Reasons Why Forex Traders Lose Money, forex not enough money.

Forex not enough money

Many new traders try to pick turning points in currency pairs. They will place a trade on a pair, and as it keeps going in the wrong direction, they continue to add to their position, sure that it is about to turn around this time.

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Reasons Why Forex Traders Lose Money, forex not enough money.

Reasons Why Forex Traders Lose Money, forex not enough money.

Reasons Why Forex Traders Lose Money, forex not enough money.

If you trade this way, in the end, you end up with much more exposure than you planned, along with a terribly negative trade. It is a difficult thing to do, but sometimes you just have to admit that you made a mistake. Either you entered the trade for the wrong reasons, or it just didn't work out the way you planned it. Either way, the best thing to do is admit the mistake, dump the trade, and move on to the next opportunity.

Reasons why forex traders lose money

Foreign currency

Michael grabois / getty images

A commonly known fact is that a significant amount of forex traders fail. Various websites and blogs even go as far as to say that 70%, 80%, and even more than 90% of forex traders lose money and end up quitting. The forex website dailyfx found that many forex traders do better than that, but new traders still have a tough timing gaining ground in this market.   reviewing the following list will show you some of the most common reasons why forex traders lose money and help you make it into that elusive percent of winning traders.

Befriending the market

The market is not something you beat, but something you understand and join when a trend is defined. At the same time, the market is something that can shake you out if you are trying to get too much from it with too little capital. Having the "beating the market" mindset often causes traders to trade too aggressively or go against trends, which is a sure recipe for disaster.

Low start-up capital

Most currency traders start out looking for a way to get out of debt or to make easy money. It is common for forex marketers to encourage you to trade large lot sizes and trade using high leverage to generate large returns on a small amount of initial capital.

You must have some money to make some money, and it is possible for you to generate outstanding returns on limited capital in the short term. However, with only a small amount of capital and outsized risk because of too-high leverage, you will find yourself being emotional with each swing of the market's ups and downs and jumping in and out and the worst times possible.  

You can resolve this issue by never trading with a too-small amount of capital. This limitation is a difficult problem to get around for someone that wants to start trading on a shoestring. $1,000 is a reasonable amount to start with if you trade very small (micro lots or smaller). Otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for potential disaster.

Failure to manage risk

Risk management is key to survival as a forex trader like it is in life. You can be a very skilled trader and still be wiped out by poor risk management. Your number one job is not to make a profit, but rather to protect what you have. As your capital gets depleted, your ability to make a profit is lost.

To counteract this threat and implement good risk management, place stop-loss orders, and move them once you have a reasonable profit. Use lot sizes that are reasonable compared to your account capital. Most of all, if a trade no longer makes sense, get out of it.

Giving in to greed

Some traders feel that they need to squeeze every last pip out of a move in the market. There is money to be made in the forex markets every day. Trying to grab every last pip before a currency pair turns can cause you to hold positions too long and set you up to lose the profitable trade that you are trading.

The solution seems obvious; don't be greedy. It's fine to shoot for a reasonable profit, but there are plenty of pips to go around. Currencies continue to move every day, so there is no need to get that last pip; the next opportunity is right around the corner.

Indecisive trading

Sometimes you might find yourself suffering from trading remorse. This situation happens when a trade that you open isn't immediately profitable, and you start saying to yourself that you picked the wrong direction. Then you close your trade and reverse it, only to see the market go back in the initial direction that you chose.

In this case, you need to pick a direction and stick with it. All that switching back and forth will just make you continually lose little bits of your account at a time until your investing capital is depleted.

Trying to pick tops or bottoms

Many new traders try to pick turning points in currency pairs. They will place a trade on a pair, and as it keeps going in the wrong direction, they continue to add to their position, sure that it is about to turn around this time. If you trade this way, in the end, you end up with much more exposure than you planned, along with a terribly negative trade.

It's best to trade with the trend. It's not worth the bragging rights to know that you picked one bottom correctly out of 10 attempts. If you think the trend is going to change, and you want to take a trade in the new possible direction, wait for a confirmation on the trend change.

If you want to pick up a position at the bottom, pick up the bottom in an uptrend, not in a downtrend. If you want to open a position at the top, pick a top when the market's making a corrective move higher, not an uptrend that's part of a larger a downtrend.

