InstaForex (IB Nahnu @ BGUR), instaforex claim bonus 30.

Instaforex claim bonus 30

* sekiranya, sebagai tambahan kepada bonus 30%, akaun yang mempunyai bonus lain perlu diselesaikan, dan juga jika klausa 9 terpakai pada akaun, jumlah penuh keseluruhan bonus akan tertakluk kepada pengeluaran.

Free forex bonuses

InstaForex (IB Nahnu @ BGUR), instaforex claim bonus 30.

InstaForex (IB Nahnu @ BGUR), instaforex claim bonus 30.

InstaForex (IB Nahnu @ BGUR), instaforex claim bonus 30.

Dlm transaksi dagangan, sekiranya berlaku cutloss atau drawdown melebihi 100$ bermakna pada ketika itu equity atau modal anda sudah pun MC. Bayangkan kalau tiada wc bonus anda pasti akan membuat deposit yang baru untuk meneruskan trading kerana quity anda dah kosong.

Instaforex (IB nahnu @ BGUR)

Claim bonus 30%

Setiap kali anda deposit anda layak untuk claim bonus 30% untuk akaun trading anda. Sebagai contoh USD100, anda layak claim 30%. Walaubagaimana pun bonus ini tidak dapat diwithdraw. Hanya sekadar meningkatkan equity dan margin

Kalau anda tanya saya, saya tidak rekomen bonus ni atau mana2 nilai bonus yg lebih tinggi. Ada bonus maka ada tnc. Anda boleh refer tnc bonus tersebut.

Tuan deposit 100$
tuan claim wc bonus 30%.
Jumlah equity 130$.

Perlu diingat bahawa program pemberian wc bonus merupakan perkongsian modal dimana client mengeluarkan modal 100$ sementara broker mengeluarkan modal 30$.

Dlm transaksi dagangan, sekiranya berlaku cutloss atau drawdown melebihi 100$ bermakna pada ketika itu equity atau modal anda sudah pun MC. Bayangkan kalau tiada wc bonus anda pasti akan membuat deposit yang baru untuk meneruskan trading kerana quity anda dah kosong.

Oleh itu baki yg ada di akaun anda sebenarnya adalah duit atau modal dari broker, BUKAN duit anda. Harap tidak salah faham dengan menganggap itu masih sebahagian dari duit anda.

Anda meneruskan trading baki di akaun anda dan berjaya growkan akaun tersebut dgn profit yg banyak. Sekali lagi jangan salah faham. Anda sebenarnya berdagang dengan duit broker. Profit itu adalah keuntungan yg anda perolehi dengan memperdagangkan modal broker iaitu wc bonus.

Untuk melayakkan anda withdraw profit tersebut, anda perlu deposit semula modal anda untuk menggantikan deposit asal anda yg dah MC.

Selepas anda membuat deposit dengan jumlah yang ditetapkan oleh broker, anda perlu lakukan dagangan semula untuk mencukupkan lot volume trading iaitu 3x ganda nilai wc bonus. Jika syarat itu dipenuhi anda boleh withdraw kesemua profit yang telah anda perolehi termasuk wc bonus 30%.

Sekian, semoga difahami dgn jelas!

Tnc bonus 30%, last update 2013

Harap maklum: kempen ini tidak terpakai untuk akaun MT5.

  1. Setiap pelanggan instaforex berhak menerima bonus sebanyak 30% dari jumlah yang didepositkan ke dalam akaun perdagangan. Bonus deposit akan dikreditkan ke akaun dagangan dalam tempoh satu minggu selepas pendepositan. Sebagai tambahan, bonus akan dikira berdasarkan kepada jumlah dana yang benar-benar tersedia di dalam akaun semasa proses permohonan bonus dibuat.

  2. Bonus 30% tidak akan dikreditkan ke dalam akaun yang sudah menerima bonus jenis lain (welcome bonus tetap atau bonus 25%). Untuk menerima bonus seperti itu, pelanggan perlu membuka akaun perdagangan baru. Jumlah akaun untuk menerima bonus 30% tidak terhad untuk setiap pelanggan.

