Bonus deposit octafx
Ketahui waktu untuk memohon bonus: anda boleh mengaktifkannya untuk deposit anda pada bila-bila masa. Putuskan jumlah bonus yang anda ingin mohon.
50% bonus pada setiap deposit
1. Buka akaun
2. Buat deposit ke akaun anda
3. Gandakan separuh deposit anda dengan bonus kami
4. Keluarkan dana bonus
jumlah deposit anda | $400 |
bonus 50% kami sediakan | $200 |
bahagikan bonus anda kepada dua | $200/2 |
bilangan lot untuk didagangkan | 100 lot |
Lakukan lebih banyak dagangan dan nikmati lebih banyak keuntungan dengan bonus kami
Tanpa bonus
Dapatkan lebih banyak keuntungan dengan 50% bonus 50% bonus
Uruskan bonus anda dengan baik
Ketahui waktu untuk memohon bonus: anda boleh mengaktifkannya untuk deposit anda pada bila-bila masa.
Putuskan jumlah bonus yang anda ingin mohon.
Jika anda membatalkan bonus, sila ambil maklum bahawa ia akan ditolak sepenuhnya daripada margin bebas anda.
Apabila bonus anda mencecah 100%, anda boleh menggunakan wang ini untuk akaun lain dan teruskan melabur.
Apa yang boleh anda lakukan dengan bonus deposit
Setiap hari
- Mohon untuk bonus 50%.
- Tetapkan leveraj maksimum.
- Kedudukan terbuka sehingga 750 kali ganda lebih besar berbanding pelaburan awalan anda.
Pada acara istimewa
- Lakukan deposit dan jejaki tawaran kami.
- Manfaatkan syarat dagangan terbaik menjelang acara kami.
- Gandakan potensi keuntungan anda sebanyak 2,000 kali ganda.
Free forex bonuses
Peraturan promosi
- Bonus deposit hanya boleh dituntut oleh pelanggan yang disahkan.
- Jumlah bonus ialah 10% hingga 50% untuk setiap jumlah deposit. Anda juga boleh menuntut bonus 100% semasa tawaran istimewa, jika berkenaan.
- Anda boleh menuntut bonus 10%, 30% 50%, 100% bagi setiap deposit yang anda buat. Walau bagaimanapun, anda tidak boleh menuntut 11%, 25%, 47% dan sebagainya.
- Bonus ini tidak boleh ditambah ke deposit pindahan dalaman dan deposit daripada pertandingan/promosi dan sebagainya melainkan dinyatakan sebaliknya.
- Bonus deposit tidak akan dikreditkan sekiranya margin bebas akaun kurang daripada jumlah bonus anda. Adalah dinasihatkan untuk menuntut bonus sejurus selepas deposit anda dikreditkan ke akaun dagangan anda.
- Adalah dinasihatkan untuk menuntut bonus sejurus selepas deposit anda dikreditkan ke akaun dagangan anda.
- Bonus akan dikreditkan ke akaun anda dan dikunci sehingga keperluan volum dipenuhi. Selepas volum yang diperlukan dilengkapkan, bonus akan ditolak daripada kredit MT4 | MT5 anda dan didepositkan secara serentak ke dalam baki anda. Operasi ini akan diproses setiap jam pada setiap hari.
- Bonus untuk setiap deposit dianggap sebagai bonus yang berasingan.
- Anda perlu berdagang (jumlah bonus)/2 (jumlah bonus dibahagikan dengan dua) lot standard untuk dapat mengeluarkan bonus.
- Pengiraan volum bermula daripada bonus pertama dan seterusnya secara berturutan. Ini bermakna anda tidak boleh mengeluarkan bonus yang kemudiannya sebelum anda mendagangkan volum yang diperlukan untuk bonus pertama dan seterusnya. Pengiraan volum bermula dari saat bonus diminta. Volum bagi setiap deposit dikira secara berasingan.
- Contohnya, anda membuat deposit $100 pada hari isnin dan mula berdagang. Pada hari rabu anda menuntut bonus $50. Pengiraan volum untuk bonus anda bermula dari hari rabu, sebarang volum yang didagangkan sebelum hari rabu tidak akan dimasukkan. Adalah dinasihatkan untuk menuntut bonus sejurus selepas deposit anda dikreditkan ke akaun dagangan anda.
- Bonus ini boleh dikeluarkan HANYA jika pada masa pengiraan lot, bonus masih ada dalam akaun. Jika pelanggan telah mendagangkan volum yang diperlukan, tetapi bonus telah dibatalkan, ia tidak akan ditambah atau digantikan.
- Sekiranya ekuiti akaun anda menjadi kurang daripada saiz bonus, bonus akan dibatalkan.
- Jika jumlah dana peribadi pelanggan dalam akaun dagangan selepas pengeluaran/pindahan dalaman menjadi kurang daripada atau sama dengan jumlah bonus, bonus akan dibatalkan bermula dari bonus terkini sehingga jumlah dana peribadi akaun tersebut menjadi lebih tinggi daripada jumlah bonus.