Refusing to be wrong

Some trades just don't work out. It is human nature to want to be right, but sometimes you just aren't. As a trader, you just have to accept that you're wrong sometimes and move on, instead of clinging to the idea of being right and ending up with a zero-balance trading account.

It is a difficult thing to do, but sometimes you just have to admit that you made a mistake. Either you entered the trade for the wrong reasons, or it just didn't work out the way you planned it. Either way, the best thing to do is admit the mistake, dump the trade, and move on to the next opportunity.

Buying a system

There are many so-called forex trading systems for sale on the internet. Some traders are out there looking for the ever-elusive 100-percent accurate forex trading system. They keep buying systems and trying them until finally giving up, deciding that there is no way to win.

As a new trader, you must accept that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Winning at forex trading takes work just like anything else. You can find success by building your method, strategy, and system instead of buying worthless systems on the internet from less-than-reputable marketers.

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Ordersend error 134 (no enough money)

Sometimes, especially during backtesting or in case of a badly designed expert advisor, the ordersend error 134 (or ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY) appears in the journal log of your metatrader platform. In MT5 this error is called TRADE_RETCODE_NO_MONEY and has a code 10019. The reason for this error is the same for both versions of the platform — lack of free margin to execute the ordersend function for the given position volume. The methods to solve this error are quite different (we won’t discuss the method, which is to deposit more funds to your trading account).

In metatrader 4, you have to code your EA to perform the following check before executing ordersend():

If (accountfreemargincheck(symbol(), direction, volume) > 0)

It will check how much free margin will be available after opening a position with the volume = volume in a given direction = direction. But comparing it with 0 isn’t a very good solution. One should pay attention to the broker’s level to consider the margin requirements:

If (((accountstopoutmode() == 1) && (accountfreemargincheck(symbol(), direction, volume) > accountstopoutlevel())) || ((accountstopoutmode() == 0) && ((accountequity() / (accountequity() - accountfreemargincheck(symbol(), direction, volume)) * 100) > accountstopoutlevel())))

This way we check the way your broker applies (absolute or relative level) and check if we’ll have enough margin after our next trade.

For metatrader 5 this condition would look like this (replace SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG with SYMBOL_MARGIN_SHORT if you want to check margin before opening a short position):

If (((accountinfointeger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE) == ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE_MONEY) && (accountinfodouble(ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN) - symbolinfodouble(symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL) * lots * symbolinfodouble(symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG) > accountinfodouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO))) || ((accountinfointeger(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_MODE) == ACCOUNT_STOPOUT_MODE_PERCENT) && ((accountinfodouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY)/(accountinfodouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY) - (accountinfodouble(ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN) - symbolinfodouble(symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL) * lots * symbolinfodouble(symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG))) * 100 > accountinfodouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_SO_SO))))

It is quite complex compared to the MT4 version but it checks the same condition.

Registering with a forex broker that offers a lower level is also a good option :-).

Update 2016-11-01: thanks to alexander wait’s comment, I have corrected the formulas for account margin check.

If you have any thoughts, comments, or questions regarding metatrader ordersend error 134 or return code 10019 in MT5 and the ways to treat it, feel free to reply to this post using the form below.

Mauzo: not enough money.

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Not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

The following 7 users say thank you to dilse9212 for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

The following 3 users say thank you to sohbatkhan for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

The following 3 users say thank you to imran2018 for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

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Re: not enough money.

The following 2 users say thank you to ctanveer for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

The following 2 users say thank you to zaib786 for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

The following 7 users say thank you to soniakhan1212 for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

The following 4 users say thank you to naghman123 for this useful post:

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

Es mufeed post ke liye basit khan ko mandarja zail sarif ka shukriya

Re: not enough money.

اگرچہ مالی مارکیٹس میں ٹریڈنگ میں بہت زیادہ خطرہ ہوتا ہے، پھر بھی یہ اس شرط پر اضافی کمائی بناتی ہے اگر آپ صحیح حکمتِ عملی اختیار کریں۔ ایک قابلِ اعتماد بروکر جیسا کہ انسٹا فاریکس، کا انتخاب کر کے آپ بین الاقوامی مالی مارکیٹس تک رسائی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں اور مالی آزادی کی طرف اپنے راستے ہموار کریں۔ آپ یہاں سائن اپ کر سکتے ہیں۔

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Pakistan forex forum presentation
you are welcome to the forum serving as a virtual salon for communication of traders of all levels. Forex is a dynamically developing financial market which is open 24 hours a day. Anyone can get access to this market via a brokerage company. On this forum you can discuss the numerous advantages of trading on the currency market and all aspects of online trading on metatrader4 or metatrader5 platforms.