  3. Pelanggan berhak menerima bonus 30% untuk setiap pendepositan. Bonus terakru untuk deposit bersih sahaja.

  4. Pelanggan bersetuju bahawa sebarang pengeluaran wang yang menyebabkan jumlah keseluruhan dana bonus (bonus yang diterima tolak pembatalan bonus) melebihi 30% dari margin bebas semasa dalam akaun perdagangan, tertakluk kepada pembatalan sebahagian bonus yang menyamai perbezaan antara nilai-nilai ini. Untuk mengelakkan pembatalan bonus melebihi jumlah pengeluaran, pelanggan dinasihatkan untuk tidak melakukan pengeluaran sekiranya jumlah semua bonus dalam akaun melebihi nilai welcome bonus pada margin bebas semasa dalam akaun perdagangan selepas pengeluaran.

  5. Pelanggan tidak wajib untuk membuat pengesahan identiti sewaktu memohon bonus 30%. Walau bagaimanapun, syarikat berhak untuk meminta dokumen pengenalan diri mengikut budi bicara.

  6. Bonus 30% boleh dikeluarkan dengan syarat bahawa jumlah keseluruhan perdagangan BELI atau JUAL yang diselesaikan sama dengan X*3 lot instaforex, di mana X adalah jumlah keseluruhan bonus yang diterima, termasuk bonus yang dibatalkan atau sebahagian kerugian. Untuk akaun dalam RUB, jumlah perdagangan dikira mengikut formula berikut: X*3/50 lot instaforex. Untuk akaun yang dibuka dalam EUR, formula pengiraan adalah seperti berikut: X*3*1.1 lot instaforex. Hanya jumlah keseluruhan bonus yang boleh dikeluarkan. Adalah tidak dibenarkan untuk mengeluarkan sebahagian bonus. Untuk mengeluarkan dana bonus dari akaun perdagangan, pelanggan harus menghantarkan permohonan ke bonus@instaforex.Com. Jumlah bonus harus tersedia sepenuhnya di dalam akaun perdagangan semasa pengurus memproses permohonan pengeluaran pelanggan. Syarikat berhak untuk menolak permohonan pengeluaran bonus tanpa perlu menyatakan alasannya.*

  7. Keuntungan yang diperoleh dari bonus 30% boleh dikeluarkan tanpa sebarang sekatan sekiranya semua syarat perjanjian ini dipenuhi.

  8. Syarikat berhak membatalkan bonus 30% tanpa notis pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu. Oleh itu, kami amat mengesyorkan agar anda tidak mengambil kira bonus semasa membuat pengiraan keuntungan strategi perdagangan anda. Syarikat tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang akibat daripada pembatalan bonus termasuk kes stop out sebagaimana bonus terakru tetap menjadi milik syarikat sehingga pelanggan menggunakan bonus dengan melengkapkan jumlah lot yang diperlukan yang dinyatakan dalam klausa 3 pada perjanjian ini**

  9. Sekiranya jumlah bonus melebihi AS$2,000 dan lebih 10% daripada dagangan yang dilakukan dengan kurang dari 0.01 lot pasaran (0.1 lot instaforex, contoh, 1 pip adalah hampir bersamaan dengan AS$0.10), bonus tersebut boleh dikurangkan kepada AS$1,000. Sekiranya jumlah bonus melebihi AS$10,000 dan lebih 10% daripada dagangan yang dilakukan dengan kurang dari 0.1 lot pasaran (1 lot instaforex, contoh, 1 pip hampir bersamaan dengan AS$1), bonus tersebut boleh dikurangkan kepada AS$3,000.

  10. Pelanggan bersetuju bahawa sekiranya syarikat mengesan sebarang penyalahgunaan program bonus atau jika keuntungan dalam akaun sama dengan jumlah deposit, maka syarikat boleh membatalkan bonus dan menyelaraskan keuntungan yang diperoleh daripadanya dengan jumlah yang sama dengan jumlah bonus tanpa memberikan notis amaran terlebih dahulu atau menjelaskan alasannya. Pelanggan jelas mengenai kemungkinan risiko yang dinyatakan pada klausa ini.