- Jika dana pedagang sendiri dikeluarkan selepas bonus dikreditkan, bonus akan dibatalkan.
- Misalnya, jika anda mendepositkan $100 ke akaun anda, menerima bonus $50 dan kemudian mengeluarkan $100, bonus akan dibatalkan. Walau bagaimanapun, jika anda mendapat keuntungan, anda boleh mengeluarkan keuntungan yang diperoleh pada bila-bila masa dan ia tidak akan menjejaskan bonus anda.
- Pelanggan boleh membatalkan bonus deposit pada bila-bila masa. Setelah bonus deposit dibatalkan, ia tidak boleh dikembalikan semula.
- Octafx boleh menolak permohonan bonus pelanggan pada bila-bila masa tanpa pemberitahuan awal atau memberikan alasan untuk keputusan tersebut.
- Octafx boleh membatalkan bonus pelanggan pada bila-bila masa tanpa pemberitahuan awal.
- Sebarang keadaan yang tidak diterangkan dalam peraturan ini akan tertakluk pada keputusan syarikat.
- Octafx berhak untuk mengubah, mengemas kini atau membatalkan promosi ini dengan pemberitahuan dalam berita syarikat.
- Bonus deposit hanya boleh dituntut oleh pelanggan yang disahkan.
- Bonus deposit ctrader hanya boleh dikreditkan ke akaun yang telah disahkan sahaja.
- Pelanggan boleh menuntut bonus deposit bagi setiap deposit yang dilakukan. Jumlah bonus ialah 10% hingga 50% untuk setiap jumlah deposit. Anda juga boleh menuntut bonus 100% semasa tawaran istimewa, jika berkenaan.
- Anda boleh menuntut bonus 10%, 30% 50%, 100% bagi setiap deposit yang anda buat. Walau bagaimanapun, anda tidak boleh menuntut 11%, 25%, 47% dan sebagainya.
- "bonus keseluruhan" merujuk kepada jumlah bonus keseluruhan dalam akaun pelanggan. Bonus keseluruhan merangkumi semua bonus yang dikumpul oleh pelanggan berkenaan untuk akaun dagangan. Bonus keseluruhan terjejas apabila sebahagian daripada bonus keseluruhan dikeluarkan atau dibatalkan atau apabila bonus tambahan dikreditkan ke akaun pelanggan.
- "bonus aktif" merujuk kepada jumlah bonus yang boleh digunakan untuk membuka kedudukan dengan menambahkannya ke ekuiti akaun. Jumlah bonus aktif tidak boleh melebihi 100% daripada untung & rugi + baki akaun yang tidak disedari, oleh itu, nilai ini akan menjadi tidak menentu mengikut syarat langsung.
- Bonus deposit ctrader tidak boleh digunakan bagi menggantikan, secara berasingan atau sebelum baki akaun. Sekiranya baki akaun adalah sifar, jumlah bonus aktif akan turut menjadi sifar.
- Adalah diperlukan untuk mendagangkan (jumlah bonus)/2 (jumlah bonus dibahagikan kepada dua) lot standard bagi membolehkan bonus dikeluarkan.
- Bonus deposit tidak boleh ditambahkan ke deposit pindahan dalaman dan ke deposit daripada pertandingan/promosi, dsb. Melainkan dinyatakan sebaliknya.
- Bonus deposit boleh ditambahkan ke bonus keseluruhan dalam akaun anda dan kekal di sana sehingga keperluan volum dipenuhi atau bonus dibatalkan. Selepas volum yang diperlukan didagangkan, bonus berkenaan akan dikeluarkan daripada bonus keseluruhan dalam akaun anda dan jumlah wang yang sama akan ditambahkan ke baki akaun anda.
- Bonus bagi setiap deposit dianggap sebagai bonus yang berasingan dan akan mempunyai keperluan volum yang tersendiri.
- Pengiraan bonus bermula daripada bonus pertama dan akan berterusan secara berturutan. Ini bermakna bahawa anda tidak boleh mengeluarkan bonus yang berikutnya sebelum anda mendagangkan volum yang diperlukan untuk bonus pertama, dan begitulah seterusnya. Pengiraan bonus bermula daripada saat bonus dikreditkan ke akaun pelanggan. Volum yang diperlukan bagi setiap deposit dikira secara berasingan.
- Bonus HANYA boleh dikeluarkan sekiranya masih terdapat bonus dalam akaun semasa pengiraan lot dilakukan. Sekiranya pelanggan telah mendagangkan volum yang diperlukan, tetapi bonus tersebut telah dibatalkan, ia tidak akan ditambah atau dipulangkan.
- Sekiranya dana pedagang sendiri telah dikeluarkan selepas bonus dikreditkan, bonus berkenaan akan dibatalkan.
