken down into three categories:

  • Services & instruments

  • Platforms & account types

  • Trading features, risk management tools & funding methods

Services and instruments

If you’re looking to trade currency pairs, both XM group and instaforex offer forex trading. Instaforex have a slightly larger variety of currency pairs with 107 pairs, compared to 55 offered by XM group. Also, if you’re looking to trade cryptocurrencies, instaforex offers a handful of cryptocurrency cfds to trade, including bitcoin, ethereum and ripple.

If you’re looking to trade commodities like gold, silver or oil, XM group may be a better fit as instaforex does not offer commodity trading.

Instaforex also offer social trading, which allows you to follow the trading activity, engage in discussion, and even copy the trades of other traders.

Platforms & account types

If you trade forex, there’s a good chance you might want a broker that offers the popular MT4 trading platform. If that’s the case, both XM group and instaforex offer this. Both brokers also offer the new & improved MT5 platformour alternative broker, avatrade, also offers MT4 and MT5.

In addition to the platform, you’ll also want to ensure that the broker you choose offers the account type best suited to your needs. Avatrade, for example, offer a mini account, standard account and VIP account.

Trading features, risk management tools & funding methods

If you have a certain trading style (e.G. Scalping, hedging, or using eas), you’ll want to double check that the broker you choose allows this, as not all of them do.

XM group does allow scalping and hedging. While instaforex also allows scalping and hedging. You can trade with eas (expert advisors) on both XM group and instaforex.

In terms of risk management tools, XM group does offer negative balance protection to prevent you owing your broker more than you’ve deposited, but instaforex doesn't offer this.

XM group also offer stop losses, limit orders, and price alerts to help you automate aspects of your trading strategy.

Both XM group and instaforex accept neteller as a funding method.

Are they affordable for what you need?

Comparing the fee structures of different brokers can be a minefield at times. The important thing to consider is what the spreads & fees are on the specific instruments and account type that you will be using.

For trading EUR/USD, XM group charges 0.10 points, while instaforex charges points. Therefore, instaforex is the more affordable for this instrument. If you want to compare their spreads across more instruments, you can jump back up to our comparison of their currency pair & indice spreads above.

Another consideration is whether or not your broker charges inactivity, deposit/withdrawal fees, or commissions on trades. If you’re a frequent trader, inactivity fees are unlikely to be an issue.

The verdict: XM group or instaforex?

There’s no such thing as a perfect broker, but some are going to be a better fit for you than others.

Objectively, instaforex is more reliable based on our criteria above. XM group has a wider range of instruments to trade. Instaforex offer lower spreads on popular forex instruments like EUR/USD and are used by more traders.

Both brokers offer demo accounts, allowing you to test their platforms to see which is suitable for you. You can test drive their demos using the links below:

  • Try XM group’s demo account (78.04% of retail investors lose money when trading spread bets and cfds with this provider.)

  • Try instaforex’s demo account (50% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.)

  • Try avatrade’s demo account (79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading cfds with this provider.)

Finally, if you’re really not sure you can always use our free tool (takes 15 seconds) that will help you find a suitable broker based on your precise requirements here.

FBS review

Finance brokerage services

FBS are forex brokers. FBS offers the metatrader 4, metatrader 5, and MT mobile forex online trading top platforms. FBS.Com offers over 30 forex pairs, stocks, gold, silver, other metals, and cfds for your personal investment and trading options.


Related websites of this company include F-B-S.Com, hotoption.Com and https://fbs.Ae/.

February 2011: the website appears to be blocked in the USA.

Other websites of this company include fibexch.Com, fbs.Ae, fbs.Id, fbsforex.Com, fbs.Cn, jpfbs.Com, esfbs.Com, ptfbs.Com, fbs.Ae, vnfbs.Com etc.


Broker details


Live discussion

Join live discussion of FBS.Com on our forum

FBS.Com profile provided by regina FBS, sep 5, 2019

FBS is an international broker with more than 190 countries of presence. 13 000 000 traders and 370 000 partners have already chosen FBS as their preferred forex company. We work since 2009 and provide fast and honest services.

Working with us is easy, convenient and, most of all, profitable. We are happy to offer exclusive terms unprecedented in the forex market.

To provide the best customer experience we organize seminars and special events, providing our clients with training materials, cutting-edge trading technologies and the latest strategies on the forex market. Both newbie and professional traders will find these sessions useful.

If you prefer to choose the best for yourself, FBS is just right for you. We even launched a COPYTRADE app which allows you to earn money both by copying a successful trader and by having people invest in your trading.

Once a client of FBS – always a client of FBS.

Unique trading conditions for traders:
• minimal deposit of $1
• spread starting from -1 pip
• leverage up to 1:3000
• 35 currency pairs, 4 metals, 3 CFD
• split-second execution
• no requotes
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Broker XM vs. FBS

When choosing a broker, it becomes quite tough as it has to be as per your unique requirements and how well they suit you with their services. You should consider many points before opting for a broker, like – if the broker is regulated? From how many years they are providing the services? Is the broker renowned? Are there any restrictions or penalties levied? Do they have a website? Is the broker listed publicly? What is the registered location for the broker? The list goes on.

We have answered all these questions for you in this article for the very famous brokerage houses, XM group and FBS inc.

Broker XM vs. FBS

XM group has 55 currency pairs, compared to 28 offered by FBS inc. However, FBS offers bigger leverage up to 1:3000 and XM up to 1:888. If you are looking out for a broker to satisfy your desires for having a vast range of instruments, you may opt for XM group. In contrast, if you are looking for a broker offering VIP accounts, FBS inc can be a good choice for you.