  11. Syarikat berhak mengikut budi bicaranya untuk mengira dan mengagihkan keuntungan yang diterima dengan menggunakan dana bonus secara berkadaran antara dana sebenar pelanggan dan dana bonus di dalam akaun. Ini berlaku untuk keuntungan yang diterima dari saat pendaftaran akaun atau dari saat dana bonus dikreditkan ke dalam akaun. Pada masa yang sama, sebahagian daripada keuntungan yang berkadaran dengan jumlah bonus mungkin terhad untuk pengeluaran dari akaun dagangan sehingga pelanggan mengambil bonus sesuai dengan peraturan yang serupa dengan syarat penggunaan bonus yang ditentukan dalam perjanjian ini.

  12. Pelanggan bersetuju bahawa jika ekuiti dalam akaun kurang daripada dana bonus semasa, contoh, apabila kerugian semasa melebihi ekuiti pelanggan, semua dana dalam akaun akan dianggap sebagai dana bonus. Sekiranya pelanggan membuat pendepositan, dana di dalam akaun akan dikira dan diagihkan antara dana bonus dan ekuiti pelanggan berkadaran dengan jumlah deposit dan nilai dana bonus sewaktu pendepositan.

  13. Syarikat berhak untuk mengubah atau meminda syarat kempen tanpa notis pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.

  14. Bonus 30% hanya untuk perdagangan dalam forex. Oleh itu, apabila menggunakan bonus untuk berdagang mata wang kripto dan saham CFD, bonus tertakluk kepada pembatalan.

  15. Bahasa rasmi perjanjian adalah bahasa inggeris. Sekiranya terdapat perbezaan/percanggahan di antara perjanjian dalam versi terjemahan dan bahasa inggeris, perjanjian dalam bahasa inggeris akan dianggap sebagai standard rujukan.

* sekiranya, sebagai tambahan kepada bonus 30%, akaun yang mempunyai bonus lain perlu diselesaikan, dan juga jika klausa 9 terpakai pada akaun, jumlah penuh keseluruhan bonus akan tertakluk kepada pengeluaran.

** klausa ini adalah bertujuan untuk mencegah sebarang aktiviti penipuan yang berkaitan dengan sistem bonus. Namun, penguatkuasaannya tidak bermaksud bahawa semua akaun yang telah dibatalkan bonus oleh pihak syarikat diakui melanggar peraturan. Dalam beberapa kes, adalah mustahil untuk menentukan dengan jelas fakta pelanggaran peraturan. Terdapat 10% kebarangkalian bahawa kesalahan pembatalan bonus akan berlaku kerana ianya termasuk di dalam usaha untuk membendung penyalahgunaan sistem bonus.

Instaforex nigeria: how to claim all instaforex bonuses

Profits made over the bonuses provided by instaforex nigeria to its numerous clients can be withdrawn at anytime without restrictions.

Instaforex broker being a dominant broker within europe,asia,developing countries and the world at large incorporated various trading bonuses to enhance trading equity/capital to add and boost their confidence, as well as profitability. Amongst such bonuses are (1)30% bonus (2)55% bonus (3)70% educational bonus (4)$500 no deposit bonus (5)$50 monthly cash back.

this is also known as ‘welcome bonus’,if requested by the trader and it’s made available to him/her on every deposit into his/her trading account upon filling out the application form. This means that the number of accounts to which the trader could apply/request this bonus is not limited. This is credited to every deposit irrespective of how much the trader has lost or earned on previous tradings or accounts. It also helps the trader in increasing the amount of any deals.


Call our customer care line – 08133450038 to guide you on how to open a live trading account or visit our website (www.Instaforex.Com.Ng) this is done within minutes and the details will be forwarded to your phone and emails address provided.