- Pelanggan boleh membatalkan bonus deposit pada bila-bila masa. Sebaik sahaja bonus deposit dibatalkan, ia tidak boleh dikembalikan.
- Octafx boleh menolak permohonan bonus pelanggan pada bila-bila masa tanpa pemberitahuan awal atau alasan untuk keputusan sedemikian.
- Octafx boleh membatalkan bonus pelanggan pada bila-bila masa tanpa pemberitahuan awal.
- Sebarang situasi yang tidak dihuraikan dalam peraturan ini adalah tertakluk kepada keputusan syarikat.
- Octafx berhak untuk mengubah, mengemas kini atau membatalkan promosi ini dengan pemberitahuan dalam berita syarikat.
Bonus ini dijelaskan melalui contoh:
cth. 1: anda melakukan deposit USD 1,000 dan dapatkan bonus USD 500. Baki akaun akan menjadi USD 1,000, ekuiti 1,000+500 = USD 1,500, bonus keseluruhan USD 500. Bagi membolehkan bonus ini dikeluarkan, anda perlu mendagangkan 500/2=250 lot standard, tanpa had. Kemudian, lakukan deposit sebanyak USD 800 lagi ke akaun anda dan dapatkan bonus USD 400. Baki anda akan menjadi USD 1,800 (1,000 + 800), ekuiti menjadi USD 2,700 (1,000+500+800+400), bonus keseluruhan menjadi USD 900 (500+400). Bagi membolehkan bonus kedua ini dikeluarkan, anda perlu mendagangkan 400/2 lot standard.
Dalam contoh ini, selepas anda mendagangkan 250 lot standard yang pertama dan memenuhi keperluan volum untuk bonus pertama dalam akaun anda, bonus keseluruhan (USD 500) akan dikeluarkan daripada bonus keseluruhan, menjadikan baki sebanyak USD 400 (900-500). Pada masa yang sama, jumlah wang yang sama (USD 500) akan ditambahkan ke baki akaun anda.
Cth. 2: anda melakukan deposit USD 200 dan dapatkan bonus USD 100. Baki akaun anda akan menjadi USD 200, ekuiti USD 300, bonus keseluruhan USD 100, bonus aktif USD 100. Kemudian anda menutup 1 dagangan yang gagal dengan kerugian sebanyak USD 110. Baki akaun akan menjadi USD 90, bonus keseluruhan akan menjadi USD 100, tetapi bonus aktif akan turut menjadi USD 90, dan ekuiti kini menjadi USD 180.
50% bonus on each deposit
1. Open an account
2. Make a deposit in your account
3. Increase your deposit by half with our bonus
4. Withdraw bonus funds
your deposit amount | $400 |
50% bonus we provide | $200 |
divide your bonus by half | $200/2 |
number of lots to trade | 100 lots |
Trade more and get more profit with our bonus
Without bonus
Get more profit using 50% bonus 50% bonus
Manage your bonuses wisely
Know when to apply the bonus: you can activate it for your deposit at any time.
Decide upon the bonus amount you want to apply.
If you cancel the bonus, mind that it will be deducted from your free margin at full.
When your bonus progress hits 100% you can use this money for other accounts and go on investing.
What you can do with a deposit bonus
Every day
- Apply for a 50% bonus.
- Set a maximum leverage.
- Open positions of up to 750 times greater than your initial investment.
On special occasions
- Make a deposit and track our offers.
- Seize the best trading conditions during our events.
- Multiply your profit potential 2,000 times.
Promotion rules
- Deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.
- The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.
- Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.
- The bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc. Unless stated otherwise.
- Deposit bonus shall not be credited in case account free margin is less than your bonus amount.
- Ctrader deposit bonus can only be claimed by a verified customer.
- The client can claim a deposit bonus on each deposit he makes. The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.
- Bonuses are available in multiples of 10%, so you can claim 10%, 30%, 50% or 100% on a deposit, but not 11%, 25%, or 47%, for example.
- "total bonus" denotes the total amount of bonus in a client’s account. Total bonus comprises all the bonuses claimed by the client for the trading account. Total bonus is affected when a part of the total bonus is withdrawn or cancelled or when additional bonuses are credited to the client’s account.
- "active bonus" denotes the amount of bonus which can be used to open positions by adding it to the account’s equity. The amount of active bonus cannot exceed 100% of the account’s unrealized profit & loss + balance, therefore this value will fluctuate according to live conditions.
- Ctrader deposit bonus can’t be used instead of, separately or before the account’s balance. If the account’s balance is zero, so will be the amount of active bonus.
- It is required to trade (bonus amount)/2 (bonus amount divided by two) standard lots to be able to withdraw a bonus.
- The deposit bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc., unless stated otherwise.