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Question: what does “not enough money” error mean on MT4/MT5 platforms?

XM - what's now?

Leverage 1:888 does not apply to client registered under the EU regulated entity of the group. The maximum leverage for trading point of financial instruments is 30:1.

The “not enough money” error indicates that you’re trying to place a new trade without having enough money to cover the margin requirement, ie the free margin is less than the required margin for the new trade.

You have your own leverage setting in your trading account, and you will be required certain margin to support your open positions.

For example, if you want to trade 100,000 dollars of trading volume, and the leverage you have set is 1:100. Then you will be required to have more than 1,000 dollars to open the position.

The required margins, margin levels and available margins for new positions are always visible in metatrader.

It is a smart choice to have enough margins to support all your existing positions in any cases, so you won’t have to face “stop out”(liquidation) that could zero your account balance in a moment.

For your information, XM’s stop out % is 20% for all accounts types, and the maximum leverage available is 1:888.

For more information on XM’s service, please visit the page here.

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Risk warning

Foreign exchange and contracts for difference ("cfds") are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading forex & cfds carries a high level of risk since leverage can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, forex & cfds may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. You should not risk more than you are prepared to lose. Before deciding to trade, you need to ensure that you understand the risks involved taking into account your investment objectives and level of experience. Past performance of forex & cfds is not a reliable indicator of future results. All information on hercules is only published for general information purposes. We do not present any guarantees for the accuracy and reliability of this information. Please note the spreads displayed in the website are all included extra trading commissions, as it shows the whole commissions charged by each broker. Before you engage in trading foreign exchange, please make yourself acquainted with its specifics and all the risks associated with it. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk and we will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.

How much money can you make trading forex?

When I hold a live webinar, the most common question is, “how much money can I make with forex trading?”. This question is wrong. We recently wrote an article about forex trading and profitability.
I see that people are looking for fast income, and they are ready to gamble, to chase after the money! It is the wrong attitude. In trading trader looks for the opportunity – never chase after the money. So I try to make lower expectation and give you these answers :

Can you make money trading forex?

Traders can make money trading forex. However, forex trading is not profitable for retail traders based on all major brokers’ reports because 70%-95% of all retail traders lose money in trading every year. Retail traders making either risk too much, either over trade or create small profits on several positions but then holding on to a losing trade for too long, losing more than the initial investment. Institutional traders and traders from prop companies generate profits trading currencies and managing large portfolios. The best forex trader in prop companies can profit from 20%-25% with less than 5% maximum drawdown.

Now let we see the numbers:

How much money can you make trading forex?

Excellent traders can earn between 20% – 50% annually trading forex. Earnings depend on trading expectancy, position size, and consistency. For example, if an excellent trader manages $100 000, the maximum allowed drawdown is 5% ($5000), he can earn $20 000 annually.

In the prop company where I trade (leantacapital) average annual return is around 18%. The average position size is 0.5% per trade. The average drawdown is less than 8%. The junior trader who manages $200 000 and has averaged 20% annual return can earn up to $1000 per month (after all costs are paid).

So, it is tough to earn money as a trader. Consistency in trading brings stable and regular profits, week after week without much drawdowns and losses. It is hard to achieve stable returns. My equation is:

hf copy platform

How much money can you make on forex = f (trading expectancy, position size, consistency)

So, your position size is correlated with your capital. More capital, more profits! In the end, we need to calculate your trading expectancy:

trading expectancy = [1+ (average win / average loss )] x percentage win ratio – 1

So if we have 1000 trades where 600 are winning and 400 are losing, we have :
percentage win ratio = 600/1000=0.6
average win = $6000/600= 10
average loss= $4000/400= 10 than:

Trading expectancy = [1+ (10 / 10 )] x 0.6 – 1 = 0.2

That means for each $1 that the investment trader will earn 20 cents in the future.

Reasons Why Forex Traders Lose Money, forex not enough money.