2) activate your live trading account by funding it accordingly. This is done by filling out the deposit form online (https://instaforex.Com.Ng/deposit-funds/). Thereafter the funding of your account is executed/effected within minutes on confirmation.

3)as soon as your account is funded,go to our website www.Instaforex.Com.Ng and
i. Locate’claim your 30% bonus’ & click (INSTANT 30% BONUS)
ii.. This takes you to the’safety & security in instaforex financial world’s page
iii. Locate 30% bonus agreement and click on ‘accept terms of agreement’ and this opens up the ‘authorisation’ page.
Iv)enter your trading account number,trader password and click on ‘login’ then the 30% welcome bonus will be credited to your trading account automatically.

this is also one of the incentives from instaforex to its numerous clients, if requested for on every deposit made into the account of each trader,it is credited to every deposit irrespective of how much the trader has earned or lost previously on the other accounts. It also helps the client in enhancing or increasing the amount of any deal.
The profit earned or realised over the bonus amount could be withdrawn at anytime without restrictions. Meanwhile this bonus is not applicable to any account already credited with any other type of bonus. Note that the maximum leverage allowed is 1:200 and verification is not required.


1. Call our customer care line – 08133450038 to guide you on how to open a live trading account or visit our website www.Instaforex.Com.Ng. This is done within minutes and the details will be forwarded to your phone and emails address provided.

2. Activate your live trading account by funding it accordingly. This is done by filling out the deposit form online (https://instaforex.Com.Ng/deposit-funds/). Thereafter the funding of your account is executed/effected within minutes on confirmation.

3. As soon as your account is funded, go to our website homepage www.Instaforex.Com.Ng to claim your bonus thus:-
i) locate ‘get 55% bonus’ and click on ‘claim bonus’ or click here..
Ii) this takes you to the ‘safety & security in instaforex financial world’ page.
Iii) locate 55% bonus agreement and click on’accept terms of agreement’and this opens up authorisation’ page.
Iv) enter your trading account number and trader password and click on’login’ and the 55% bonus will be credited to your trading account automatically.

this is available to our forex trainees either during their training or on completion of their training.They are expected to open a trading account with www.Instaforex.Com.Ng with not less than $70 in order to be eligible to this bonus. Trained students are expected to fill out special form which would be forwarded to [email protected] . On consideration of the request and confirmation of the deposit the trainees instaforex trading account is credited with $70 within a maximum period of 24hrs. This would help the trainees in increasing the amount of any deal, as well as boost his equity/confidence in effecting his trades and confidence in embarking on his forex journey. Link to $70 educational bonus.. Https://instaforex.Com.Ng/promotions/free-70-dollar-after-training/

this $500 no deposit bonus of instaforex is to give or allow access of would be traders(prospective traders)and traders alike to the most liquid financial market in the world. It is with the view of providing stable income to many traders the world over. It also allows traders to experience the high quality of order execution of real life trading condition with no risk and personal investment.

$500 no deposit bonus could be made available to newbies or existing clients as follow. For more on instaforex $500 no deposit bonus click here. .

this is one of the promotions of instaforex nigeria which is open to both nigerian and non-nigerian clients alike.
Instaforex nigeria offers a cashback award/reward of $50 to traders account that has traded a minimum of 100 lots sizes in a calendar month.


1. To be eligible for this contest your account must be opened through our official website in nigeria at www.Instaforex.Com.Ng or call customer care line +234 813 345 0038 to open a live account for you now.
2. Trade a minimum of 100 lots in a month and automatically qualify to receive the cash back award from instaforex nigeria.
3. Cent accounts will have to trade 10,000 lots to qualify.

at the end of every 30 days clients who had traded up to 100 lots are expected to forward their instaforex trading account number to [email protected] thereafter $50 will be credited to their respective accounts.

Bonus 30% pada setiap deposit
sertai kelab instaforex dan dapatkan bonus sehingga 40%!

Syarikat instaforex menawarkan peluang unik dengan menerima bonus selamat datang ke akaun dagangan.