- The deposit bonus shall be added to the total bonus in your account and remain there until the volume requirements are met or the bonus is canceled. After the required volume is traded the bonus will be withdrawn from the total bonus in your account and an equal amount of money will be added to your account’s balance.
- The bonus for each deposit is considered a separate bonus and will have its own volume requirements.
- Volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can't withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is credited to the client’s account. The required volume for each deposit is calculated separately.
- The bonus can be withdrawn ONLY if by the moment of lots calculation, the bonus is still present in the account. If a client had traded the required volume, but the bonus has already been canceled, it would not be added or compensated.
- If the trader's own funds are withdrawn after the bonus has been credited, the bonus will be canceled.
- A client can cancel deposit bonus at any time. Once deposit bonus is cancelled, it cannot be reinstated.
- Octafx may reject client's bonus application(s) at any time without prior notification or providing reasons for such decision.
- Octafx may cancel a client's bonus at any time without prior notification.
- Any situation not described in these rules shall be subject to the company's decision.
- Octafx reserves the right to change, update or cancel this promotion with notification in the company news.
Bonuses explained in examples:
ex.1: you make a 1000 USD deposit and get a 500 USD bonus. Your account balance will be 1000 USD, equity 1000+500=1500 USD, total bonus 500 USD. To be able to withdraw this bonus you will need to trade 500/2=250 standard lots, without time limit. Later you make another 800 USD deposit to your account and get a 400 USD bonus. Your balance will be 1800 (1000 + 800) USD, equity will be 2700 (1000+500+800+400) USD, total bonus will be 900 (500+400) USD. To be able to withdraw the second bonus you will need to trade another 400/2 standard lots.
In this example after you trade first 250 standard lots and complete the volume requirements for the first deposit bonus in your account, the bonus amount (500 USD) will be withdrawn from the total bonus, leaving its value at 400 (900 -500) USD. At the same time the equal amount of money (500 USD) will be added to your account’s balance.
Ex.2: you make 200 USD deposit and get 100 USD bonus. The balance in your account will be 200 USD, equity 300 USD, total bonus 100 USD, active bonus 100 USD. Then you close 1 unfortunate trade with a loss of 110 USD. Account balance will be 90 USD, total bonus will still be 100 USD, but active bonus will be also 90 USD now, therefore equity will be 180 USD.
Octafx deposit bonus review
Bonus size
Max. Bonus
Octafx is a broker that allows customers to trade in 28 currency pairs, 10 indices, select cryptocurrencies, commodities such as gold and brent crude oil and more. The company has gathered over a million user accounts and has executed more than 250 million trades. Octafx operates multinational and currently, reaches customers in 100 countries. Interestingly, the company provides on its website a number depicting the total amount of money paid out as bonuses that are updated live. At the moment of writing, the number stands at $2,436,492. This was achieved through an octafx bonus scheme that allows customers to receive up to 50% for free on each deposit. Below we provide the octafx bonus review as well as the details on how to obtain it.
How to claim the bonus?
Octafx 50% bonus can be obtained by the users of all three platforms: MT4, MT5 and ctrader. The first step to getting the octafx deposit bonus is opening an account and making a deposit of over $50. Then, the user has a choice to receive up to 50% as a bonus in order to increase the potential profits of his/her trading operations. There are minor differences in terms of how the bonuses work for the MT4 and MT5 platforms and how they work for the users of the ctrader.
For MT4 and MT5 platforms, the verified user can claim 10%, 30% or 50% on each deposit. The bonus is credited to the user’s account and remains locked until the specified volume requirements are met. After the customer meets those requirements the bonus is deducted from MT4/MT5 credit and is deposited in the balance. The volume requirement is simple, the customer simply has to trade the standard lots equalling the bonus amount divided by two in order to be able to withdraw the bonus. “volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can’t withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is requested. The volume of each deposit is calculated separately,” – states the company. There are other details about bonuses that should be considered as well. For example, the bonuses can be cancelled by the client at any time and the withdrawal of client’s own funds after claiming the bonus will also lead to a cancellation of the bonus. These and other details are listed on the company’s website for the user’s convenience.
Octafx bonus on deposit is also available for the ctrader accounts. In this case, the size of the bonus, as well as the volume requirements, is similar. There is also a distinction between an “active bonus” and a “total bonus”. “active bonus” is the amount of bonus the customer can use to open positions. This number can’t be more than the account’s unrealized profit & loss + balance. On the other hand, ‘”total bonus” denotes the total amount of bonus in a client’s account. Total bonus comprises all the bonuses claimed by the client for the trading account,” – clarifies the website.
Octafx sign up bonus
A first time octafx sign up bonus is not offered by octafx.
Traders who register a real account with octafx are not offered with either a first time sign up bonus, or a welcome bonus.
Octafx offers a 100% deposit bonus on each deposit which applies to both new and existing traders when a deposit of at least US dollar 50 is made into the trading account.