Warren buffet has a trading expectancy of around 20 cents for every dollar, and he is one of the richest men on the planet. His annual return last 50 years was around 20%. So if your trading expectancy 0.1 or 0.2 – it is not bad at all.

2) how much do fx traders make worldwide? Generally, retail traders lose their money. Around 85% lose their capital, and around 10% are break-even (do not lose and earn). These percents are different from broker to broker, but generally, only 2-3% of traders make any significant profit at all. The reason is not a type of asset. The problem is poor risk management, overtrading, and poor position managing.

Can forex trading be profitable?
Yes. If you trade smart any security, you can earn money either forex, stocks, commodities, bonds, etc.
Those who are interested in making fast money should always look for different options to make money fast. But in the trading industry, it is almost impossible to earn money fast. The trader needs years and years of hard-working, analysis, research to succeed in the trading business.

There are numerous ways to earn money, and earning through forex trading is no exception at all. The most important this is that it can be started with the least amount of money.

There are no good profits for new traders.

Forex trading is done almost twenty-four hours a day. One can do trading almost during the entire week. An experienced trader should do trading. It is considered the most volatile, and thus there are full chances of people losing money if they are not experienced enough. Thus, if you plan to go for it, you need to gather all the relevant information about it, learn, test, and practice.
New traders can be profitable for one or two months, but very fast, they will lose all money and blow out the account because of poor risk management and wrong position managing process.

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Risk management

There is no doubt that you can earn a lot of profit through trading, but it is equally true that there are equal chances of you losing it as well. One should always keep the risk factor in mind. So, if you are new to forex trading, you need to keep risk very small at each trade you do. If you do so, you will not lose much of your money. High-risk trading is number 1, the biggest problem in trading for all new traders. My advice is that the new trader does not risk more than 1% of their portfolio. In that case, the max drawdown will be up to 15%.

Strategies in trading

It does not matter which strategy you are going to opt for. Risk and win are always associated with this form of trading.

Win rate – win rate is represented by the total number of trades you have won out of the total number. If, for example, you win 45 from 100 trades and your risk-reward ratio is 1/1. This means that your win rate is 45%, and your account will be losing its portfolio.

Risk/reward – this decides the amount of capital being risked to get a certain profit. For example, if the trader is losing ten pips and winning fifteen pips, the trader is more on winning than losing. Thus, one can say if any trader is winning, 50% is considered to be profitable. Making more money on winning is a vital component of forex trading, which every trader learns with time.

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Leverage on trading

The leverage that is provided by the forex traders is in the ratio of 50:1. This leverage might vary based on the country in your trade-in. It is known that forex brokers do not charge any commission; they raise the spread between the bid and ask.

Slippage more than excepted loss

Slippage refers to the difference between the expected forex price of a trade and the forex price at which the trade is executed. Those who are new should be aware that slippage is an important part of any trade. Even when stop-loss is there, it results in more loss than was expected by you. It is commonly noticed in the fast-moving trade markets. Every trader needs to understand that part of losing money in trading will come from slippage.

Final say about forex trading

There is no doubt that how much money can I make forex day trading? If you are aware and have good knowledge of trading, you will earn pretty well. There are risks involved to try to figure out those as well.

You only need capital worth $500 to around $1,000 to get started, which is pretty ok. Using that money, you can not create income – only practice to trade on a live account. If the trader quit the job and start to live from trading, the trader needs to have at least 50K to 100K for a fresh start (my opinion). Do not forget that you do not invest too much money and do not put your hard money at risk just for the sake of earning a good profit. Be sensible and try to put in money that you can afford to lose. Many people have made a huge profit, but on the other hand, many have lost money as well. Try to gain knowledge and then go for forex trading after you are confident enough.

How much money can you make with forex? The best forex traders can earn from 15% to 60% per year based on deposit and risk level. Final advice: do not think about trading profit – think about the trading opportunity, good setup!

Can you really become a millionaire from forex trading?

There are some questions that are frequently asked by novice traders:

Among all the frequent questions, there is one question which is asked by some novice traders more often:

Can I become a millionaire through forex trading?

I have two clear answers for this question and I explain about each of them in details:

  1. Yes, you can.

  2. No, you cannot.

Making lots of money through forex trading is completely dependent on some special conditions.

When someone has the proper conditions, he can make millions through forex trading.