Dalam rangka menerima bonus selamat datang perlu untuk melengkapkan prosedur pendaftaran akaun dagangan* dan mengisi borang aplikasi untuk penerimaan bonus. Setiap prosedur adalah mudah dan tidak memerlukan banyak masa.

Penerimaan bonus selamat datang

Langkah l - pendaftaran live account.

Pendaftaran live account adalah di halaman "pembukaan akaun dagangan". Setiap jenis akaun dagangan sesuai dengan penerimaan bonus. Dalam kes ini, pelanggan membuka akaun dalam mata wang bukan-USD, bonus tetap akan ditukar ke mata wang dari akaun.

Langkah II-mendeposit.

Untuk mendapatkan bonus selamat datang, anda perlu mengaktifkan akaun dagangan anda dengan cara menambahkan semula dengan sebarang jumlah dalam apa jua cara yang mudah.

Langkah III- untuk mengisi permohonan - mengisi aplikasi

Selepas pendaftaran live account anda akan disarankan untuk mengikuti link dari laman memilih jenis bonus. Kemudian anda akan perlu mengisi aplikasi untuk satu jenis bonus dipilih, menentukan data akaun yang diminta. Jika anda sudah menjadi pemilik akaun diisi semula, sila, ikuti link dari bonus selamat datang di halaman.

Langkah IV - kredit selamat datang bonus ke akaun perdagangan.

Dalam tempoh 24 jam setelah borang aplikasi diisi, maklumat tersebut dihantar ke jabatan mengecas bonus, ketika prosedur ini selesai - bonus tetap akan dikreditkan ke akaun dagangan.

Tawaran istimewa bonus

Instaforex menyediakan para pelanggannya dengan peluang yang tiada bandingannya dengan meningkatkan bonus mereka bagi semua deposit akaun dagangan mereka. Kini semua boleh meningkatkan bonus asas daripada 30% bonus sehingga ke 40%. Anda akan nikmati setiap kelebihan ini selepas menyertai kelab elit instaforex. Selain daripada segi keutamaan penyertaan dalam pertandingan dan kempen oleh instaforex, mana-mana ahli kelab instaforex mempunyai hak istimewa untuk mengumpul dan mendapatkan bonus tambahan untuk setiap penambahan sehingga 10% dan jumlah itu dengan jumlah bonus standard.

* jika anda sudah menjadi pemilik dari akaun bonus dengan instaforex anda perlu meneruskan ke langkah II.

Anda juga berpeluang menapatkan bonus yang lain:

Get 30% welcome bonus on every deposit

Instaforex 30% deposit bonus

Instaforex Gives 30% Bonus on every Deposit.

Instaforex gives 30% bonus on every deposit.

The 30% welcome bonus is the right of every instaforex account holder and this bonus can always be received each time the trader adds or funds money to his/her account. The more deposit the trader makes to his account, the more 30% bonus he can claim to his account. You can imagine what amount of money you could have in your account if you deposit reasonable sum of money to your account.

Condition for getting 30% deposit bonus

To get 30% bonus the following conditions must be met:

  • There must be an existing instaforex account- the trader must open an instaforex account if he does not have any. You can open account now to qualify for this deposit bonus.

  • Make a deposit to your forex account. Minimum deposit is $5 but I recommend not trading with any thing less than $200 for meaningful return on your investment(ROI). There are various avenues you can use to make deposit to your forex account. To make it faster for you, you can use our deposit and money withdrawal services for free. You can also visit our article on how to fund and withdraw from your instaforex account to learn more.

  • The account must not be on any other class of bonus. If the trader is receiving 55% deposit bonus on the account, he can not claim 30% deposit bonus on the same account. You cannot use one account for more than one type of bonus.

  • Login to your trading account and claim your 30% deposit bonus.

How to claim the 30% deposit bonus

Once you have an account with instaforex and added money to it, then you can follow the steps below to claim your bonus.

  • Click to open the 30% bonus agreement page

  • Scroll down the page and click on accept terms of agreement. You will be taken to the login page.