To make the deposit withdrawable, traders will have to comply to the trading requirements of a certain amount of lots to be traded. This will be determined by the amount that the trader deposits into the trading account.
Brokers often offer these broker bonusses to new traders in an effort to draw in more customers in addition to encouraging trading activities. Offering a deposit or welcome bonus is the best way in which to assure traders that they will receive some money back depending on the initial deposit made.
Various brokers also offer no deposit bonuses to traders in the same effort to draw in more customers and bonuses like this may aid not only the broker in acquiring new clients, but also traders who have strict budgetary restrictions.
Referral bonus
Octafx does not currently offer referral bonuses to new or existing traders who make use of the products and services offered by octafx. The only referral program which is offered, is only available to introducing brokers.
Referral bonuses are offered by brokers to traders in an attempt to draw in new clients and expand their customer base.
Often these types of bonuses have strict criteria that will have to be fulfilled before the trader can benefit from referring a friend or family member.
Some of the criteria includes, but is not limited to:
- The referral has to register a real account with the broker using a unique referral link so that the registration can be traced back to the trader.
- The referral bonus is only applicable should referrals register a real account as these bonuses are not available when using a demo account.
- A certain minimum deposit amount has to be made by the referral.
- The referral may be required to execute a certain number of trades on the new account before the trader becomes eligible to receive the referral bonus
Referral bonuses may also have a limited time in which they can be utilized by traders, perhaps in a given month that brokers see a decrease in activity and attempts to counter it by providing such bonuses.
Additional bonuses, promotions and rewards
Octafx does not currently cater for trading bonuses and there are no current initiatives to reward loyal customers.
Trading bonuses serve the purpose of encouraging traders to increase their trading activity in addition to trading higher volumes to gain access to bonuses that offer some cashback.
Pros and cons
1. Deposit bonus offered to new and existing traders | 1. Welcome bonus, , no deposit bonus , and first time sign up bonus not offered |
2. No referral bonus offered | |
3. No trading bonus for loyal customers |
Octafx offers traders who either register a real account, or those who already possess one, the chance of receiving a bonus every time they fund their trading account.
The conditions involved are stricter than when compared to other brokers who offer this type of bonus. Although there are no other bonusses offered, octafx has a competitive offering in addition to catering for both beginner and expert traders.
Octafx overview
Octafx is an ECN broker, it was launched in 2011 and registered in st.Vincent and the grenadines. Octafx offers to trade cryptocurrencies via cfds, forex, metals, and indices. Octafx regulated by cysec and offers ctrader suite and metatrader trading platform. The broker octafx has two versions of website one is octafx.Com and another one is octafx.Eu. Octafx.Com is registered in st. Vincent and the grenadines and octafx.Eu is regulated by the cysec (cyprus securities and exchange commission) for european union users. But there is no restriction to use octafx.Com website for european union users, they can take advantage of high leverage.
Octafx is suitable for both professional and beginner traders and offers 3 types of accounts (micro, pro, and ECN).
Regulations and security
Octafx is a regulated broker and operated by octa markets incorporated, governed by the law of saint-vincent and the grenadines.
Broker overview
website | visit website |
broker type | ECN/STP forex broker |
demo link | open demo account |
founded | 2011 |
country | st. Vincent and the grenadines |
headquarter | suite 305, griffith corporate centre, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent and the grenadines |
regulation | regulated by cyprus securities and exchange commission (cysec) licence number: 372/18 |
int offices | st. Vincent and the grenadines |
phone | +17844574224 |
fax | no |
support@octafx.Com | |
website lang | english, chinese, indonesian,malay, spanish, portugees, hindi, urdu, thai, bengali, german |
accept us clients | no |
account currencies | USD |
trading platforms | MT4, MT5, ctrader (mobile, desktop and web) |
promotions | 50% welcome deposit bonus promotion and CHAMPION MT4 DEMO CONTEST |
no deposit bonus | no |
welcome bonus | up to 50% welcome deposit bonus promotions |
commission | yes |
withdraw options | bank wire, debit/credit card, neteller, skrill, fasapay, local payment means in: indonesia, malaysia, bangladesh, pakistan, nigeria, thailand, india |
account funding methods | bank wire, debit/credit card, neteller, skrill, fasapay, local payment means in: indonesia, malaysia, bangladesh, pakistan, nigeria, thailand, india |
other trading instruments | yes |
min deposit | 5 |
max leverage | 1:500 |
mobile trading | yes |
web trading | yes |
news trading | yes |
type of spread | fixed and even negative |
minimum spreads | 0.2 pips |
lowest spread on eur usd | 0.2 pips |
precision pricing | 4 and 5 digits |
free demo account | yes |
mini accounts | yes |
islamic accounts | yes |
VIP accounts | yes |
ecn account | yes |
swap free accounts | yes |
segregated accounts | yes |
managed account | yes |
interest on margin | yes |
trading contests | yes |
hedging | yes |
expert advisors | yes |
one click execution | yes |
oco orders | yes |
gold silver | yes |
cfds | yes |
Account types
Octafx offers three types of account these are micro, pro, and ECN:
Micro account (metatrader 4): this account is very special for beginners and no commission.