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1. Regulations XM vs. FBS

If we compare broker XM vs. FBS, ASIC, cysec, and IFSC regulate the XM group, whereas ESMA and cysec, IFSC regulates FBS . The regulation part makes both the traders reliable and trustable among the traders.

2. Years in the market XM vs. FBS

It is always good to opt for a broker providing services in the market for a long time, as it increases their reliability, and you can be assured with quality services. Many brokers claim to give assured returns in a short period, but as a trader, you must apply your senses and choose the renowned one.

The broker should also have the services to provide a good risk management process to its clients; it helps clients save their money in crisis times. If we talk about XM vs. FBS, XM, and FBS, both have been in this business for the last eleven years, making both of them a lucrative choice.

3. Holding money account XM vs. FBS

While choosing a broker, you should be aware of the account where you are depositing the money; it should be different from how the broker uses itself for daily expenses and paying its staff.

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Most of the brokers have a separate bank account to deposit clients’ money. In the case of XM vs. FBS, both follow this regulation and segregate bank accounts for clients.

4. The choice of investment bank XM vs. FBS

The investment banks that your broker chose to play an important role. If they are using goldman sachs, barclays, HSBC, JP morgan, etc., which are tier one banks, it is impressive and beneficial. Most of the tier one banks like HSBC are in the market for more than a century, in addition to that, they manage assets worth more than trillions; thus, they are trustable. Both FBS and XM use tier one investment banks.

5. Penalties or fines XM vs. FBS

It is a big red flag if the broker you are about to opt for has been involved in any illegal activities and has been penalized or fined. So, it becomes important to verify the background before choosing a broker, as it would affect you.

6. Popularity XM vs. FBS

People choose brokers that they think are reliable, so the more the popularity, the better it is in most cases.

7. Public listing XM vs. FBS

If a broker is registered publicly on a stock exchange platform, it is considered reputable and trusted. The reason behind it is the fact that in those cases, the broker would have to disclose the financial and company data to the public from time to time. However, XM and FBS are private companies.

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8. The official location XM vs. FBS

If you notice, renowned brokers mostly have their headquarters situated in a significant capital city where there is a financial hub, for example, cyprus. The XM group is located at level 13, 333 george street sydney, NSW 2000, australia and no.5 cork street, belize city, belize, C.A, and the FBS inc vasileos georgiou A 89, office 101, potamos germasogeias 4048, limassol, cyprus.

Features offered by the broker XM vs. FBS

The primary goal of choosing a broker is to have the features you want to ease your trading. Though if you are confused about it, here are three things that you can check on while selecting a broker.

  • Instruments and services

If you are into forex trading, you can have this service at XM and FBS. At XM group, you can have more than 55 currency pairs, while FBS has around 28 currency pairs.

If you also want to trade other assets such as commodities (silver, gold, oil, etc.) or cryptocurrencies, XM can be a better choice as FBS does not have services for trading commodity products.

  • Account type and selection of platform

At present, MT4 is a very famous trading platform, and if you are choosing a broker, you would obviously want to avail yourself of the facility to trade on such popular platforms. Well, XM group and FBS inc offer the facility to trade on this popular trading platform. They even have the latest MT5 platform.

Along with accounting platforms, account type is a crucial point, too. The account type you chose should accommodate your needs and preferences. There are various account types offered by FBS and XM.

FBS vs InstaForex: Which One is Better for You, fbs vs instaforex.

You could choose from a standard account, mini account, or a VIP account if you chose FBS, while XM gives unique options such as an islamic account for muslim investors and traders. The reason behind this separate islamic account is the fact that it is prohibited to have interest or trade swaps points as per shariah law, which is taken care of here.

  • Risk management, trading tools, and funding

Different traders have different trading styles like hedging, scalping, etc. Thus, you need to know before choosing a broker to let you trade in your trading style. Both XM group and FBS inc provide hedging and scalping trading styles. You can also have the services of expert advisors (eas) on both of these broker platforms.

For risk management, XM gives negative balance protection to prevent more debt towards the broker than the deposited amount. FBS does not have this facility. Other risk management tools include stop loss, price alerts, limit orders, etc.

The last thing on this list is funding, for which both XM and FBS use neteller.

The fee structure XM vs. FBS

Like the trading tools, the fee structure should also be analyzed to profit in the end, and it does not pay your broker. Many a time, there are separate fees for various tools and instruments.

The XM applies 0.10 points to trade EUR/USD, whereas FBS has lower charges for this instrument, making it more affordable. Many brokers charge for inactive accounts, deposits, and withdrawals, along with charging a commission. So, it would help if you did your own research before opting for a broker.

The bottom line: XM vs. FBS

According to diverse needs, you can choose a broker that fits you, and as a result, there is nothing like an ideal broker.

Overall, if we compare, XM definitely has more bonus points compared to FBS as it has more trading instruments, products, and risk management in place. Though both the brokers provide traders with a demo account to help them understand their services, you can try them before opting for one.

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Forex (FX) is the market in which currencies are traded. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world, with average traded values that can be trillions of dollars per day. It includes all of the currencies in the world. It all boils down to the traders own philosophy. Either you are willing to accept the greater risk for greater gains, or you are not. If not, stick with the EUR/USD. Hover over the profile pic and click the following button to unfollow any account. Axitrader offers multi-channel funding. We also allow broker-to-broker transfers from selected companies. See account funding for more details.

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The euro/U.S. Dollar (EUR/USD) currency pair looks set to close higher for the fourth consecutive week. That sounds impressive. But to put things into perspective, it has been trading inside a narrow range between 1.05 and 1.08 for much of this year. The 300 or so pip range is nothing to get excited over. But then this is the EUR/USD we are talking about. It hasn't exactly moved much since early 2015. Nevertheless, there's no doubt about which group of market participants have been in control this month, and, in fact, quarter.

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