  • Enter your forex account number in the account number field

  • Enter your password in the password field.

  • Click on login

  • Once you are through with the above steps, the 30% bonus will be credited to your trading account immediately.

How to manage you capital with the 30% deposit bonus

The purpose of given the 30% deposit bonus is to enable the trader make more profit but then one should manage the capital well else the entire money will finish.

The higher the risk, the lesser the volume or lots size to trade. Always consider risk before you trade. A good trader will always measure the potential risk associated with the trade he/she is entering before taken a trade. Once the risk is measured, the next thing is to determine the volume or lots size to trade.

Once you get the bonus, strive to protect your money by applying money management to all your trading. Do not risk more than 5% of your capital on any single trade. You should also have a daily risk limit. Daily risk limit is the maximum percentage of your capital to risk in any day you trade. Where this becomes more important is when you want to have a portfolio of investment. You have portfolio of investment when you:

  • Open more than one trade at a time or

  • Have more than one trade running at the same time.

If your daily risk is 5% of your equity, then if you have exhausted the daily risk in one open trade, do not open another trade for that day.

For portfolio of investment, divide your daily risk by the number of trades you want to trade. For example, your capital is $100 and you want to risk maximum of 5% on each day you trade. To do this, get 5% of $100 which is $5. You are to risk maximum of $5 dollar in each day you find trading opportunity(s). Assume you find a trading opportunity and decide to risk the whole of $5 in one trade with a stop loss of 40 pips, then what you do is to divide the $5 with 40 pips to have your volume as 0.125 or 0.12.

To open more than one trade, say two trades, then you should risk half of the calculated volume in each of the trades. In this case, 0.05 for each of the two trades. I have earlier on said, before you open a trade, check the potential risk by measuring the length in pips of your stop loss.

For fast decision making, you can use the table below for your trade volume on instaforex trading platform only:

SN capital volume/lot size maximum stop loss

  1. 10 0.01 40 pips

  2. 20 0.02 40 pips

  3. 30 0.03 40pips

  4. 40 0.04 40 pips

  5. 50 0.05 40pips

  6. 60 0.06 40pips

  7. 70 0.07 40pips

  8. 80 0.08 40pips

  9. 90 0.09 40 pips

  10. 100 0.1 40 pips

  11. 200 0.2 40 pips

When the risk(stop loss) is more than 40 pips, divide your volume/lots size by 2. For example, your capital is $100 but looking the distance between where you will enter the trade and where you want to set stop loss and it is 80 pips. Following the rule, the higher the risk the lesser the volume. Since the normal volume for a stop loss of 40 pips is 0.1, the volume will now be half of 0.1 which is 0.05. Because we have a risk(stop loss) that is more than 40 pips, we are taking half of the normal lot size for a $100 capital which is now 0.05.

I hope this free training is making sense to you. All we have said above is for a currency pair or forex trading and not for trading of gold, silver XAUUSD or higher risky markets. To trade gold or silver etc please ensure your capital is not less than $500. The volume for a $500 account is 0.05. Volume for a $600 account is 0.06 etc.

Conclusion-30% bonus on deposit

Any trader having instaforex live trading account can claim 30% bonus whenever he/she makes a deposit to the trading account. Then I said, when you receive this bonus, preserve it by applying money management on all your trades so that your account can live in profit to trade tomorrow. I have also given you a guide on how to use the capital when you want to trade. If you misuse your bonus, it may make the future withdrawal of profits difficult.

If you have no skill regarding profitable trading, we recommend our premium forex course to you for proper training. Rush now and enroll.

Over to you.

Do you have existing instaforex account? Have you claimed the 30% deposit bonus before? Did you grow the account making withdrawals? If you have questions or comments to make, please use our comment form below.

Cara mendapatkan bonus 30% instaforex

Saat ini broker instaforex mempunyai program promosi bonus 30% instaforex yang bisa di claim semua trader instaforex setelah deposit dan inilah bonus deposit dari instaforex.
Dengan membuka akun di broker instaforex anda bisa mendapatkan bonus 30% setelah deposit.