The minimum deposit is $100
28 currency pairs, 2 metals (gold and silver), 4 indices and 3 cryptocurrencies
the maximum leverage is 1:500 for currencies, 1:200 for metals, 1:50 for indices, and 1:2 for cryptocurrencies
pro (metatrader 5): octafx recommends this account for experienced traders.
The minimum deposit is $500
28 currency pairs, 4 metals, 10 indices, 2 energies, and 3 cryptocurrencies
the maximum leverage is 1:500 for currencies, 1:100 for metals and energies, 1:50 for indices
and 1:2 for cryptocurrencies
the minimum volume is 0.01 lot and unlimited maximum volume
one click execution
ECN (ctrader): ECN account with ctrader trading platform is always for progressive traders
The minimum deposit is $100
28 currency pairs, 2 metals (gold and silver)
floating starting at 0, no commission, no swap but weekend fee enable
Trading platforms
Octafx offers metatrader and ctrader trading platforms, both are usable from desktop, laptop, and mobile device.
Metatrader 4 (MT4) – this is easy to understand and has turned into a most favorite for professional and beginner traders. Throughout the years it has been accessible, it has shown itself to be truly best and incredible for traders. In this MT4 trading platform most valuable trading tools are there, for example, risk management, real time market execution, indicators, and charting tools.
Metatrader 5 (MT5) – this is a very advanced and multi-resource trading platform for traders, offers advanced trading analysis, exceptional trading possibilities and automated trading.
Ctrader – this is incredibly customizable with an exciting interface. There is a couple of a bigger number of fancy odds and whistles than MT4.
Commissions and fees
In our octafx expert’s review, we found different commissions and fees are organized there contrastingly as per account. Small (micro), pro and ECN accounts utilize the meta trader (MT4, and MT5) and ECN platforms, separately, and bolster distinctive exchanging approaches, henceforth the variety in charges.
Spreads are largest on the micro account and there are some fewer instruments to trade. Normally, the spread on a EUR/USD exchange maybe 1.1 pips, however in the event that a similar exchange is made through the professional account, this may drop to 0.9 pips.
The pro account is really good for a range of instruments and price structure. The ctrader trading platforms account isn’t far-removed yet is restricted to 28 currency pairs and just 2 metals.
In the micro account floating spreads start from 0.4 pips, but, while it is fixed for beginning it starts at 2 pips. On the ECN account spread start from 0 pips, on the pro account spreads start from 0.2.
Not at all like the other two accounts, doesn’t it highlight a markup in any case? The ECN has only one charged a commission, the account comes with an end of the week charge.
Promotions & bonuses
Octafx always offers different types of amazing promotions & bonuses. But due to european union rules and regulations, the broker cannot offer bonuses on EU. So, octafx.Eu (cysec regulated) don’t offer any bonus. However, octafx.Com always offers different types of amazing promotions. Currently, these promotions and bonuses are going on:
50% withdrawal deposit bonus on each deposit with higher margins
Free forex signals with automated alerts
Supercharged 2 real contest, there are 3 prizes all these are latest powerful luxury cars
Champion demo contest, withdrawable prizes – 1ST $500, 2ND $300 and more
Crader weekly demo contest, withdrawable prizes – 1ST $150, 2ND $100 and more
education and research
Octafx offers a lot of educational trading articles, videos, analysis, tutorials and very good information about metatrader or ctrader trading platforms.
Octafx offers an amazing range of tools, you will find on octafx.Com website these are:
Economic calendar and national holidays
profit calculator
live quotes monitoring
market news update and insights
profit calculator
interest rates, stop loss and take profit and more
Deposit and withdrawal method
Octafx deposit and withdrawal method is good, depositing and withdrawing is commission-free also offer 50% bonus on deposit via skrill, neteller and bitcoin. The minimum deposit is 50 for both skrill and neteller and 0.00045 BTC and 5 USD is minimum withdraw.
Octafx awards
Octafx is multi-award winning broker has won a number of awards:
Customer support
Octafx supports clients 24 * 5 through website live chat, phone, email and whatsapp from across multiple languages. Octafx also offers good support on various social site including facebook, twitter, and instagram.
Monday to friday 24 hours site
website live chat support and a contact form
phone support: UK +44 20 3322 1059, hong kong +852 5808 8865, indonesia +62 21 3110 6972
whatsapp: +34 651 769 010 (texts only)
Office: suite 305, griffith corporate centre, beachmont, kingstown, st. Vincent, and the grenadines
Octafx offers different manuals to help customers in utilizing the main two platforms are metatrader and ctrader.