When he doesn’t have the proper conditions, he will do nothing but wasting of time and money.

What are those conditions?

You can increase your wealth and become richer through forex trading and become a millionaire or even a billionaire.

However, if you are among those who want to turn a $500 or even a $5000 account into millions, then I have to tell you that you have to be patient enough.

I am not saying that it is impossible to make millions with forex.

Anything is possible in this world.

However, you have to be patient, because it can’t be done overnight, or even in one year.

You will be faced with some challenges that finding a good broker that doesn’t cheat you is the biggest one.

Many forex brokers (market maker brokers) don’t let you grow your account consistently, because in most cases, your profit is their loss.

Millionaire On Board
Forex is not a get-rich-quick scheme

It is not too easy to make a living through currency trading. Someone has to teach you the right techniques, otherwise you can’t get anywhere on your own.

It is the same with the stock trading and all other kinds of tradings and investments.

To make money consistently through forex trading and maybe to become a millionaire finally, you have to pass some important stages.

There are so many jobs that you can follow and become a millionaire.

It is not the job that has to make you a millionaire.

It is “you” who has to follow the job properly to become a millionaire.

For example, there are so many millionaire real estate agents and brokers in big cities like new york.

However, there are a lot more agents who cannot even cover their monthly expenses in the same cities.

All agents are in the same areas, have access to the same markets and customers, ruled under the same jurisdictions, use the same advertising media and… .

But, how can some of them become millionaires, and most of the others fail to have even one sale per month?

Whatever the reason is, it has nothing to do with the real estate business itself, because it is the same for all the agents and brokers.

The reason is in the agents and brokers behavior, life and work style.

Behavior, life and work style

Forex trading is like that too.

It possible to become a millionaire through forex trading, as it is possible to become a millionaire through stock trading, programming, marketing, importing and exporting, constructing, and…

The more important question is “how?”

There are two things that you have to do to become a millionaire forex trader:

2. You have to develop the trading discipline in yourself.

You can’t become rich through forex trading, without having these two at the same time.

It is not even possible to make a living without having the discipline, whether you master the trading techniques or not.

I’ve never seen even one single retail forex trader who has become able to become rich or millionaire without following the proper techniques and having the discipline it takes.

Even I’ve never seen a forex trader who has been able to make a living like this.

There is no consistently profitable and professional currency trader who doesn’t trades forex with the proper technical analysis methods.

When you have a big capital, you can trade currencies through a bank account, instead of retail brokers. But most people still have to be patient to reach this level.

And, as bank accounts are not leveraged, you will trade with more peace of mind. But you should start small at the beginning.

Those who don’t believe in what I explained above can spend some time and money on forex trading at least through having small live accounts with retail forex brokers.

I am 100% sure that they will remember what I’ve explained above, and will be back to this site after wasting lots of time and money. The reason is that most novice traders start trading with real money before they do the above two things: (1) developing proper techniques and (2) discipline.

How can you become a consistently profitable forex trader?

Unlike what most people think, it is not possible to start making money right after learning the forex trading basics and a trading strategy.

There is something very important that most people don’t consider:

To learn how to trade forex, become a consistently profitable trader and hopefully a millionaire, first you have to find a mentor who teaches you the currency trading techniques and help you to develop the discipline in yourself.

Additionally, you’d better to have an income that covers your expenses and leaves you some free time to sit at the computer and learn how to trade with peace of mind.

You can make any money through forex trading and any other kinds of trading when you DON’T HAVE TO make money and you don’t have financial problems. Therefore, having a source of income is a big help.

False forex success stories

Most people think that they can learn to make money through forex trading within a very short time, and become a full-time forex trader who makes thousands or even millions of dollars.

This is is not true at all.

There are so many false forex millionaires stories over the internet.

Be careful not to be deceived by them.

None of the real millionaires or billionaires, like george soros, have made their wealth through forex or stock trading without following strong strategies. However, they are experienced business people who make a lot of money through several sources of income they have.

Then they invest a portion of their wealth in currency, stock, real estate… markets to increase their wealth: A short term investment strategy that makes you a millionaire

This is how they’ve become millionaires or billionaires. Their increase their wealth through forex or stock trading while they have other sources of income.

Therefore, if you like to become a millionaire, first you have to have a good source of income that makes a reasonable amount of money that not only covers your expenses, but also leaves some money for your trading and investments.