Cara claim bonus 30% instaforex

1. Anda harus mempunya akun instaforex dulu jika belum silahkan mendaftar klik menu buka akun di atas atau kunjungi halaman pendaftaran akun
2. Selanjut nya anda melalukan deposit, silahkan klik menu deposit
3. Setelah deposit masuk anda bisa claim 30% instaforex
4. Langsung aja kunjungi halaman bonus 30% instaforex
5. Anda bisa membaca dulu persyaratan dan ketentuan bonus lalu klik menerima
6. Selanjutnya login menggunakan akun yang telah di deposit
7. Dan bonus pun di kredit kan ke akun anda

Bonus deposit 30% instaforex

Ketentuan bonus instaforex 30% adalah:

  • Verifikasi: tidak diperlukan

  • Jumlah bonus: maksimal tanpa batas

  • Kredit bonus: setiap kali melakukan deposit

  • Kompatibel dengan bonus lainnya: instaforex club bonus

  • Tersedia untuk klien baru: tersedia

  • Tersedia untuk klien yang memiliki lebih dari 1 akun trading: tersedia

  • Maximum leverage: 1:1000

  • PAMM investing: tersedia

  • Options trading: tidak tersedia

  • Stop out: 10%

Syarat dan ketentuan bonus 30%

Untuk syarat bonus ini sangat mudah hanya menyelesaikan 3 lot per dollar bonus.
Contoh anda deposit 100 dollar, dan claim bonus 30% maka akan mendapatkan 30 dollar.
Maka saldo nya akan menjadi 130 dollar. Dan untuk lot nya 30 dollar x 3 lot = 90 lot
tetapi jika belum menyelesaikan 90 lot anda melalukan penarikan maka bonus nya akan di batalkan dan anda mendapatkan hanya yang anda dapatkan lot nya.

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Instaforex nigeria offers the unique opportunity of receiving the welcome bonus to a trading account. Every client can get 2 types of bonuses: fixed bonus 30% welcome bonus from deposit or 55% bonus. The only condition: you cannot request both types of the bonuses for same trading account.

In order to receive the welcome bonus, it is necessary to complete the registration procedure of live trading account* and fill the application form for the bonus receipt. Each of the mentioned above procedures is simple and doesn’t take a lot of time.

I step. Registration of a live account

Registration of a live account is possible at the page “opening of trading account”. Any type of trading account is appropriate to the bonus receipt. In case the client opens an account in non-USD currency, the fixed bonus will be converted into the currency of the account.

II step. Depositing

For receiving the fixed bonus, it is necessary to authorize a trading account by means of depositing:

Not less than 100 USD – for bonus 30 USD;

Not less than 300 USD – for bonus 110 USD;

Not less than 800 USD – for bonus 200 USD;

Not less than 5000 USD – for bonus 1000 USD to an account;

Not less than 50000 USD – for bonus 5000 USD to an account.

For getting the welcome bonus 30%, your trading account must be opened through this link open live account.

III step. Filling in the application form

After the registration of a live account, you will be suggested to follow the link of bonus type choosing page. Then you will have to fill in the application for one of the chosen types of bonuses, specifying the requested account data. Attention: to get the fixed bonus, it is necessary to upload scanned copy of your national ID or passport.

If you are already the owner of a replenished account, please, follow the link of the welcome bonus page.

IV step. Crediting the welcome bonus to a trading account

As soon as the application form is completed, the information is passed to the bonus charging department which credits your trading account instantly. The fixed bonus is credited to a trading account. Click here to claim bonus

Special offer

Instaforex international broker provides its clients with an unrivalled opportunity to boost the bonus for all trading accounts deposits. Now everyone can increase a standard 30% bonus up to 55%. You can gain such benefits after by opening a fresh live trading account and verify it up-to second level and finally make a deposit to be fully eligible. Instaforex nigeria clients has a privilege to accumulate and get extra bonuses for every replenishment up to 55% and sum it with the initial deposited funds.

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