50% deposit bonus - octafx
Octafx forex broker, regulated by cysec, presents a great вђњ50% deposit bonusвђќ to all its clients who open and verify a real trading account with the company and fund that account. This bonus offer will be applied to every single deposit that you make from the registration date onward! Youвђ™ll have a better chance of making profits by receiving an extra 50% fund on your account balance, so youвђ™d better get started!
The traders are to register a micro (small investments), pro (cost-effective trades), or ECN (transparent prices) trading account with the company to get eligible for this promotion. The aforementioned trading accounts are accessible on MT4, MT5, and ctrader platforms respectively. The next step is to fund your selected account with no less than $50. Afterward, youвђ™ll receive a 50% extra fund on your deposited amount.
The bonus amount, as well as any profit you manage to trade, will be yours to withdraw provided that you meet the number of required lots based on the following formula:
вђњstandard lot = bonus amount in USD / 2.Вђќ
for example, letвђ™s assume that you fund your trading account with $300 and receive a $150 bonus on the deposited amount. In that case, youвђ™re going to have to trade at least 75 standard lots to be able to withdraw the bonus amount (150 / 2 = 75 standard lots).
For every deposit that you make, a bonus will be granted. However, the conditions for granted bonuses must be met in a timely fashion, meaning, you canвђ™t withdraw the second bonus unless you complete the required number of lots for the first bonus that youвђ™ve received and so on.
How to receive the octafx 50% deposit bonus:
the traders of octafx broker are required to open a real trading account (micro, pro, or ECN) and make at least $50 deposit into their accounts to receive the bonus. After receiving the bonus and meeting the required trading conditions as previously mentioned, you can withdraw the free funds!
Certain conditions:
only registered clients can apply for the bonus program.
The bonus amount will be deducted upon cancellation.
Internal transfers between accounts are prohibited.
If the account equity gets less than the received bonus, the bonus will be annulled.
Your profits can be withdrawn at any time without any restrictions.
Octafx deposit bonus review
Bonus size
Max. Bonus
Octafx is a broker that allows customers to trade in 28 currency pairs, 10 indices, select cryptocurrencies, commodities such as gold and brent crude oil and more. The company has gathered over a million user accounts and has executed more than 250 million trades. Octafx operates multinational and currently, reaches customers in 100 countries. Interestingly, the company provides on its website a number depicting the total amount of money paid out as bonuses that are updated live. At the moment of writing, the number stands at $2,436,492. This was achieved through an octafx bonus scheme that allows customers to receive up to 50% for free on each deposit. Below we provide the octafx bonus review as well as the details on how to obtain it.
How to claim the bonus?
Octafx 50% bonus can be obtained by the users of all three platforms: MT4, MT5 and ctrader. The first step to getting the octafx deposit bonus is opening an account and making a deposit of over $50. Then, the user has a choice to receive up to 50% as a bonus in order to increase the potential profits of his/her trading operations. There are minor differences in terms of how the bonuses work for the MT4 and MT5 platforms and how they work for the users of the ctrader.
For MT4 and MT5 platforms, the verified user can claim 10%, 30% or 50% on each deposit. The bonus is credited to the user’s account and remains locked until the specified volume requirements are met. After the customer meets those requirements the bonus is deducted from MT4/MT5 credit and is deposited in the balance. The volume requirement is simple, the customer simply has to trade the standard lots equalling the bonus amount divided by two in order to be able to withdraw the bonus. “volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can’t withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is requested. The volume of each deposit is calculated separately,” – states the company. There are other details about bonuses that should be considered as well. For example, the bonuses can be cancelled by the client at any time and the withdrawal of client’s own funds after claiming the bonus will also lead to a cancellation of the bonus. These and other details are listed on the company’s website for the user’s convenience.
Octafx bonus on deposit is also available for the ctrader accounts. In this case, the size of the bonus, as well as the volume requirements, is similar. There is also a distinction between an “active bonus” and a “total bonus”. “active bonus” is the amount of bonus the customer can use to open positions. This number can’t be more than the account’s unrealized profit & loss + balance. On the other hand, ‘”total bonus” denotes the total amount of bonus in a client’s account. Total bonus comprises all the bonuses claimed by the client for the trading account,” – clarifies the website.
50% bonus on initial deposit – octafx
Octafx welcome trading bonus – take the advantage of 50% deposit bonus, and this offer is only available for the new client for their initial deposit. Let’s grab the opportunity to start your live trading with a 50% bonus (up to) which will certainly help a trader to trade with more comfort and ease.
Up to 50% bonus on initial deposit
Joining link: get-bonus
Ending date: december 31, 2020
Offer is applicable: all clients
How to apply: make a deposit and get bonus up to 50%
Bonus withdrawal: bonus can be withdrawn; conditions are met.
Terms & conditions – up to 50% bonus on initial deposit
This bonus supports margin.
The internal transfer is not available.
Be advice to find all the details by asking for their support.