Then you can start learning how to trade.

You have to keep on learning and practicing until you become a consistently profitable trader. That’s why we enable our trading students to develop a source of income too.

The hassles of following too many trading strategies

Some traders the hard way of following too many trading strategies, robots and time-frames, and sitting at the computer for several hours per day.

That is the hard way which can hardly take you to your destination.

The simpler and easier way is learning the forex trading basics, and then a simple and strong trading strategy.

Then you have to master your trading strategy through demo trading.

When you succeed to make profit consistently for 12 consecutive months at least, you can open a small live account and start practicing with it.

If you can make profit consistently for 12 consecutive months with your live account too, the way you could make profit with your demo account, then all you have to do is that you keep on trading with your live account to grow it, or adding some more money to it. But don’t make your account too big. You will be faced with lots of negative emotions when you are still new and you want to trade with a too big account.

A source of income is really good

To become a full-time forex traders who makes money consistently, you have to spend some time. I already explained it above.

If you don’t have an income currently, or if your income is not enough to give you time and mind freedom to learn forex, you should develop a source of income that covers your life and enable you to open a live account in the currency market when it is the time.

You can keep making money with your source of income until you are ready to open a trading account. If your income is enough to trade through a bank account later when you are ready to do it, it will be even better.

Trading through a bank account will have a lot more advantages compared to trading through forex brokers.

The only problem of trading through a bank account is that you have to have a lot of money because banks don’t offer any leverage.

Therefore, to become able to trade through a bank account, you have to have a lot of money already.

That is why I emphasized on having a strong source of income earlier in this article.

If you want to become a millionaire forex trader, you must have a good income and backup.

Turning a small $5000 account into a million dollar account is possible theoretically.

You can do it slowly and surely when you become a consistently profitable trader and you have enough patience. However, you have to be a patient and disciplined forex trader to do it. And, you can’t do it alone. You need the mentors technical and emotional support.

Do it the right way:

You need to become a professional trader through learning the best and most accurate technical and fundamental analysis techniques. This is the only thing that makes you a professional trader who can consistently make profit.

When they become consistently profitable forex traders eventually, they have enough money to open live accounts or even professional live forex trading accounts with the banks to trade professionally and increase the money they make.

This is how they can become millionaire forex traders while they also have some other good sources of income to support their forex and stock trading investments.

So, the answer of this question that whether it is possible to become a millionaire through forex trading is in the facts that I explained in detail above.

Be careful not to be deceived by the scam mentors or brokers. They are there to make money from your losses, not to make you a millionaire.

Reasons why forex traders lose money

Foreign currency

Michael grabois / getty images

A commonly known fact is that a significant amount of forex traders fail. Various websites and blogs even go as far as to say that 70%, 80%, and even more than 90% of forex traders lose money and end up quitting. The forex website dailyfx found that many forex traders do better than that, but new traders still have a tough timing gaining ground in this market.   reviewing the following list will show you some of the most common reasons why forex traders lose money and help you make it into that elusive percent of winning traders.

Befriending the market

The market is not something you beat, but something you understand and join when a trend is defined. At the same time, the market is something that can shake you out if you are trying to get too much from it with too little capital. Having the "beating the market" mindset often causes traders to trade too aggressively or go against trends, which is a sure recipe for disaster.

Low start-up capital

Most currency traders start out looking for a way to get out of debt or to make easy money. It is common for forex marketers to encourage you to trade large lot sizes and trade using high leverage to generate large returns on a small amount of initial capital.

You must have some money to make some money, and it is possible for you to generate outstanding returns on limited capital in the short term. However, with only a small amount of capital and outsized risk because of too-high leverage, you will find yourself being emotional with each swing of the market's ups and downs and jumping in and out and the worst times possible.  

You can resolve this issue by never trading with a too-small amount of capital. This limitation is a difficult problem to get around for someone that wants to start trading on a shoestring. $1,000 is a reasonable amount to start with if you trade very small (micro lots or smaller). Otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for potential disaster.

Failure to manage risk

Risk management is key to survival as a forex trader like it is in life. You can be a very skilled trader and still be wiped out by poor risk management. Your number one job is not to make a profit, but rather to protect what you have. As your capital gets depleted, your ability to make a profit is lost.