Claim 10%, 30% or 50% bonus on EACH deposit you make. However, it is not possible to claim 11%, 25%, 47%, etc
200% valentine bonus, every deposit – COINEXX
Up to 100% bonus to start – teletrade
Up to $5K credit bonus – BCR
$5M PAMM BONUS – tickcopy
100% credit & tradable bonus – multibank exchange
Welcome account bonus – finexarena
100% deposit trading bonus – FBS
New trader’s january-2021 bonus – avatrade
$500 welcome bonus – forexchief
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Simply brilliant bonus from one of the largest brokerage houses in the world today, I believe octafx service itself is enough for me to work with them due to lowest spread starting from 0.1 pips, smooth trading platform without any delay or slippage, so having such high bonus up to 50%, it is truly incredible and for beginners like me, it is like life changing scheme so that’s why I really love to work with them and allows me to trade easily.
Up to 50% bonus on deposit -octafx
Octafx is proud to announce that our famous deposit bonus is now increased to 50% due to high demand from our clients! The bonus is available for each your deposit in both micro and ECN account types.
Available to : new and existing clients.
End date : until december 31, 2020.
How to get:
1. Account an account .
2. Pass the verification.
-choose an account type that suits your trading style (micro / meta trader 5 / ctrader )
3. Deposit your account .
-minimum $50 deposit amount, various payment options.
4. $125 added as a bonus.
Withdraw : it is required to trade (bonus amount)/2 (bonus amount divided by two) standard lots to be able to withdraw a bonus.
Volume calculation starts from the first bonus and continues consecutively. This means that you can’t withdraw later bonuses before you trade the required volume for the first bonus, and so on. The volume calculation starts from the moment the bonus is requested. The volume for each deposit is calculated separately.
E.G. You made a $100 deposit on monday and started trading. On wednesday you claimed $50 bonus. Volume calculation for your bonus starts from wednesday, any volume traded before wednesday will not be included. It is advised to claim a bonus right after your deposit is credited to your trading account.
The bonus can be withdrawn ONLY if by the moment of lots calculation the bonus is still present in the account. If a client had traded the required volume, but the bonus has already been canceled, it would not be added or compensated.
In case the equity of your account becomes less than the bonus size, the bonus will be cancelled.
Terms and conditions
The bonus amount available is 10% to 50% for each deposit amount. You can also claim 100% bonus during certain special offer periods.
The bonus cannot be added to internal transfer deposits and to deposits from contests/promotions, etc. Unless stated otherwise.
The bonus shall be credited into your account and locked until the volume requirements are met. After the required volume is completed, the bonus will be deducted from your MT4 | MT5 credit and simultaneously deposited into your balance. The operation will be processed every hour on a daily basis.
A client can cancel deposit bonus at any time. Once deposit bonus is cancelled, it can’t be reinstated.
So, let's see, what we have: dapatkan bonus 50% octafx bagi setiap deposit. Buka dagangan dengan volum yang lebih besar dan dapat untung dua kali ganda. Dana bonus tersedia untuk pengeluaran! At bonus deposit octafx
Contents of the article
- 50% bonus pada setiap deposit
- 1. Buka akaun
- 2. Buat deposit ke akaun anda
- 3. Gandakan separuh deposit anda dengan bonus kami
- 4. Keluarkan dana bonus
- Lakukan lebih banyak dagangan dan nikmati lebih...
- Tanpa bonus
- Dapatkan lebih banyak keuntungan dengan 50% bonus...
- Uruskan bonus anda dengan baik
- Apa yang boleh anda lakukan dengan bonus deposit
- Free forex bonuses
- Peraturan promosi
- 50% bonus on each deposit
- 1. Open an account
- 2. Make a deposit in your account
- 3. Increase your deposit by half with our bonus
- 4. Withdraw bonus funds
- Trade more and get more profit with our bonus
- Without bonus
- Get more profit using 50% bonus 50% bonus
- Manage your bonuses wisely
- What you can do with a deposit bonus
- Promotion rules
- Octafx deposit bonus review
- How to claim the bonus?
- Octafx sign up bonus
- Referral bonus
- Additional bonuses, promotions and rewards
- Pros and cons
- Conclusion
- Octafx
- 50% deposit bonus - octafx
- Octafx deposit bonus review
- How to claim the bonus?
- 50% bonus on initial deposit – octafx
- Up to 50% bonus on initial deposit
- 200% valentine bonus, every deposit – COINEXX
- 115% BONUS ON EACH DEPOSIT – TTS markets
- Up to 100% bonus to start – teletrade
- Up to $5K credit bonus – BCR
- $5M PAMM BONUS – tickcopy
- 100% credit & tradable bonus – multibank exchange
- Welcome account bonus – finexarena
- 100% deposit trading bonus – FBS
- New trader’s january-2021 bonus – avatrade
- $500 welcome bonus – forexchief
- Up to 50% bonus on deposit -octafx
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