To counteract this threat and implement good risk management, place stop-loss orders, and move them once you have a reasonable profit. Use lot sizes that are reasonable compared to your account capital. Most of all, if a trade no longer makes sense, get out of it.

Giving in to greed

Some traders feel that they need to squeeze every last pip out of a move in the market. There is money to be made in the forex markets every day. Trying to grab every last pip before a currency pair turns can cause you to hold positions too long and set you up to lose the profitable trade that you are trading.

The solution seems obvious; don't be greedy. It's fine to shoot for a reasonable profit, but there are plenty of pips to go around. Currencies continue to move every day, so there is no need to get that last pip; the next opportunity is right around the corner.

Indecisive trading

Sometimes you might find yourself suffering from trading remorse. This situation happens when a trade that you open isn't immediately profitable, and you start saying to yourself that you picked the wrong direction. Then you close your trade and reverse it, only to see the market go back in the initial direction that you chose.

In this case, you need to pick a direction and stick with it. All that switching back and forth will just make you continually lose little bits of your account at a time until your investing capital is depleted.

Trying to pick tops or bottoms

Many new traders try to pick turning points in currency pairs. They will place a trade on a pair, and as it keeps going in the wrong direction, they continue to add to their position, sure that it is about to turn around this time. If you trade this way, in the end, you end up with much more exposure than you planned, along with a terribly negative trade.

It's best to trade with the trend. It's not worth the bragging rights to know that you picked one bottom correctly out of 10 attempts. If you think the trend is going to change, and you want to take a trade in the new possible direction, wait for a confirmation on the trend change.

If you want to pick up a position at the bottom, pick up the bottom in an uptrend, not in a downtrend. If you want to open a position at the top, pick a top when the market's making a corrective move higher, not an uptrend that's part of a larger a downtrend.

Refusing to be wrong

Some trades just don't work out. It is human nature to want to be right, but sometimes you just aren't. As a trader, you just have to accept that you're wrong sometimes and move on, instead of clinging to the idea of being right and ending up with a zero-balance trading account.

It is a difficult thing to do, but sometimes you just have to admit that you made a mistake. Either you entered the trade for the wrong reasons, or it just didn't work out the way you planned it. Either way, the best thing to do is admit the mistake, dump the trade, and move on to the next opportunity.

Buying a system

There are many so-called forex trading systems for sale on the internet. Some traders are out there looking for the ever-elusive 100-percent accurate forex trading system. They keep buying systems and trying them until finally giving up, deciding that there is no way to win.

As a new trader, you must accept that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Winning at forex trading takes work just like anything else. You can find success by building your method, strategy, and system instead of buying worthless systems on the internet from less-than-reputable marketers.

Thread: only money is not enough investment in forex.

Thread tools


Only money is not enough investment in forex.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

Though trading on financial markets involves high risk, it can still generate extra income in case you apply the right approach. By choosing a reliable broker such as instaforex you get access to the international financial markets and open your way towards financial independence. You can sign up here.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ordersend error 134 – err_not_enough_money

Reasons Why Forex Traders Lose Money, forex not enough money.

If you’re getting the metatrader four error: order ship error 134, it means you do not need sufficient money in your account to put an order with the given lot dimension. What do you have to do?

Order ship error 134 tends to occur rather a lot when individuals code expert advisors with a money management fashion that will increase lot sizes similar to martingale. Ultimately, the lot dimension will get too huge and also you do not need a sufficient margin to put the trade. This could additionally occur over time in case your account balance will get too low or if you choose too giant of rather a lot dimension.

The error happens while you attempt to place the trade, thus it’s an “order ship error”. To forestall this error you possibly can verify your account free margin earlier than trying to put a trade. To do that you’ll use the perform, accountfreemargincheck():

Double accountfreemargincheck(string image, int cmd, double quantity)

Returns out there margin that is still after the required place has been opened on the present price on the present account. If the free margin is inadequate, an error 134 (ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY) might be generated.


Image – image for trading operation.

Cmd – operation kind. It may be both OP_BUY or OP_SELL.

Double accountfreemargin( )

This returns the free margin worth of the present account.

The next instance prints out the free margin in your account:

Print(“free margin is = “,accountfreemargin());

so, let's see, what we have: learn the most common reasons why forex traders lose money so that you understand what to avoid if you want to become a winning trader. At forex not enough money

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